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FAC-SIMILES OF U. S. TREASURY ' AND NATIONAL, BANK BILLS, Conslsting of nine exact imitations of Unlted States Treasary Notes, and nlne of Natlonal Bank Bills, elghteen In all, of varlous denominations. Asa rare means of detectIng counterfeir, money they are invaluable. ! Postal cards not answered. A. LANSING, 381 Bowery, New-York City. ! 1207-19 j H. ü I T XJ H. El ! EÜAN'S TMPERIAL TRUS8. É?_B This new Truas Iias -a tpiral tyring and graduasSÖ" ATBi FUÏ88UKK ; yields to every inotion, retainïni; L the hernia alv;. Worn day and niijht witta ruindBflfe frt. Sentón trial. Endose Suuin lor fin ui ir. " TJP" Used ín University Hoipitais. EGAN'S IMPERIAL TfíUSS CO.. Box 2288, Ann Arbor, Micft. Office, Ilamilton Block. Ann Arbor. A FINE SUITE -OF Rooms fop Offices OVER THE NEW POST-OFFICE. SUPPLIED WITH WATER AND biEM. Those recently occupled by De. Wii.son can now be ren ted by inqulrlng at the COURIER OFFICE. LÏfMBERI LUMBER! LUMEER! lf yon contémplate buikling, cali at FERDON litii!i;i lm! Corner Fourth and Depot Sts., and ge our figures tor all kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture our own Lumbcr and guarautee VERY LOW PRiCES aS-Give ns tl rail and w1 will make it to your interest, as our larpe and well graded stock fully sustains our assertion. Telephone Connections with Office. T. J. KEECH Supt. JAMES TOLBERT, PropT) EPORT OF THE CONDITION -OF THE- FARMERS' Si MUM' BANK AT ANf ARBOR, MICHIGAN, On ITIonday Julj. 7, 1S84. Made In accordance with the General Banking Luw of Michigan. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts„ 133,243 73 Overdrafts 8 5 Furniture and Fixtures 3,497 Oü Checks and other Cash Items 1,172 07 Dae from Banks and Baukers 15,l60 M Legal Tender and Bank Notes !.tt6 M Gold _ 8,449 80 Stlver, Nickels, etc l,2l 9 Bonds, U. S 3,800 00 School bonds ÍW7 31 Premium ou U. S. Bonds 5!I2 25 8178,608 57 LIABILITIES. Capital paid in 8 50.000 00 Surplus Fuud 1,303 77 Proflt and Loss 43 05 Due Depositors 125.5l 75 Divldends unpaid 1.7U0 (K) 174,688 57 I do soleranly swear that the above statement is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. William A. Tolciiard, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, thi seveuth day of July, 1884. W.M. W. Wiiedon, Notary Public.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News