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Andrew Callis is to erect a handsome new brick block in Hilan. Arthur R. Rouse and Hattie Carson, of Saline, inarried Scpt. lOtli. Louis B. Carr, of Milán, has gone to Monroe to accept a clerkship. Tbe Milan Journal is as hundsoine a ïewspaper as tbe county afforde. Miss Magdalene Kenshler, of Lodi, died on the 9tb inst., of consumption. A number of the Salem young folks are iltending school at South Lyon. Ootober 15th is the date settled upon for lie reunión of the SOtli infantry at Chelea. Mrs Bceeher Wood of Saline village lied last Wednesday, after a protracted Uness. Miss Mattie McKinnon has retttrned lome to Saline trom an extended visit in Illinois. Principal Willits claims that the number of studenls at the Normal wil] be 100 n excess of former years. Ypsilanti draymen liave taken to using be mineral water nu thoir liorses for galla, biuises, sprains, etc. The school children of Chelsea district lave increased 18 during the pust year, here being 418 of them now. The township library of Scio vvillbe open lor those desiriug bnnks, evarry Fiïlay between 4 and S o'ctocfc, p. in. Geo. Mcllwain, of Chelsea, is attending he bljfh school at Aun Albor, and C. E. jlenn is the normal at Ypsianti. Elislia Lane had hts left arm somewbat injured by belng caught in the gearing at the Dexter milis a few days si nee. Rev. Mr.WKhiugton of Hilan, preached lis farewcll sermón at Milan last Sunday, and bas gone to Princeton college to complete liis studies. The Commercial' press room has been ceiled tl. is week. C'ould Pat's mouth be sealed, Capt. Allen's chances would marove. - Ypsilantian. A letter received from Tracy D. Hobbs Torn Kalkaska, indicates that Blaine and Logan are above par in tl-at part of the state. - Milan Leader. It. Green is theyoungest memberofthe G. A R. post at this place, but lic will be but '9 years of age this fall instead of 40, as stated in our last issue. - Chelsea Herald. Tbe Ypsilanti Commercial says :J"Dr. Oaklej' has a dwarf orange tree in f uil blooin and fruit growing. This warm weather, ahead of Florida sends it right edong. The eitizens of Milan held a meeting Friday night, resolved to tVnild a cooler, and have raised about $000 tberefor alï'eady. It is proposed to do away with street figbts. Corn cutting has been commenced in some portions of the county, but not to any great extent. The hot weather of August and September boomed tbe erop wonderfully. The old fence is soon to be taken from in front of the school building, and the entire front yard to be filled in.whieh will make the grounds very beautiful wlien completed - Saline Observer. Traveling men teil us that Saline is the most thrifty town of its size they visit In Michigan. We have here at least a half dozen stores that would be a credit to a town of 10,000 inhabitants.- Observer. Mrs. J. B. Armes was found dead in her bed Wednesday morning last, at her home in Webster township. She was 83 years old and had lived with her busband, Capt. J. B. Armes, in the same town over 50 years. Funeral Friday p. m. The 50th birthday of Geo. J. dweil, of Chelsea, was celebrated on Thursday of last week, and he was made the happy recipiënt of a fine gold watcb and chain from f riends. and a silver water service and silk bandkerchief from relatives. One of the worst looking tramp! that ever struck this villagc passed througb here on Tuesday. He was ragged almost to nakedness and was covered witli filth. Such objects shoukl be placed where they could notfrighten vvomen and children.- Manchester Enterprise. The people of the Milan school district at a recent meeting called for that purpose, resolved tochange from a district to a graded school and electcd the f ollowIng trustees : John W. Blakeslee and C. H. Wilson, 3 years; C. W. Blackmeraud F. Butler, 2 years; W. H. Hackl year. A fue in the straw shed at the lower Ypsilanti paper mili Thursday last at one time tbreatened its complete destruction. The fueextingnishingfaciHtiesat the mili failed to work, and the steamer from the city put out the fire after it got there. The boiler rooms and straw sheds were injuied to the extent of about $5,000, and the mili will be shut down for a few weeks. Kt. E. N. Follett, relict of the late Benj. Follett, died last Wednesday night, at her home in Ypsilanti, at ra advanccd age. She bad been an invalid for some time. The early history of Ypsilanti is closely connected with the deceased and her esteemed husband, and much of the early progresa of the place is due to tbclr enterpris'è. She leaves a family of four children, all giown to inan's estáte. It can't be that our friend of tbe Milan Leader bas had experience with brass band practicing. Hcar liim : "If we knew what to do to instill energy and enthusiasm intothc organic niakeup ot our village youth, that they niiglit be inspired toorganize a cornet band, gettheir instrumenta and leain to play them well, we would gladly do it if in our power. Young men, what is the matter with you, any way ?" Here's a fine opportunity for some ambitious sou of Erin, the item benig taken from the Dexter Leader : "At the annual meeting of scbool district No. ", Nortb Lakc, John W. Itay was elected director, and Richard Clinton, assessor. Mr. Itay wishes to annoiince in the Leader that lie would like to secure a good rougb, stout, able, qualilied Irisb teacher, and will pay round waes to teach five months winter school, as we have had puny teachers long enough. He says no one but au Iriabman need apply." Clark Cornwell is a cool one. Wlien the lire broke out yesterday he was at the Superior milis, thrce miles away. With a entlemau in hU carriage, lic drove down at lis usual gait, arriving at the fire after it was under control. As be tnnied from Huron street he met an 1 psilantian reporter, and bis question as to the location of the fire being answered satisfactorily with the expression "I thougbt so, ind with a placid smile he chirruped to liii nair. and resumed hisconversation anü