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iCROYALBSE'oIÏ J B POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tliis powder never varíes. A marvel of puïty, strength and wholesomeness. Moreeconimical tlian the ordinary kinis, and cannot )i: sold in competltlon witli the niultitude ol ow test, slict weighl, aluin or phospliatc owders. Kold only In cans RoYAL Bakino Powdku Co., 10U Wall St.. N. Y. SALT RHEUM And Every Species of Itching and Burning Diseases Positively Cured. FjCZE.MA, or SaltRhcuin.with its agon'ziug ItchJ ing aud hurning, instuutly reheved by a warm jttrh wlth Outicura Soap, and a single appUcation )f Cutlcnra, thu great Skin Curo, This repeated laily, wlth two or three doses of Cuticura Resolv ;nt, the Nev Blood Pnrifler, to keep the blood cool, ;tie peispiration pure and unirritating, the bowels )pen, the liver and kldneys actlvevwlll spuedlly cure ïczema, Tetter, Ringworm, Psoriasis, Lichen Cru¦uut?, Scalled Head, üandruff, and every species ol' [iching. Scaly and Pimily Ilumors of the Scalp and ikin, wben the best physicianB nd all kuownrem;dies fail. Wlll M lonald. 2542 Dearbornst., Chicago, íratelulty acknowledeö a cure of Sair Hheuin on tiead, neck, face, urnip, and lees tor geren teen years; not abie to walk except ou hands and knees for one year: not able to help himself foreight yeare; tried hundreds of remedies ; permanently cured by Cuticura ReBolvent [blood pnriñerj internally, and Culicura and Cu jcura Soap, the great ekin curea, externaily. # F. II. Itralii'. Ks.. Detroit Mich., sufl'ered untold tortarea l'rora Sau Kheurn, which appeared on his hands, h(;ad and face, atd nearly dettroyed nis eye?. Ait'ir the most careful doctorinjí anda consilltation of physiciana lailed to relieve bim, he used the Cuticura Remedies, aud was cured, and haB remalned au to date. Mr. -John Tlilcl, Wilkeabarre, P., writes :- I have tmftered trom Salt Kheuni tor over etght years, at tunes eo bad that I could not attend to my business for weeks at a time. Three boxes of Cuticura, and four bottlea Resolvent, have entirely cured me of this dreadful disease. Sold everywhere. Price : Cutiúura, 50 oente: Resolient. $1.00; Soap, 25cent. Potter Drug and Chemical Co., liuston, Maes. Send for " How to Cure Skiu Diseases." -irTriiTCÜRA SOAP. An exqulsite Toilet, KJ U X _L Bath, and ïiurecry Sanatire. SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE FOR CATARRH. o Complete Treatment with Inhaler for One Dollar. . rpHE Great Balsamic Dietiliation f fc .JL of Witch Hazei, American Pine )jS5k CBada Fir, Marigold, CloverjSSJk liloseoms, etc.called Sanfurd'M aW! Kadical "ure, fortheimme f diale relief and permanent cure of f i every form of Catarrh, froro a y-f gimple OM in the He.'id to Loes C JL ot Sme" Taste aud Smell, Congh jj&r and Catarrhal Consumptien. Comfftj plete treatment, consisting of one ( liottle Kadical Cure, one box Ca¦' - - tarrhal Solvent and one improved HwL S# inhaler, in one package, may now ü J) be liad of all Drugtfists for $1.00. 3 ' AskforSANFORD'á RADICAL CURE. "The only absolute speciflc we know aV'-Med. Times "itie best we hye found ín a lifetime ot snfferl'nc "-liev. Di: Wiggin, Jloxton. "Atter a fó .'" tusle with Cata.rh the Radical Cube has c" nqitere7l."-i?ra. S. W. Monroe, Lewisburg, Pa. I have not found a case that it díd not relieve at ouce:'-Andrnv Lee, Manchesier Mass. Forran Dkug and CHEMIC1.L Co., rioston. I ¦. Kew Ii'fe for Shattered Gí J '- t N CiNerves, Painful Muscles and Uuta "X veakened Orsans. ColVOLTAIC iin' Voltalo Klectnc Jfk I'laHtT instant ly afleets ¦ JB the nervous system and ¦Jt ,-X banisheB pain, nervousnese &B? and debility. A perfect i , - alvanic ELECTRIC Katiery oomMned r.A5TtS final Piaster for 2 Cts. All druggists. DeCLARKE MO FEE I Establised 1851 I Werrill ÜBtU Better! 1 DETROIT, MICH. f ElOCk ___- Thcresnlaroldestabllthed HE-jSñcSSaálB I'hyílcian and Surgeon I)B. mf PWiSïlCI.ABKK, at the oíd mimber míGma Iflereat Bklll all private, Sil K1 jP5r ÍBrhronic nervou and peclal Bil CSL JU! diseñe. CLAKKE is SX&JsBmiic oldcst Advertising Pbysician, LSS:s. files of Papers show and all cWlu-sidenTsknow. Age and exjerieace lmPltifervons disease (with or without 5SS orfho has f ailed to cure you. rZT Tounc men and mlddle-aBefl tnen and H A frhenm,y .n""ddgSdenye.tolifc. Medicine nVX S-'íltóttl .."MerrÍM Block Cor. Woodíd & JofÁves.; DETROIT, M.CH.


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