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ITtllïlTnTHiisiiiliiililllWlllliiiïiiiiii The Kev. J. K. Searles, of New York, is mie of the most widcly-known and highly esteemed of Methodist ministers. Mr. Searlps naj'n : " I am iirrnrcssed that it is a dutv I OWetOtttOU alHirtc.l uith Khriimuiisni or NtiUral triii to say that n remedy luw 1m;i-u maoovered that in ïii'leel a morveloufl BU008U. My son was irreatly aflllúted witü Rhtfumatism, and Hiiftrtl sosevBrelj that iit timen. wan oblijicd to liau1, inorphine in jected tnto hia arm to fret relief. Whiloin tuiscou dition tie (liwcovered a reniedy wbiaü effectea üxuue diato relief, anda permanent ture. HehusHim-utur nihd it to many other v illi tho name randt. I havo mIho fiiriiiK!i.-] it to a number of peiMnim Hufferinw withUhüimuti in, HTidt'uMVHiilthiiH been imim-diuto relief. amia iwmianeutcure. AniongotherB, Imm'it toliev. Win. V.C trblt, pastor of the Gegrjpa St. M. E Churuh, N'w Haven, CouuMwhowaBSufferawfreatIj with tlii-í terrible ¦ Uetisq. I wiU frive you Iiih out worda aa writtéü to my won. wishing bun to pubiiwi tho fact for tho benuüt oí othera buffuriuíf with thu Ëaino discatic." Wïiat Mr. Corbit Say: " New Haven, Julv 24. 1882. "Mr. Searles: Dear Sir:- I wish to eayforthe beu efttof all whoare suflerintiwith Infliuiimatiu'yRhüu ïuatiHui, that your modiciDO is infullible. I miffem fortwo iiioiitl'iH tht; niont exerueiatiiiK torturo ; lont 35 poundn of fl'h, and was not out oi uiy houe foi a month ; I hoard of your remedy, and wan almoni iiirttantly relleved hy it If thero íh a Hieciñcfor die easet of aiiy kind, your9iiiontc(jrtaiiily is for Inflaiu mutorv KhüimiutiHin in itn Hevorost fonu. " Yoiirs most rejectfully, Wm. P. Corbit, j " Pastor George Bt Ba. E. Church. New Havou, Coun.' Such is Athlopiioros - a thorongh and ' efficiënt cure for the worst cases of Kheumatism umi Neuralgia. If you cannot et Athlophoros of your druffist wo will seud it expi-eKH paid, ou rewij't of reg-iüar priee- ono dollar per bottle. Wo prefer that you buy it from your droggtet, bt if he haau't it, do not bo I'crsuailed to try Homctuiug elwe, but order at onco from uk as directed. ATHLOPHOROS CO., 112 WALL ST., NEW YORK. III1I1F"""'""" W' n '""""""""" M. L. Blair, Aldennaii ötli ward,Sorn ton, l'i'., stated Nov, 'J, '83, lie liad use Ur. TbouiHS' Eclectrlo Uil For spniin.buins, cuU and ilieumiitlsm. Young DiiiIi.1}', hearing Of a ;al-ii tlay a Nüwport, sak! lie vvoulil nof. sumiller ut ; place wlieie ilicre i-re not iiiüiu "galb L 1 1 . 1 1 1 that. - Boston Qu zette. Skiiiny Men. "Wells' Ilealtli Kenewer" restore healili :uul vigor, cures Dyspepsla, lm notenee, .Sexual Debility. 1. "Englisli obeese and lettuce must b eaten together.'! '11 1 is (a piirtlcúlarl rouli oo the lettuce, wliicli il nota ba soit of a vegetable lo its way.- New Yoi-i Graphir. Ebtrbath & Sou tho Driií!"íisls,wlio aro always lookinj; al ter the interest? Of their cwtonierti hav iiovv seciTred tlie sale of Dr. Bosnnko' Cougb aml Lnng tsyrup, a remeily tlm never fails to eure Cokls, l'ains in th Cliest and all Ltmg Adectious. Forproo] try it free sample bottle. Regular size "' centí and f 1.00. A liarber says - barbéis are forever say ing sometbing - that it is the rlch and no the poor man who becomes bald the soon est, The barbel is probably rUrlit. A poor man's ble?sinr, you know. The Ier t h ere is to Inherlt, the moreabaudant the hei is. - liostou Transcript. Skill vs Ignrace. Asa perfect pharmaceutical prepuratloi we are told that llood's Sarsapatilla sur passes any proprletary artiele upon the maiket. Even to our inexperieneed eye we see positlve indications of the trutb o the foregolng. A glunce at the artiele shows the sertipulous neatiiess and eau wltli wliioh the detail of iis inanuf irtui'e and putting op muit be conducted. These pollita are of importanee in any business, but In the manipiilatlOBS of remedies for tlie relief of human aiifferlng tbey become of supreme Importanee, and onlv sueh medicines are worthy pnbllc confldence. That was a very solemn thoiirli uncon8CÍOU8 joke perpetraled by the Pottsville pólice on the Fourth, when they erected m arch over the entraiice to the station houe and painted " welcome" on it in very large Phlladelphla Time. George Campbell, Ilopkinsville, Ky., says Burdock Blood Bitters is the best preparation for the Blood and Stomach ever manufactured. It does seem as if the only riglits the white men are willing to concede the rei man, are funeral rites. - Boston Courier Den't Die in the House. " Rougb on Kats." C'lears out rats. nilee i roaches, bed-bugE, flies, mts, moles, chiri munks, gophers. 15c. 1 . _f A Del Xorte lawyer s'iys the term duces tecum means where you take 'em wltl threc deuces. - Coloiado Independent, Just as Good. Many unscrnpulous dealers may teil yoi they have remedies for Coughs and Colds equal in nierit and in every respect just as K'xxl as tlie old reliable Dr. Bosanko Cougli and Lung Syrup, unlessyou insist upou tliis remedy and wlll take no other you are liable to be greatly deceived Price GO cents and $1.00. Soíd by Eberbtch &Son. They have justcompleted a " flat-house' in New York City, 1") stories high. People living on the upper flat complain of havintr their sleep disturbed by celestial choir rehearsals. - Peck's tun. LHphthena poisons the blood, Convalescents should take Hood's Sarsaparilla to neutralize and eradicate the iioNon matter. " The hand that rocks the eradle is the hand that rules the world." It is the handot the hiretl gul - New Orleans l'icayune. "ltoiijrli on Kuis." Clears out rats, mice, ronches, flies, ante, bed-bugs, skunks, chlpmuoksi gophers, 15c. Druggists. Tlie cheaper the cigar the more persisten tly does the cheap smoker puil' it in the faces of his fellow travelers.- Lowell Courier. Bad Drainagk causes sickness; bad blood and improper aotion of thelivcrand kidneyi is bad drainage tothe human system, whicli Burdoek Blood Bitters rtme ly. "Mankind Is rlslng Uigher and hlgber as time ;ocs on," remarks a phllo8opher. So are the bottoms of the stiawberry meiisuros. Hard to Celiove. It is hard to believe that a man was cuied of a Kidney discuse after his bodv was wolten as big as a barrel and he had been given ,lp a8 inc,iraijie allt) lay at leath's door. Yet such a cure was accomplished by Kidncy-wort in the person of M. M. Devereaux of Ionia, Mich., who says: "After thirtcen of the best doctors in Detroit had given me up, I was cu red by Kidney-wort. I want every one to know what a boon It is." If Noah, on his famous voyaga, was in need of supplies and had nothlng with wbich to buy them, where would he go? VVliy to the Ark-tick House, to be s'ure. This style is twenty-flvo cents.- Boston Star. "Bueliupaiba." Qulck, complete, cures all annoying Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Diseases. $1. Drugglsti A Connecttcut paper has an acoountof a wedding in Qilead. This must have bren the halm of (Jilead W6 l'end bout. - Boston Star. ¦ ¦ i 3-Qiianiily niid (Jualily. In the Diamond D.v's morecoloring Isiven than In ' any known dyes, and tbey give taster and more brillan! colora. 10a at all draggluts. Wells, Kichanl.Hon &Co., Burlington, Vt. ' Sample ( !ard, 2 ooiera, and book of directions for 2c. stamp.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News