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The telephoiie has reached Vassar. Bcnton Harbor claims to be cnjoyinga substantial boom. Some very fine and rare works of art are on exhibition at the state fair. Albion college opens to-morrow. rt'ill Prof. DicUie be there? That's the question. Out of 1,200 ehildren of school age in St. Joseph, 800 are In school. A eplendld record. The dfepl&y of agricultura! producís at the State fair is saitl to be the largeM ever yet sliown. A firm at Port Hnron will put in machinery that will make barrels as f'ast as 400 men can. A patent car starter and a company to manufacture It has been inventeil by T. J. Roberts, of Battle Créele. Olivet college opens to-morrow. and the new $25,000 Science hall will be opened also. Everybody glad of it. How to iet rich can be lenrned from a Bay City mlllloniüro. He never chews f lie has to buy it himself. Thcy have cstablished a public school reading room at Battle Creek, with 30 or more newspapers and pericdicals on lile. It isclaimed that hay fever can not work injury to a fellow'a heail and nose at Sault Ste. Marie. It will freeze out, probably. The eashier of the Adrián savingsbank was " busted up" on oillands and hls de)ositors were cleaned out "as slick as grease." The Lapeer school board has appointed a truant offleer, and proposes to en f orce the existing compuUory atteudance law. Correct. The Caro fair will be held from Sopt. 30th to Oct. 3d, and we'il wager a big apple that it will no be surpassed by any In the state. By the way, wliat was become of tha] Detroit base ball club that the Detroit papers used to teil about some years ago? Has it been batted out f The Saginaw City Daily Times has come over to the Lord's aide - politically ípeakiij; - and devoles its energies toward the election of the republicau nominees. Torn Mullin - a bad weed - on a farm nearKalamazoo - tooi; too much whiskybad take - whisky too much for him- coroner's jury reudered a verdict of alcoholism. Allegan county feels highly elatedover the big ciops, but grdatly 'lesporident over the poor prices wheat is bringing. You can't have all the good things of this world at once. Next Saturday thosc who assisted flnancially in the constructiou of the Michigan Air Line R. R., from Pontiac to .hickson will be given a free ride to the lattercity by tlie company. O'Brien J. Atkinson bas beet) nomiuated by the green backers and inti-inonopolists for congres in the 7th district, against Mr. Carleton, demoerat, and Mr. Weeks, republican. State Insurance Commtesioner Priugle has appointed Dwight L. Skinnor as receiver of the Micliigan Mutual Life Insurance Company, of Grand Rapids, lixing his bonds at $40,000. Wanted. - An enterprUing tclephone company to build a line from St. Ignaee tothe " Soo." Distance, (0 miles - proh'ts on line immense. Charges for this " ad." taken out in Hello-ing. Roxa Jolinson, of South Haven, has been sentenced to seven years in the Detroit house of correction for beating her two-years oíd child so severely that death resulted. It ought to have been 80. An immense mass meeting was held at Detroit last Saturday nlght, when fully 13,000 pcople were addressed by Gen. Logan and Gen. Alger. The enthnsiasm was intense, and the speeches well received. A Battle Creek manufactory recently shipped (100 art albums to New Zealand. The inhabitants of that island are extremely aesthetic, and wear sunflowers and fllg leavus mostly. Albums they must have. L. M. Sellen, of the Cedar Springs Clipper, has been renominated for the legislature, in the ;!d district of Kent county. Mr. Sellers has made a good legislator, and honors the position as well as being honored by it. The enormous amount of white fish taken from the lakes compel theüsli commissioners to pay more attention to artificial hatching. According to the brain food theory there ought to be a terrible sight of smartnesa in Micliigan. Fred Whitney - at Fremont - Friday evening - in another mau's melon patch - other man sliot off a gun- Fred went home with a hole in hls leg - forgot to take melon witli him- In a big hu rry- other man arrested- melon-cholly, for Fred. There are in the state of Michigan between 2,500 and 3,, 500 master horseshoeis, employing probably on an average two men tach, making about 7,000 employé?, and counting 3,500 employers would make about 10,500 liorse shoers in the state. In a trial at Kalamazoo for selling liquor to a minor, the defense urged the boy's father consented to the purchase, but the judge held the excuse not good- that the law contemplated the absolute interdiction of the sale of intoxicating liquor to minors. One old comradc. too poor to buy a railroad ticket, walked 130 miles to attend the recent reunión of the ninth Michigan cavalry at Coldwater. The company raised a purse to buy him a snit of clothes and to pay his fare'home, and will try to procure him a pension. The republicans of St. Clair county have placed the name of Miss Ada Lee upon their ticket forcircuit courc coininissioner. She is said to be a verv bright attorney-at-law, and resides at Port Huron, of course, where all the smart people of that county hail from. The returns at the Secretary of State's office at Laosing, indícate that the yield of wlieat this ye'ir in Michigan will be about 25,600,000 bnshels, and the average yleld per acre about 10 lmslids. The average yield of oats will reach 33 bushels per acre. The condition of corn is 89 per i cent., and clover sown this ycar is 80 per j cent. of an average erop. P tatoes ; ise 93, apples 67, and peaches 1."! per cent., of an average erop. The railroads running loto the deer hunting regions will commencing October 6, sell special hunters' tickets, to parties of three or more (all on one ticket) to all pomts within the deer regions, good to return until December 10. Baggage and camp equipments amounting to 200 pouudl and dogs and guns will be carried free. Venison and other largp game must be forwarded by express or freight and will not be carried in bagage cara.


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