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A Hule bhower Sunday- tüankful for imall favors. _ Democratie city eaucuses are culled for tuis ewning. The prohibltion county convention is oh the docket for Sept. 24th. That oíd gag about oysters, and the month wlth ai) r In it, is on tap now. Anevvgiin sliop has been openeil by Edward Pate, at No. 35, N. Main street. Ooiiníy Cierk Kobison has a fine speeimen of a juley, plnmp felón on his Ieft hand, and lie is very choice of it. The latest eraze among the boys is the collection of post niarks. The tobáceo t;ig mania hns subaJded somewhat. There were 31 new members received into the M. E. church lastSunday, ne.irly all of whom had been probationers. . The high school attenduncc this year is reported as very large, the nutnber of föreign pnpils, judged by tuition paid in, s in excess of former years. Welch post G. A. R., will put their new military drama on the boards at the Ann Aibor opera house, on Wednesday, üct. lst, the second day of the county fair. A cow was run over on the T., & A. A. R. R. Mouday, about a half mile south of town, by the passenger train coming noith. J. W. Rogers owned the animal. Mis. Ellen Upson has sold her brick vesidence on Forest ave., Oth ward, to Mr. Gardner, of Detroit, for $3,500. The sale (lid Dot Include all the land, however. John Frey, proprietor of the Northern brewery died on Friday evening last of quick consumption, at liis home in the "th ward, aged 37 years. Funeral held Sunday r. m. John and Dorcas Carroll, of the 4rh ward, lost their little daughter Lillie by ileath last Sunday, the 7th inst., and funeral services were held Ttiesday from St. Thomas' church. The authorities of the fair in progress at Toledo, have received positivo assurance that Gen. Logan will be la attendiince to-morrow. A gentleman named Hendricks will also be there, and it will probably be a big day. A. D. Sej'ler says he is not a candidato for anythlng hut business, and he ha3 all of that he can attent! to. The eounty treasury has no charms tor him. So his name has been crossed otf the Courier slate published last week. Chas. Xorton, of Dixboro, who went west for his health some time since, died at Burlington, Kansas, of consumption, and his remains veachetl here Saturday last. ïte was 24 years oíd. Funeral held Monday, from St. Thomas' church. Col. John Atkinson, of Detroit, will speak to tlie people of tliis city and vicinlty at the court house, on Thursday evening, 8ept. 18th, upon the political issues of the day. Col. Atkinson is an eloquent speakerand will not fail to entertain liis audience. The T., A. A. & N. R. R. are givlng cheap rides to the tri state fair at Toledo this week. The agent at Ann Aibor sells return tickets for 1.90 admitting to the fair, and to-day and to-morrow will sell tickets for $1.50 admitting to the fair but good to return same day only. Officer John Gillen, of Saline, uiadetlie captuie of Ellis Straub last Monday nlffbt, who escaped f rom Ion ia house of correclion some time in May, where lie was ¦erring a two years' sentence for stealing horses. Gillen took his man to Ion ia Tuesday, and reeeiyed the $50 reward otlered for his capture. Mías Carrle M. Comstock, of this city, who received a $900 clerkship at Washington, recently, in the secretary's office oí the treasury departnient, ander the civil seryice rules, has reported for, and been Mtlgned to duty. Miss Comstoek is a high school gradiiate of '80, and has since been a teacher in the 3d ward school. Goodiich & Guiñan, dealers in ckrtbing, lints, caps, etc., doing business at No. 16 S. Mam St., made an assigninent to Joel W. Hamilton last Thoraday. The immedlate cause was the preMing of a $1,200 credltor. The firm had nleo executed a $500 chattle mortagfl to secure the mother of Mr. Goodrich for money advanced them. The stock Inyentories $4,000 and tlie Üabilities are placed :it $2,800. Asaloadof colored people wereoó their way to Whitmore Like last Thursday, tliey passed the farm of Michael Uraun, a few miles north of this place. As they drove by Mr. Braun was at the well pnmplng water, and they balled him, and wanted him to bi ing them some. This he refosed to do, saying if they desircd any water, there was ])lcuty of it and a cup to drink it out of. One of the party Uien lampad out of the wagon wtth the asserWon that "you wou't biing us any water, P' and picking up a stone assaulted Braun, who was then suffeiinu; from a brokea arm which he carried in a sling. raun's hired man coming to his rescue, a general melee ensued, in which both liunself and his hired man were sevcrely handled. The colored men were arrested and jiiiled, one of them, Wm. McCoy, on a charge of assault with intent to kill, and twoothers, Marshatt and Gay, on a charge f assault. Their examination will be be're Justice Freanff next Friday. The "l'ove version of the aftair is the one in general circulation here. Caucus . dlls un 2d page. Republicans should read the caucus calis on editorial page. Kemember datos and places. J. 11. üregory of this place was ínarried at Saline Sept. 1, to Miss Oathariue Dufl'y, of Canada. Jerome JoIidsod, formerly of Saline, has moved uto the toU gate on the Saline gravel road as keeper. llave you seen the new illustrated weekly that has risen up to take the place of Harper's Weekly. It is a beauty, clean, clear, and sound politically. Boughton at the postofflce, has it. W. W. Hannan, well known in this city, made a sale ot' Detroit real estáte on Friday last, aggregating $20,000. Of that amount $-1,500 was for our enterprising townsman, Joe T. Jacobs. There were three car loads of excursionista in town last Thursday. They carne on the Toledo & Ann Arbor R. R. from Howell and South Lyon, and had a good time ve should judge. The M. C. R. R. side track to Swift's mili sto be extended to tlic Aun Arbor agricultural company's works on the opposite side of the street. A set of railroad scales have been put in at the milis, also. _ Postmuster Kuowkon, with his aceustomed überality, has made all the employés of the post office happy by giving each one of them a vacation of ten days, to be taken during the suminer and f all montlis. H. D. Platt, Benj. Brown and J. W. Wing, commissioners In the estáte of John Henley, met at the probate office Monday, and partitioned the real estáte j of that estáte amoiig the heirs - consisting of three daughters. The value of the entile estáte was about $20,000. It was Torn Hood who experienced such hot weather that he wanted to ''take off bis flesh, and set in his bones." Many Ann Arborites would have been glad to have done siuiilarly the past week. That Manitoba wave promised by the weather bureau, spent all its forcé on Chicago, and didn't reach us. Seeretary and Treasurer Fairchild, of the Washtenaw Mutual Insurance Co., is at present engaged in making out the annual assessment. According to his arithmetic he linds the figures will be P1.75 on $1,000 insurance for losses during the year eniling August íílst, '81, includlng expenses of the society to Jan lst, '85. _ Eveiy Saturday, of Detroit, says: "The McGibeny family are indeed remarkable la their way, and the musical entertainment they are glving nlghtly at this theater is notable for its great variety and excellence of detail. In short, they Dever fail to please an audience. There will be a matinee to-day : closing concert tonight." Gen. John A. Logan, the repubhean candldate for vice-president, accompanied by Gen. Alger, of Detroit, republican candidate for governor, will pass through Ann Arbor next Monday, on the train passing here at 10:12, and will make a brief stop at Ypsilanti. Gen. Logan will address the people of Grand Rápida in the evening. The Evening Record, published at Adrián by S. V. Beake$, is now a regular j visitant to our sanctum table. It gives j evidence of having a master hand at the helm, is well fllled with news, tastily arranged, and evidences in its adveitising column? a good patronage. May it prove a bonanza to its publisher, who is i worthy gentleman. A very pleasant social gatheiing occurred at the new basement rooms under the Free Church.Dixboro, Saturday ev'ng. L-'ream served to 125 persons. The rooms are very pleasant. All are pleased at the Inal completion of the basement for use. During the evening Mr. Vanderwort made a speech, in which he presented for the Free Church people an envelope of money to Rev. John M. Shank and wife, as a present to them. The last issue of Detroit's Evory Saturday predicts that Geo. F. Robison, (formerly of Ann Arbor) will be the next prosecuting attorney for Wayne county. [t may be so. But you can't most always, sometimes, frequently, very often teil liow many chickens there are in the eggs before they come through the shcll. Frank is a capital fellow, just the same, notwithstanding his objeetioiuible political views. Randall Schuyler, at one time oue of the best known citizens in Ann'Aibor, who died recently at the home of kis son, Dr. Schuyler, of Milan, was ticket and f reight agent of the M. C. R. R. for a score of years or more, and as such was very popular with the people. Subsequently he was elected as supervisor of the 5th and Gth wards of this city.jwiiich offioe he held for two terms. He was one of the origin. al Odd Fellows, and had belonged to the first lodge of tkat order in the Union. At the time of hls death he was about 75 years of are. Robert Popkins, one of our oldest pioneers, and most respected citizens, bas considerable history of the early days of this city and stowed away in his meniory. Ilis people carne to Ann Arbor as early as 182G, whe he was a mere child, and siuce theu he has watched the gradual but splendid growth of the city and its surroundlngs, and has all the changos and improvements noted down, from the days of Ami Aibor's extreme infancy to her grand womanhood of today. It strikes us that liecould contribute some valuable history to the pioneer society's archives. Speaking of wheat this year, a friend from Dakota writes : I have been in Tower City a month. We are just upon the divide detween the Red River valley and the James River valley, and right in themidstof the wheat-raising section of North Dakota. East of us is the Dalrymple farm, with its 40,000 acres under cultivation. Thisyear there are two fields of wheat- one of 10,000 and the other of 11,000 acres. When I passed through last week, they were in the midst of the harvest, using 200 harvesters to cut the entire erop. It is estimated that Cass county will harvest 5,000,000 bushels of wheat this year. The yield is enormous, and hetween Cusselton and Fargo, a distance of 20 miles, nothing could be seen two weeks ago except lields of wheat reaching back on each side of the railway just as far as yon could see, a distanoe ofsix or eight miles, perhap?.