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To'eöiv, Am Albor & Soriïi HfchlfM liuilway. T1MB BCHSptTLB. 'l'uiil.c cnbcl ;it 12 o'clpck, nooit, on 8wnday, June 32(1, 1884. Tnilns run by Culitru] Tlnio, ,;i.l ¦(, viimi. OUlNG SOUTH. I, f _. -ij si 'S STATIONS. 5 3 l'.M. A.M l.JJ ¦¦ r 25 7 lift Toledo 30 I 55 ft .'10 7 II Manhnttiui Junction !l ÜO í 4N r. JU 7 21 Alex.Iuncllcn I I 4 3ift 4 7 : Ilawillornu i'l 10 4 81) .-, 65 7 4C, Samarla 02 I 22 1(3 09 8 0Ü l.ulll 47 4 01 H 14 8 ]T Monroe .Imiction S 42 ;i SB ti 38 8 80 Diiuilce 30X 50 2Xj 8 37 Macon 8 2H.3 45 fi aal 8 4ii Azulia 8 20 3 40 li 43 8 59 Milan .lui.clliin K W:i 25 0 4 (I O.'i Milan 8 OKIS 22 8 51 !l Ui) Nora 7 69 3 17 li 5K 9 22 Urania 1 52 3 10 7 01 II 32 1'itMielü Junctlon 7 40 8 Hij 7 20] II .".o Aun Arlior 7 27 2 491 7 3710 lí Leiand 7 12 2 !KI 7 45 10 23 Worden 7 00 2 a5i 8 00 10 5 Souih L'on t) 50 2 11)1 Connections: At Toledo, witli rallroads divcrginL'; at Manhattan Juiirtion, wilh Wheeling 4 Lakt; Krle K. K.: at Alexis J unction, with M. C. 1' li., L. S. Sc M. S. Ky. nnd P. & P. M R. K.; at Monroe Jiinctiiin. wit'ti L. S. & M. H. Ry.; at IJundi-c, with 1-. 8. M. S. Ky.. M. & O. Ky.; at Milan Jimaion. with Wabash, St. Louis & Pucinc Hy.; at Pittslleld, with L. S. A M. S. K.V.; at Ann Arbor wilh Michigan Central li. K., and at SoDth Lyon with Dclroit, Lanhing & Northern R. K., and Grand Trunk iiy. H. W. ASI1LEY, General Bupt. W. H. BENNETT, Gen'l. Paal. Agent. THE LIHE SELECTED BY TH-E TT. S. OOVT T0 CABRY THE F AST MAIL COITVO 'WEST. ONLY LINE RUNNING TW0 THB0UGH TRAINS DAILY FR0M CHICAGO, PEORÍA & ST. LOUIS, Through the Heartof the Continent h way of Paciiic Junctlon or Omahu to DENVER, or via Kansas City and Atchieo.i to Denver, conneotlngin Unlou Depots at Kansas City, Atchiaon, tiiiianu iui.i Denver with throjgh tralns for SAN FRANCISCO, and all poluta in the Far WesL bhortest Uueto KANSAS CITY, And all polnts in the West. TOURISTS ANO HEALTH-SEEKERS Öhould not forget the factthat Kound Trip tickets at reduced rates can be purchaaed vla tlils (.rent Tlironglt IMne. toall the Health and Pleasurc Itesorta of the west and W eet. lucluding LheMoiiiitalua of COLORADO, ttie Val ley of the Vüseojite, the CITY OF MEXICO, and all poluts lu the Mexican Republlc HOME-SEEKERS Shouia also reniember that thls line leads direct to the neart oí the (.iovernmeu t and Itailroad L.auds in Kebraska, Kansas, Texas, Colorado and Washlng. ton Territorv. Itis kiiowuaa thegreat ÏHROÜ8I1 CAK LINE f America, ajid la uuiveraally admlttetj to bt the i i nc-i Equipped Railroad in the World far all claneH of Travel. Through Tickets via thls line for sale at all Railroad Coupon Ticket Ollices lu Uie United utatea and Canada. T. J. POTTER, Vice Preo. and Oen. Manager. l'KKCEVAL LOWELL, Gen. Pass. Agt Chicago. JNO. U. A. BEAN, Oen. Eaatern Ag't, 617 Broadway, New York, aud Wt Washington m., Uoslou. -.T THE POST-OFFICE NEWS BEPOT. A Pull Line Of Cheap Libraries! AND STATIONEEY A complete assoi tment of comiuon and Fancy Note and Letter Paper. Envelopes, Invitatlon, and Request cards. Writlng Packets, Fine T!ox Papers, sultabl" lor presente mid uil kindsol' Stationeis' guppiles. BLAUK BOOKS Pass Books, Memorandum I$ooks, Sciatcli Books, Stndents Note Books, Rerums, Legal and Medical Indexes, Bill Books, and all fjradt'S of counnon Note Books. WILLIS E01I52T0S. Prooriotor. And Agent for all Newspapers, Magazines anti periodicalp. Loss and Bain. CHAl'TEll I. " [ was taken piek a yenr jigo Wïth biliotis lever." " My doctor pronounced mecured, but IgotMck aifiiin, with terrible pallia in my back aiul sules, and I got so bad I C'ould not move ! I ibrnnkl From 288 Ibs. to 1201 I luid been doetoring for niy liver, bntit did me nojrood. I did not expert to live more tli:m three uionths. I began to use Hop Bitters. Directly 1113' appetlte returned, my painsleft me, my entire systcin seemed ren e wed as Ifby magie, andafteruálngseveral bottles I am not 011I3' as sound as a Borerelgn, but weigb more than I did before. To Hop Bitters I owe my lite." Dublin, June 6, '81. R. Fitzi-atrick CII-WTEIl II. " Muiden, Maes.. Feb. 1. 18X0. Gentlemen- I siifl'ured with attneks ofnick headache." Neuralgia, témale trouble, for ycar? in the most terrible and exorudating nianner. No medicine or doctor fiould give me reliet or eure, untll 1 used Hop Bitters. "The ftret bottle Dearly cured me;" The second made me as weïl and stfong is when a eliild, "And I have been so to this day.'' My husband was au in valid for twenty 'ears with a serums 'Kidney, liver and urlimry complnint, " Pronounced by Boston'a best physicians - " Incurable ! " Seven bottles of your bitters cured hiiu ind I know of the "Llvea oTelght persons" In niy neighborliood that have been aved by your bitters, And many more are using them with 'reat benent. " They alinosl Do miracles?" -Mn: E. J). Slack. How to Oet Sick,- Exposé yourself ilay aud ilgbt; 'wt too much without exerclse; work too ard witliout rest ; doctorall the limo; tnkeall the vile iKiHiniins iidvtTiiicd, and Uien you wilt want to know how to gtt wtll, whicli la laiswcrud In tliree words- Take iloj) Bitter ! fSNonp fenutne without a lunioh of green Hopsen (bi white label. Shan all the vlle, poisonoiiH, NtiiH'wllli "Hop" or "Hops'Mu tlu'lr naiuü. C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! ïio. I South Main SI., Anti Arbor. ThpoMest nRPicy In the city. Estubllslied qusrter ol t oentury uk". KppreHcutlng Uu? foiiowiuK llrit-olau oompanlea : Home Ins. Co. of N. Y $",-188,645 Continental Ins. Co. of N. Y 4,807,442 Niágara tns. ('o. of X. Y 1,874,0-24 [Jlrard Ins. Co. of L'hiladelphia. 1,259,907 Drtent Ins. Co, of Hartford 1,410,529 üommercial Union of Londpn . .1 l,04iJ,94;j [jtrerpool, London and Globe. .84,403,080 [tatos Low. liOSses l-iborally Adjustcd and I'roinpt ly Paid. O. H. MILLEN. I


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News