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Gen. John A. Logan.

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Dlnna ye hear the slogan ? Jiiamie Blalne aud Jolmnic Logau. The republlcan candidate for vicepresident has been seen by niany of our eitizens this week and the verdict is one ol strong approval. His father was front the north of Irclnucl and hismotlier of tlic stunly Scotch race, so lic inherits the sterling qualities of these people and adds tothem American push and sober common eduee llisbravery mafle him a brilliant record botli in tlieMexican war and the Rebellioii; while his statesmunship has made him a name as an orator on the stump, in the house of lepresentatiVes and in the senate. Hls soldiers loved him, for lie never aeked them to go intoany place of danger ¦vvhere he would not go liimself. And BVery one alvvaya admires such ïiatriotisra a hejghowed, when, on the breaklng out of the v:ir, he returncd frotn Washington to liis home, and finding nearly all his friends, neiglibois and constituents waimly synipathizing with secession, andraistog rebel troops, he at once took the rostrum and In a tliiilling speech so stirred their hcarts as to turn the tide for the union and to save soutliein Illinois from t lic disfrace of disloyalty. In 1S68 he was the Commander-inchief of the Grand of the Kepublic, and we owe to him the flret setting apart of a üecoration Day. He lias also been of oreat aid In Concress to the soldieis in o;irinr for tbe pension bilis. In all the bitter attacks of tlic democratie press npon tlie republlcnn candidates they make no points against Gen. John A. Logan, as a soldier, a citizen, a statesman or as au lionest, capable map. Tliis isbccause they cannot. Since tbe opening of the canipnign lie hss spoken daily, aud often many times a day. This too, he has done without repeating himself or without say inga thing to compromise either himself or his party - soinethinjr but few statesmen can do. It all shows his admirable candiiiacy for the high office for which lie is in every wny worthy.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News