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Prof. J. B. Steere is soon to move back into the city. E. B. Abel is in New York for a two weeks' absence. Miss Susic Clark bas returned trom i visit to Mende in Detroit. Chas. Hendricks took in the City of the Straits Monday - all straight. Burtron D. Keith, of Jackson, visited relativos in the city Friday last. J. H. Day spent Bunday in Wayne, where his wife is visiting at presjnt. Gib Bliss has been on the sick list for a few clays, being attacked with a species of malarial fever. A. L. Noble has had a severe attack of nflamation of the bowels during the week past, but is convalescing. Mis. Day accompanied by her nephew, John Ferdon, started for Petoskey and Bay View Monday evening. D. E. Osborne and wife sailed froni San Francisco for China Tuesday, Sept. 2. His present address is Tientsin. Dr. U. D. Billmeyer and wife- nee Miss Wallace- left Aim Arbor Monday for theirliome in Chattanooga, Tenn. Miss Mattie Smitli, of Port Hurón, has been revisiting her former home and frlends, the guest of Prof. J. IS. Stoere. Kev. S. Cleinens aud Peter D. Woodrufl', both residents of Forest ave., 6th ward, have been seriously ill during the week. Hale Blisn has been visiti njr his parents in Ann Arbor dnring the week. Hale is druggist to the Cook oounty (Chicago) hospital. Miss Carrie Qelston, gradúate of the high school, accompanied her sister Anna to Wellsley College last Monday, to complete her studies. Frank P. Bogardus, of Ypsilanli, who is making t hot for the boys on the sheriff question, was a caller at the Coirieu office Friday last. J. A. Keith of the Caro Jefferaoninn, made a few hours' stay in town Monday. He reports everything prosperous in the "ttautnb" reglón of Michigan. Geo. Grossman, of Detroit, fomierly a Coumkk coinp. came home yesterday to attend the wedding of his friend Geo. Wahr, which occurs tliis evening. Stockbridge Sun:- "A. J. Sawyer, wife and son of Ann Arbor, C. W. Sawyer of Chelsea, and Miss Fannie Sawyer of Corning, N. Y., visited at Wm. B. Gildart's. Mouday." Julius V. Seyler lelt Ann Arbor for Detroit Monday luorning, where lie has accepted a positiou as instructor in the Detroit Conservatory of Music, of which Prof. Hahn is the proprietor, and where he will reside permaneutly hereafter. Mr. Seyler stands at the head in his profession, and is a young man that our city may well feel proud of. Noble It. Waterman and family, and Ed. D. Waterman and wife, returned froni Pennsylvania and Virginia last Thursday, to remain fora few weeks with relativos, etc. The boys have been in the county history publishlng business in those states, and look as If the people had used them well down there. Ed. hasn't lost his penchaut for telling a good story yet. The last Albion Republican had the followiog items of a local nature : Mrs. C. T. Parker and daughter Louise.have been in Albion this week. The former will vislt a sister in Constantiue and then return to Ann Arbor. MissLouise goes to ludepeudence, Mo., to take charge of the musical department in a feraale seminary, a position l'or which she is emineutly qualifleri, both from past esperienee as a teaclierand thefact Ihat she has speut a year in the Boston Conservatory, the pupil of the distiuguished Dr. Maas. B. J. Conrad and wife, of Aan Arbor, drove from that place to Albiou in a carriage, arriring here on Friday. Tney took two days for the jouruey, stopping nu hour each day lo have a picnic dinuer undera waysldetree, and enjoyed the ride. Mrs. C. is a daughter ot' Ira Koster, and while she was visiting her parents and otlier triends, her husband fooled his time away by going to Lanslng as a delégate to theslaXe rpohibition convention. Yes, il's a fact, B. J. has got all the prohibitiou argumenta at his tougue'send,and can project thein as vehemently, and abuse the republican party as rouudly as any of 'em. Samuel Krause and Miss Emma D. Schairer, both of this city, were united in the bonds of matrimony, Tuesday. There was a special meeting of the common council Monday evening to consider the new grade for the sidewalk asked for on the west side of Main street bctweeu Elurou and Washington. Mr. Story, an artist from Detroit, has opened a photographic gallery in the rooms on Huron st., formerly occupied by Mr. Lewis. He is a good workman, and deserves patronage. M. M. Peck, formerly clerk at the St. James, whose illness has been noticed in these columns, died Tuesday noon, hisdif. ease being typhoid malaria. Funeral services were held in the parlors of the hotel this forenon, conductedbyHev. W. II. Kider. His remains were taken to Ypsilanti for interinent. Of the famous McGibeny Family, who are to appear at the Baptist church on Friday evening next, the Dayton Herald says: "Association Hall was well til led last night by a most appreciative audiencc to hear the McGibeny family in one of their novel entertainments. The father, mother, and eleven sous and daughters took part in the concert and gave one of the most original and interesting performances. Each number on the program was received with hearty encores which were answered twice md thrice by the obligiiijr performers. No entertainment bas ever been given in this city that from an artistic standpoint bas been so universally eniertolnlng. A return visit of this musical family wntild fill Music Hall and t is to be hoped that a return may be looKed fur."