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Baking Powder Figures

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{ THATDONTLIE! . . The Koyal Baking Ponder Co. try to rive the nference tliat their powder contains more Creain 'l'artar and that lts Leavcning; Power is grenter than py oiher made, as stated in their adverttsement on tlie " Comparativo Worth of BáKlnjr Powders," exhibited by black Unes. name was mentloned in connec[urn with one of our cheaper branda, made of difierent materlals as the trade mlght demHnd. Uur Cream Tartur bwnd of AndrcivN Peaii was omltted, evidently for a vcry good reason, judglnf? from the relaUve mertta of Andrew's "Pbakl " and the Hoyal. as clemly demonstrated by the Government Chemist, Dr. Petbb Collier of the Department of Agrirulture, at Washington, from samples received by liiin from dealers who furuUhod the samples from their stocks on band In open market. !hFSaF COLLIERS' ANALYSI8 . v f ¦. U. S. DKPT. OF AOBIOt'LTUHE I , _ - Washington D. C, Maich lü, 1883. j : C. E. Axduews & Co.- Gentlemen : I received by j from Thos. Lydon and J. P, Ilarkins & Co., J .-Tg. Grand Ave., Milwaukee, and Harper Bros., Chica SO. I" ., samples of Andrews' Pearl and Roya] Buka I I m" '-''e cans were in good condition J 0" I ¦ when received and the seals unbrokën. Ifindupon n Cfl fl ¦ alyta that Andrews' Pearl Baking Powder cony SÉSt K 'I -¦ tains aboutfour and a hall (H,) per cent. more 0 I ¦ cream larlar tiian the Koyal Baking Powder, LC S üJ I I alul a proporiionatcly larger percentage ¦ of carbon Ie aeld fas, and I lind n i ite ¦ I ree from aluin, and au y iiijiirious subfia j -I ¦ Hances. I 5 I Bincerely yours, I I PETER COLLIER, fg PP !3 feáS" S. Chemist, Uept. of Agriculture. ?- .- GöTcrnment Chemist Collier's Análisis as to tle Leaveniiig Qualities. royal __mHBBHi Xo wonder the Royal Co. omitted Andrews' Pearl from their " Comparativa List.'' as Government 'Chemist Collier's analysis shows oonclusively two thlngs: ;st, That Andrews' Pearl oontains more Cream Tartar than the Royal, as show ii by the ents above; 2d, That the Lcavening Power of Andrews' Pearl isgreater than the Koyal, as shown by the two black lines above. CHALLENGE. We will Ksve tlie Royal Co. or anj' one else $1.000 or $5,000 if they can prove by any fair mutual test that Andrews' Pearl Baking Powder does, or ever did, contain Blutn or any injurlous substances, and this challenge is open forever. Andrews' Pearl Baking Powder is sustained by a testimonial as to itspiirityand t reiii; l Ii by tlie only genuine commissioued Government chemist, such as the Royal Co. liever have published. Tky It. C. E. AXDREWS & CO., 287, 289 & 291 E. Water St, Milwaukee. 45 Michigan Ave., Chicago.


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