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y fí ROYAL ÍSSWíJ J O POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varíes. A marvel of puíty.streugtliand wholesomeness. Moreeconmic-al thaa the oidinary kimls, andcannot e sold in competitlon witli tlie mulMtude of ow test, sho-t weiylit, alum or phospliate )owders. Sold oiily in cans. Rotai BAKINO 'awDisn Co., íou waii su, n. y. SALTRHEJJÑT And Every Species of Itching and Burning Diseases Positively Cured. IpOZGHA, or Salí Rheum. with Ita aeonizing llch-i íiik and tinrning, instantly relieved by a warm ath wlth Cuticura Soap, and a single appllcatlon f Cuiieura, the groat Skin Cure, This repeated aily, wllh two or three does ot Cutioura Reaolv nt, the Ne Blood Pnrifler, to keep the bloou cool, he perspiration pure and unlrritatiog, thebowel pen, tlie liver and kidneys altivo, will gpeedily cure Cczeina, Tetter, RiiiaH-orm, Psonasir', Lichen fruItus, Scalled Ilead, Dandrnft', and every apéeles of ichlue, Scaly and Pimply Humors ofthe Scalp and Skin, when the best physicians and all knownremdies fail. 1V1I1 ITIlonall. 2.')Í2 Dearborn st., Chicago, iratefully acknowledges a cure of Sal' Rheum on lead, neck, face, urms, and legs lor seventeeu years; not able to walk except on hauds and knees for one ir if ; not al)le tU Li:lp lilmolt' for oigbt jcoiir, uUd mndreda of remedies; permanently cured by Cuicura Regolvent [blood puritterj internally, and Cuicura and Cu.icura Soap, the great akin curea, exernally. F. H. Irake. i:c„ Detroit Mich., suffered untold tonures from San Rheum, which appeared on hlfl hands, híad and face, and nearly dettroyed lis eyes. Alter the most carelul doctoring anda consiiltatiou of phyxiciatig failed to relieve him, he ised the Cuiieura Remedies, and was cured, and laa remained sü to date. Mr. John Tlilel, Wilkesbarre, Pi., writes t- [ have tuffered trom Salt Rheum for over eight yeara, at times so bad that I cnuld not attend to my Jusineas for weeka at a titne. Three boxea of Cuticura, and foiir bottles Resolvent, have entirely cured me of tuis dreadful digease. Sold everywhere. Pricc : Cuticura, 50 centg ; Hesolvenl.ilM) ; Soap, '25 centa. Fotter Urug and Chemical Co., Heston, Mass. Send for " How lo Cure Skiu Diseases." lTTrpïCTJRA SOAP. An exquisite Toilet, j U X X Bath, aud Nursery Saimtive. SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE FOR CATARRII. Complete Treatment with Inhaler for One Dollar. . rpHE Great Baleamic Di.-tillation X ot' Wilch Hazu', American Pine g ('.imilla Kir, Marifold, Clover4fie?3 Blossoms, etc.called Sanford s JES liciial Cure, for the imrae w díale relief aud permanent cure of f k every foim of Catarrh, frim a y simple Cold in the Hniid to Lose E Jj) of Sraell, Taste and Smell, Cimgh aSf aud CatarrhalConsuniption. ComfvKj plete treatment, coneistine of one ( bottle Kadical Cure, oue box Ca l'M - --" tarrhal Solvent and one improved mm %g Inhaler, in one package, may now f'Tl be liad of all Drugt'ists for $1.00. M9 Aek for SANFORD'S RADICAL CUKE. "The only absolute speciflc we know or. -7Timei "The best we hve fonnd in a lifetime of infferi'ne "-Kev. Dr. Wkjgln, Boston. "After a ?oi st u"'le with Catarrh the Radical Cdbe has ei iiTiiiercTl "-Rev. S. W. Monroe, Z-ewisburg, Pa. Thavè not inunda case thatitdidnot relieve at once."- Andrtw Lee, Manchester Mass Potter ükug and Chkjiical Co., iJoston. . ¦ 1. New Ufe for Shattered n f ! IN CiNerves, Painful Máseles and f'Ui-lu"lllOTWeiikened Oreans. Colw VOLTAIC ïin' Voltaic Electric JfSfc I'laster instant ly aflects )? j the nervous system and -Jfe'yl banishes puin, nervousness böaPvand debility. A perfect fSrB1 Electro - Calvante ELECTRIC Bat)ery iii.-.l Pi a ctCRS'"-1 " 'shiy f1'l.O fct cinal I'laster for 2 Us. All druggists. DrCLARKE HO FEE 1 Establised 1851 ( Merrill UntU Botterl DETROIT, MICH. f BlOCk. .--- .1111 ui Thcregalaroldestablliricd VrZ?SñSSñ[ Ihylcin and Surgeon DB. Wf IKAnV CLAKKK, at the old number BfÍ_Wíí}' continuos to treat with his usual IllZiÖ great .klll all private, 1 W% L% l chronic,narvouandpeolal ïLV W cüseaae. DB. CLABKK is ÏT$s2éÊÊZ: the oldest Advcrtising l'hysician, iHítla! as files of Papers show and all MsidcStow. AgeandexperienceimrÜJÍf Óu givn in .ver, a. which to study y' LL '"„nsult the old mêÈmm


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