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Our Esteemed Cotemi'oraries.

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Our Michigan repnbltcan exchangesappear to liave dropped the figlit against Clevelanil. lSutler and fusión, and turned their attention entirely to the prohibitionists, wiiom they are try'ng to coax, bully or scare into voting for Blalne and Alger. - Traverse Bay Eagle. Bah ! black lamb! You just watch out from now until November, and see if you don't get your stomach full. The ïngham County News gives O. 1'. Sanford, once of the I.ansing Joiu candidato on tlie erawlish ticket for attortey genera] a little toucli of history : The chairmen of the democratie and green back county eommittees of Ingham county ai e employed by the state in the capítol building at Lansing. How long ago was it that Lansing democratie polF ticians used to stand on the Street corners and shout that the republicans of this countv weierun by "state house pimps." The Port Austiu News is sound on one question, at any rato : No real temperance democrat - and therc are many such - can vote for Cleveland and lus national platform without stultifylng liimself and giving the He to all bis pretensión. Is it not time tojbreak awav trom a party whleh isespousing the cause of the liquor-seller? The once grand name of democrat bus bcconie an emi)ty sound, a niockery ; instond of upliolding the people's rigbte and cause, that orgauiZation now bows down a servant to the worst enomy of the people - one more dangeroiis to the welfare of the nation than was ever negro slavery. The Michigan Christian Advocate don't believe the Methodist-i will be used as a catspaw politieally: "An attempt is being made by theenemies of religioi) to represent that the church, especially the Methodist church, bas gone bodily oveï to a politica! organizatlon, and is to exert all its religious agencies it its service. This is untrue, both In fact and spirit. The ministry ure almost to a man prohibitionistc, but each one of theni stands and acts asan individual. The action of conferences may be never so outspoken for a principie, but it is merely advisory, and does not bind the political action of the nieinbership. Xlie M. E. church is distiïbuted between all the political parties, and will continue to have varióos partisan affiliations." Muskegon Chronicle : The poik and beans in wbich the cockeyed sou of the bunting monopoly feasted himself while lo this city did not seem to agree with his corpulency, judging from the temper he was in when he reached Chicago. A dispatcli to the Grand Hapids Times says : "B. P. Hutchinson, faniiliarly known ou the board of trade as old llutch, vvho was an intímate friend of Butler several years ago, approached hlm frombeliind and tapped liim on the back ; Butler was not in a jjood burnor, and said angrily, 'If you do that again, sir, I will strike you across the head wlth thiscane.' Ilutchinson looked astonislied, and not desiring to be put ofï followed Butler to his room. Butler pointed to the door and Iliitchiuson walked oil' In high indignation." And now " OM Hutch " gets even ny calllng Ben. a "cockeyed sou of a b-bunting monopoly." Tlie Cedar Springs Clipper speaks of a subject that needs attention from Uncle Samuel: The barbed wire fence has been made the instrument of crime and fraud in tlie western states and territories. By its use thieving corporations composed of foreigr.ers, and thieving Americans and forelgoers, all nngaged lo cattle raising, have inclosed and stolen millions of acres of public land. This kind of crime bas been complained of and reported to the Federal authorities for yearsjpast, but the go vermnent seems to have had so many other things to attend to that the recovery of tliese stolen acres of the public domaiu and the prosecution and punishment of the robbers have not been attended to. Now, however, the government is about to move in earnest, and by the time James G. Blaine's presidential term expires no man in the west or southwest will cxercise the antliority of ownership over any land he cannot show a title to. Here's a bit of law from tlie Shiavvassee American : Attorney-General Van Riperliolds that the legislature of 1878, providing for the instruction of pupils in physiology and liygiene, with special rel'erence to the effects of alcoholic drinks, stimulants and narcotics generally upon the human system, appliesto all schools. Even in places where the city charter gives the board of education the riglit to prescribe the course of studies to be pursued, that right is only to be exercised when the legislature bas not specially provitled what studies shall be taught. When studies are prescribed by law tlie board can only specify such othcr studies as are not prescribed ty law. Boardi of school examinéis, he adds, may revoke the certifícate of a teacher if the liolder is incompetent to (each the special studies required underthe act. All teachers are required to pass a satisfactory examination in reference to alcoholic drinks after September lst. An occasional talk on the subject is not in compliance with the law. The use of text books is required. Bro. Bissell, of tlie Albiou Repubilcan, talks business in tbis way : Occasionally some of our subscribers take us to task for berating Prof. Dickie, while others think we do not censure hlm as mach as he deserves. The matter is just this : As a citizen, a'capable college professor, an able public speaker, we entertain for Prof. Dickie a high respect. Bat as a polltician and a champion of the uniou or prohibitian party, the case is otherwise. We are and always have been a republican, a republican from principie and not from policy. As the ditVerent poÍ litical partiea are now composed we could not afflllate with any but the republican party, and were we to try, should make a I sorry fallare of it. "We are running a repulican paper, and tlms dolng what we can to uphold and disseminate the principies and policy of that party. Now Prof. Dickie bas repeatedly deelared that one object of the partv he represent! is to overthrow and destroy the party we represent. In his speech at Lansing, lalt week, in their state convention, he said : " We are j here to kill the old parties." If that I is his alm and the aim of bis followers, : then, of course, we are opposed to liim and theni, and feel that it is our right and duty to criticise, censure, oppose and exposé, to the best of our ability. War has been deelared, and we are in the rauks, on the field, to defend and conquer.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News