Real Estate Transfers.
Juliette M. Otis to Thos. B. Sears. Clieleea, f 730 Charles H. Stowell to Nancy V. Lorrens, lot Aun Arbor, 2,S0C Joh u C. Reade to John S. Reade, lot Dexter,_ 120 Geo. W. Robson to Catharine ReyhoMs, lot Ypsllantl OM Ann E. iropklns to Thadeus B. Moon, 20acres, Ypsllanti 550 Jacob Fleishman to Leonard Strobel, 2 rod by 20, Brldgewatcr 400 James Kelly to Jacob Schm ld, 101 acres Northfleld,. 5,3C0 Qeo. Goss to John Makey, 6%acre.s Solo, Elijah Aylsworth to Levi June, lot Manchester S38 Ulohad IHnderer to Jacob Hinderer, 12i) acres, Linn, 7,320 E.Y. McGraw to M. Stewart, lot Ann Arbor 3,000 Mlchael Hinderer to Christian Hinderer. 80 acres Sylvan Samuel Mullholand to Wm. Mullholand, 80 acres Superior, 1,000 Oscar M. Quick to Henry Landon, lot Rawsonvllle 2,000 Wm. M. Kaercher to Henry Wagner, lotScio _.. 20Ö.S6 Henry Coruwall to M. C. B. H, lot Ann Arbor, _ IT.'i Sllas II. Dougla to M. C. B. B. lot Ann Arbor 530 8. E. and F. J. Comba to John. (Jeo. Hertzer, KOaeres York, -1,000 Emily Clark to Sarah Lounsbury, lot Ypsllanll, 1,000 Cliestcr L. Vost to Harrlet A. Showeriniui, lot Tpailantl 1,200 Edwin C. Warner, to Martha J. Winner, lot Ypsllanti, _..- 2.S00 MoTiroe E. Swartout to Citas E. Taylor, lot, Ann Arbor, 2ÍÍ2.50 Harriet E. Koster to Andrew Jilrk, lot Ann Arbor, 210 Jacob Flelshman to Angellen Fleishman, lot Bridgewater 1,XI Catharine Eckrish to Nicholas Curdoroy lot, Ypsllantl, 1,000 ! H.S. Boutell to Hal W. Glover, S0 acres Ypsllantl 4,000 Hal W. Glover to II. S. and Callicrinu Boutell same 4,000 Levl McCarthy to Nlckolas Max, 40 acres, Augusta, SiO.'il Alex E. Wheaton to Leonhart Kuiz, Salem 550
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
Henry Landon
Juliette M. Otis
Thomas S. Sears
Charles H. Stowell
Nancy V. Lorrens
John C. Reade
John S. Reade
George W. Robson
Catharine Reynolds
Ann E. Hopkins
Thaddeus R. Moon
Jacob Fleishman
Leonard Strobel
James Kelly
Jacob Schmid
George Goss
John Makey
Elijah Aylsworth
Levi June
Michael Hinderer
Jacob Hinderer
E. Y. Graw
M. Stewart
Christian Hinderer
Samuel Mullholland
William Mulholland
Oscar M. Quick
William M. Kaercher
Henry Wagner
Henry Cornwall
Silas H. Douglas
S. E. Combs
F. J. Combs
John George Hertzer
Emily Clark
Sarah Lounsbury
Chester L. Yost
Harriet A. Showerman
Edwin C. Warner
Martha J. Warner
Monroe E. Swartout
Charles E. Taylor
Harriet E. Foster
Andrew Birk
Angelien Flieshman
Catharine Eckrish
Nicholas Cordary
H. S. Boutell
Hal W. Glover
Catherine Boutell
Levi McCarthy
Nicholas Max
Alex E. Wheaton
Leonhart Kurz