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The Allen house, Dexter, lias a new l)ani nearly completed. Therewill be noniore preuchiu? service at Doyer until Stipt. 21st. They pelt citizens with stones liurled from süng shots down at Ypsi. Pittsfield farmers report the apple erop below the average considerably. York farmers are brngging about their corn erop, and say t is immense. E. Y. Powell has purchased Mason Lazene s farm in Bridgewater, tor $2,000. The Manchester coramön conhcll are looking up the question of water tor lire purpoeos. Kev. B. C. Mosher, of Dexter, hasgone to Minnesota, where he expects to reside In the future. Mis. J. H. Cleveland, of Detroit, is visUlrig her father, .1. M. Allen, editor of the Dexter Leader. Prof. C. E. Swift, formeily of Lexington, is to have eaargre of tlie Manchester schools this year. Station Agent A. C. Hltohcock of East Milan, was tnarried to Miss Susie A. Maston recently. Tlie golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Goodrich was celebrated at Saline recently, in line style. The last quarterly meeting of the M. E. Church, tor the year, was held at the Dexter church last Sabbath. They cali the skating rink inania " zamplllarotutionigm." Gtaess tlmt's right. Saline has got it. - Observen The democrats of Scio havecalled their caueusforSaturdny, Sept. lüUi, at8p. m., at the Allen House, Dexter. Keese & Kyer's tlireshing machine threshed out 1048 bushels of wheat, on a Pittsfield farm a few days since. Up In Superior Pred. Maulbetseh planted pumpkin seeds and has releed a line lot of Hubbard squash therefrom. Milán proposes to establish a grnded school, and held a meeting last evening tor that purpose. Good for Milan. The new roller rink at Ypsi. is to be 60 xl40 feet. Fun for the feet, and sometimes for other portions of the anatomy. Reported, that A. H. Holmes, several miles east of liere, will with his family, remove to Ann Arbor.- Chelsea Heral'd. Wtt Neebling and C. W. Case were elected school trustees at Manchester, and the sum of $3,000 was voted for school expenses. Manchester village put $1,500 il) the town ti-oivpupy t Külp 1"3' f U ' Kuil. and now the Enterprise wants to know if it can take it back? Jas. Smlth shipped 150 hogs last Friday night. The price paid is about four cents per pound - half a cent more than a year ago. - Chelsea Herald. The farmers are very busy with thei.r seeding these days,and would be extremely pleased to have the great number of ofriceseekers quit bothering them. L. W. Briggs and Geo. S. Sill were reelected as school trustees at the recentan nual meeting at Dexter. The strife was not so ureat as at Ann Arbor. At this writing - Sept. Oth - mercury stands 90 In the shade, yet "the boys" announce the opening hop of the season at öills' hall, Dexter, for Sept. 12th. The iiop erop which bas been gathered in the Southern part of the county, is a light one. As the same is the case in the east, it isprobable the price will be good. E. Gregory as principal, and Misses Ida Ceas and Alice Mc Neil asassistants,comprise the school lbrce of Milau village this year, with one teacher to be choseu. What is the reason that Milán can not have a band to awaken the (babies) and the stilly echoes of the night with music sweet ? There is plenty of musical talent. - Milan Journal. At tlie recent school meeting in Saline H. W. Bassett and 8. W. Chandler were elected trustees, and the sum of $1,700 raised for the ensulnc year. Tliere were 279 children reported in the district. The EasteiO Michigan Agrieultural Society auuounces its IStIi animal exliibition to take place at Ypsilanti, Sept. 28-2(5. Entries open to the woild, part of Wayne county, a slice of Manitoba aud a portion of Alaska included. A fïre in the rag boiler of the Lowell paper mili, just west of Ypsilanti, made things look hot around there for a time last Thursday evening, but tlie ñames were extinguished with the milis' own facilities before seriously damaging auything. Tlie young people of the Presbyteriaan society have orgunized a young people's Christian association. They liold thelr meetings every Sunday evening, for the purpose of studying the Bibleand for the general advancement of Christ's cause. Old and young are invited to come in.- Saline Observer. The Dexter Leader truthfully remarks : I "North and Base Lakes are gettingto be quite popular as places of resort. I ers are coming and going all the time. it I is a notable f act that the prominent 1 ing places of the country are losing grad ually their popularity, while these little I tuland lakes are growing in popular favor I constantly as places of resort.' The Lake Shore tailor went over thel brancli on Tuesday and took the boys'l measurefor unilbrins. It was sad to seel the agonizing looks as the boys succumbed I to tlie operation. But they had to stand I and take it or do worse, as the companyl have decided to dress thcm up so the pub-l lic can teil tliem from ordiuaiy individu-I als. Like "cousin Joe" they-re gom' tol have brass buttons all over 'em.- Man- chester Enterprise. I A Jackson high school girl wants tlicl News to teil her "the raeaning of the In dian name Ypsihuiti." It isn't aii Indmi name at all. It is Greek, and there ar more'n two dozen ways ot spelling it, o record, and the law allows one to pronounee it as he chooses. Hailroad brakemen pronounce it " Slanty," with a peculiar brawl on the first four letters.- uetroit Kvening News. Fremont Pattison is bavtnjt built a moni strous conglomeration of wood and nou which he calis a unicycle. The wheel is 57 feet i circumference, isstayed up with teleraph wire spokes, braced upon lour heuvy timbéis as large asa door frame which will"-o revolvinsr aboutthe head ot the operator, who will occupy a box lulde of the wheel, steering the achine means of wires runnme through holes in hebubs. "Monty'intends to surprise the fair time at na of hu ma"ic wheel, and will make a trtp to KahSSU on it, so he says. Judging trom the size of the machine and the weight of the timbers we should tl. nk would be a great success on a clown hill ' run- Ypsilauthm. i WÊÈÈÈÊÊÊÊ I yet these are only two of tlie gieat enterprtsei of Michigan. Tlie paradise oí Michigan appearstobe tlic Manitou islanda olí' Leelenaw oounty in Lake Michigan, wliich coiitiiin 25 sections of surveyed laad, or l"),360 acres, nearly all of which is splemliil fimning land, "and have quite a targe population. who appear to live happily without a s;iloon, doctor or lawfer. Georgp, James and "Williuin Woodman f Washington, who have had so tmich ülfflculty with the T., A. A. & N. M. R. R. durinfí the past few nionths, gettled their o-rievances with thatcompany on Monday last, through its attorney, T.W.Whitney of St. Louis. Each recived $25 for the rlglU-of-wy, being in full íor all clainis aiul dmand8. In the proceeilings already begun ajíaiust the company, the


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News