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To1, A nu Arbor & üorili Hlulilgan Jtiiilwii}'. Tl. MR S( HKllU.K. To l.ikr Hlrd üt oVlork, nooll, Otl Simday, JuiU'2-M, 1884. Tri.iut nni hy (Vnlml Time, (TT1773i'iTilTi"n (;i)iS(; mutii. t 1 -. i_ - ;: -- - s. '5 ï-TAl 1U.NS. o' o. o g L wf65 I'.JI. A.Ml A.M IP.M. S 23 7 06 Toledo ÍI 304 66 5 30 7 11 Manhiitüm JiiDCtion 9 20:4 48 5 40 7 21 A-lest Jmictióil l4 3f) 4X1 7 :) I Hawiiiorne 10 4 HU 5 65 7 1ti Samarla 9 U2 4 22 l (19 8 00 Lulu 8 47 4 04 II ij S 18 Mnnroe Jiinclion 8 42 3 69 li 23 8 : Dundcè 8 30) 60 28 8 37 Macón b Sítí 3 45 6 Sai s 4 Aznlia 8 20 3 40 il 43 8 r Milán .iiiiiciiou osni 4(i il 03 Milan 8 OH 22 (i 51 !l 011 Nora 7 69 3 17 li 68 i 22 UruDia 1 52 8 10 7 0' 9 32 PiUBlIeld Julictlon 7 4(1 3 (I2 7 20 !l 50 Ann Arlior 7 27 2 4 7 37 10 15 Leland 7 12 2 stil 7 ¦)." 10 2S Worden 7 06 2 2T H (KI 10 5[ tipuih L' on 6 50 2 10 ! Connections: At Toledo, wlth rallroads dlverj;intr; at Manlinttan Jnm-tion, Ih Wheeline Jt Lak: Erie K. H.;at Alexis Junciion, with M. C. h. li., l. S. & M. 8. Kv. and P. & I'. M R. R.; at Mnnroe Jnnctlori, with I.. S. Jfc M. S. Ry.: at Dnn4ee, with L. W. 4 M. H. Ky., M. &O. Ry.; al Mllan JnnctioD, wlth Waliaph, St. Luuis & Pnciflc Ry.; al l'ittffleld.with L.s. & M. S. Ky.; at Ann Arbor wiih Michigan Central li. K., and at South Lyon with Deiroit, Lanüing & Nortbiü'u B. 1(., and Grand 'i'runk Ry. H. W. ASHLEY, Genera! Bupt. W. II. IJ ENNE n', Ocjn'l. I'as. AKelit. THE LIBE SELECTEB BT TH-E U. S. OOVT TO CABBY THE FAST MAIL GOING WEST. ONLY LINE BÜNHIIÏG TWO THB0UGH TBAIHS DAILY FB0M CHICAGO, PEORÍA & ST. LOUIS, Tnrough the Heartof the Continent h wy of Pacllic JUDCtiou or Omaha to DENVER, orvia Kansas City and Atchino.i to Denver, conn9c(1nLin Union Depot at Kausas City, Alchison, üuiulia auU Denver with throjgh tralns for SAN FRANCISCO, and all poluta In the Far West. bbortest Llneto KAM SAS CITY, Aud all polnts la the West. TOURiSTS ANO HEALTH-SEEKERS iShould not forget the fact that Rnund Trip tlckc ts at rtHlu ti rates can be purcoased vla tuis reikt Throush ljloe. to all the Health aud Pleasur Keaorts or the west and Houth-West, Ir.cludiun the.Mouutains of COLORADO, the Valley of ttie Vosemlte. the CITY OF MEXICO, and all polnts la the Mexirtin Bepublic. HOME-SEEKERS öhould also rpmember that this line leads direct to the beart of tbeUovernmeut and Kailroad Lundu iu ¦ Nebraska, Kansas, Texas, Colorado and Washington Terrltory. itls knownas the great THROUGH CAR LIME I of America, %ud Is universaüy admltted to be the Fiuest Equlpped Railroad in the World for all cluasen of Travel. Tiiroui;li Tickets na this Hoe for aale at all itullroaii Coupon Ticket Ollices. iu Uie u ulied ijtates and Canada. T. J. POTTER, Vlcg'Pres. and Oen. Manager. PKRCKVAL LOWÏU, (jeu. Pass. Ag'l Chicago. JNO. U. A. BKAN, Oen. EaUern Ag"t, dl7 Broadway, New York, aad JKti WasliiuKtou üt., BosUiu. POST-OFFICE NEWSIPOT. A Fnll Line Of Cheap Libraries! AND STATIONEEY A complete assortment of common and Fancy Note and Letter Paper. Envelopcp, Invitatioii, and Request cards. Writlug Paekets, Fine Box Paper.-, suitable lor pre&ents aiu! :ill kinds ol' Stationeis' BLANK BOOKS Pass Books, Memorandum Books, Scratch Books, Stiulents Note Books, Rerums, Ijegal and Medical Indexes, Bill Books, and uil grades of conunon Note Books. WILLIS KM. Frophetor, And Agent for all Newspapers, Magazines and periodlCHll'. Loss and Gain. cirArTEH i. " I was taken aick a year go WitU bilious fevtjr."1 " My doctor pronounced me curcd, bilt j I got sick asfiiin, with terrible pains in my back and sides. and I gpt so bad I Could not move ! J slirunk! From 22S lbs. tol 20! I had been doo toring for my liver, butit did me noirood. I did not expect to live more tlian thiee montlis. I began to use Hop Bitters. Directly my appetite returned. my pains left me, my entire systcm seemed renewed us f by matfc, áhdáfteruaingseveral bottles I ani not only as sound as a sovereign, but welgh more tlian I did before. To Hop Billen 1 owe my lite." Dublin, June è, 'SI. R. FiTzrATiuCK CHAl'TEK II. " Malden, ÜUm Feb. 1. 1880. Gentlemen- I loffared wlth attacks ui -uk headache." Neuralgia, female trouble, tor years In tli(; most terrible and excruciating nianner. No medicine or doctor couldgi ve me reHet or cure, mi ti 1 I used Hop Hitters. "Tlie lirst bottle nearly cured me;" The second made me a's well ándttrcmg as when a chlld, "And I have been so to th!s day.'1 My luisband was uu invalid lor twenty years with a serious '"liidney. liver and tiriiiary coinplaint, " l'ronoiinced by Boston's best physicians - " Incurable ! " Seven bottles of yoiir billcis curud liim and I know of the "L ves of eiht persons" In Niy neigliboihood Ihat have been aved by your bitters, And many more are uring thein wlth real iiemtit. " They alniost Do iniracles?" -Mm. E. D. Slack. IIow to (et Sick,- Kxpose yourself day and illit; 'at too murh without exercise ; work too iard without rct ; docioiall thu time ; take all the Ie noBtrum adveriUed, and then you will want to know fioic to (et vrll, wliich ia uuswered In tllreu wurda- 'rak Hop Bilters ! t3PT"None irmiine without a bnneb of tfreeu Hops on the wlillo label. ShuQ all tü'e vlle, polsonous, stutl'witli "Hop" or "Hops'Mu tbt'ir name. C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! No. I South Main St., Aun Albor. The oldeat ngeiloy in tbc city. Eatabllstied a qnarter of a oenuiry ao. Ilepreseiitliig tho followinji tlrst-clftus oompaQles i Home lus. (o. of N. Y $7,-)88,(4 Continental Iu8.Co.0fN. Y.... 4,807,442 Niágara Ins. Co. of N. Y 1,874,0:21 Glrard Ins. Co. Of Pliiludelpliia. l,'.rj!,!l(7 Oriënt Ins. ('o. of Hartford 1,419,038 Commerclftl l'nion of Lnntlon. .11,048.043 Liverpool, Londoa and Globe. .34, 40a,ü8ü Kntcs Low. Losses Liberally Adjusted nnd l'romiitly l'aid. C. H. MIIJ-EN. I


Ann Arbor Courier
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