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Three Is A Row.

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Tlio town wolfe Op c.irly ycslcnhy inoriiiiif;, oi" i porlinn of the peoplo i Uk; town, rather. Tlicrc was burrying l and fro, and gatbering tears of distrew, and cliecks all palc, and nosea red, anil cycs thíit bespoke oxcitement and intense interest in the events of the day. Kor there were to ho three conventlons thiit day, all callcd at the same hour. First and f'oremost cauie the couuty convention of the democratie party, and iu that centered the hopes and fears of a majoiity of the innltitude, and overwhich the wranglin and Jangltng, and puiling and haulin, and chin-chin-chinlng of weeks had had been expended. Next came the democratie district convention, to nominate a candidato lor the legislatura in the lirst district. The tliird great event was the supposed to be democratie annex, commonly callcd the greenback party, which came to act as bride that day. THE COIXTT CONVENTION. Tliis important body met in the court room at 11 o'clock, and was called to order by E. 15. Norris, of Manchester obalrman of the oounty cxecutivc com mittee, who called Chas. H. AVhitman,of YpallantI, to thechair. Frank Joslin. of' Tpsilantl, was elected secretary. (A suspiclon here gamed credence that Ypsianti was to be put of!' with the honors of he convention.) The following conunittees were then appoluted : Oi' permanent organization - J. S. Gorman, of Lyndon; J. F. Schul), of Ann Albor; and Jacob Knapp, of Freedom. On credentlals - Walter ir. Dancer, of Lima; Tbos. Kearney, Ji, ot Noitbfleld : anil Jolin Gillen, of Saline. Com. to confer wlth the g. b. bride - ¦ Mrcus Cook, Mco; Ootleib ÍAiick, Ann Ailjor; F. J. Swayne, Tpsllantl; Lcopold Blaess, Lodi; J. Divine, Ben., Webster. An adjournment was Uien taken to l) o'elock p. 111. It was plntnp o'clock before the delegates were in thcir seats again. The committee on order of business reported tlie order of nominations and also reconiniended that delegates present the names of eandidates foi' oflice without making any speech, also that the cbair appoint it comniittee of iiye whose duty it sliould be to report the names of teven gentlemen who sliould act as a county committee for the ensuing: two yenrs. All of wliich was adopted. The committee on conference with the grcenbackeis reported that that body wonld (cue 011 conditlon that they be given register of deeda and representativa in the lirst district. This was rejected by a nearly iinanimous vote of the convention. Olie speaker thouglit the G. B.'saltogether too modest, considering the denioerata polled 17 votes to their onc. During this time the coinmiltee of Hve reported the fullowing county committee: Chas H. Manly, Ann Arbor, cliainiuui. David O. Hose, of Shnron. F. J. Swaino. of Ynsilanti. John V. N. Gregory, of Lima. Leopold Blaess, of Ijodi. J. Gillen, of Saline. John W. Nanry, of Superior. Then tlie convention stnick :i snn. There being two set of delegate-s reported from Dexter township. The coutesting delegates we re present, and made such a good sliowing for their side that the convention was at a dead loss to know what to do. Finally, after some iierce speeches pro and con, the adroitness oi' Chairman Whitman secured a way out of the tanjrle by having a commmittee of thiee appointetl to boil down the two sets of delegates intoone, which tliey clicl. After this another rlpple was raised by a delégate kicking against the gag rule the couvention had adopted in ghnttlng oft' speeches in the introduction of caudldiites, and after much discussion that part of the proceedings was reconsidered and notninating speec-hes Jiniited to flve minutes each. Tliis action opened up the avenue of fün the reporters feared was lost to thcm and the spectators. On motion the chair appointed as tellers Stephen Merrithew, Sharon ; Wm. Miller.of Ann Arbor; and Barney Kirk, of Ypfilanti. Senator - Business theu opened up in earnest. Marcus Cook, of öcio, set the ball rolling by presenting the name of Ilon. Chas. S. Gregory, of the same township, in a very conrident manner. J. J. Parshall, of Ann Arbor town followed, speaking in warm ternis of Densmore Granar, who was seconded by Malcom McDougall, of Bridgewatei', wlio In giving the early history of Mr. Cramcr, said he had known him from a poor boy and had seen him grow every ye&r the length of a corn stalk. That he was a man who had risen by hard and persistent industry, and evei-ything he had in the world had been made by hisown toil. Dr. y. C. Vaugban seconded the noniination of Mr. Gregory. A ballot was then taken resulting, Cha?. S. Gregory 47, D. Cramer 64, and Mr. Cramer declarad nomlnated. Judge of Probate. - Mr. McDougall being so suceessful attirst, triod itagain,aud presentcd the name of Ilon. V. D. Narrlman, at the time glrlng the party a dig on its civil service reforms profcssions. John W. Nanry approved of the sanie and said that the only men who found fault with Mr. Harriman we re the lawyers. J. B. VanAtta said ditto to all of it. Walter II. Dancer, of Lima, disagreed. He believed that President Clevej land would want hini (Harriman) for a higher potltlon after March 3d. He wanted to see üeo. W. Turnbull, of Chelsea, in the probate offlco, and atserted that tour years ago Mr. Harriman had agreed to draw ofi", and not stand in the way this time, and considered his action iu coming forward again not honorableJas. S. Gorman, of Lyndon, then woke up the echoes of the old court house in a surprising marnier. He said that ut the last and largest caucus ever held in his townshipa resolntion was passed never to support any man for a thiid term. He then refreshed the inemory of the convention in respect to the lamented Peter Tnite, and wanted to k;iov of this convention if they would allow Mr. Harriman to accomplish what Mr. Tuite could not. The party had established the precedent, and the third term business will never go down the tbroats ot' the people of the counly. Otlicr and more bitter things he said, also. He was l'ollowed by M. J. LelimiiD, [of Chelsea, in a sta lia J strain, who threatened that while he would be loyal to the ticket himscH", unless fr. Turnbull was nominatod he couldn't answer tbr what the disappointed demócrata of the western part of t lic county would do. He also protested that his caudidate was not a prohlbltlonlat, but a man in whom the saloon keepers could contidc. In his earncstness he made a slip of the tongue, and addressed the convention as "gentlemen ofthe jury," greatly pleated .John W. Nanry who had made the remark about the lawyers. Dr. Vaughan carne to tlie resoné of Judge Harriman, and thonsht that -the reason why he had held the olllcc so long was the rery reason why tie riiould itlU hold it. He consldered Mr. Efarrlmau too shrewd to 1; Itnpoged upon and too lionest to become a party to any fraud or trickery. Tlie ballot told the story : Harriinan, ¦'! ; 'J'unilmll, 4.". fifiarif. - The iniinerons candidatos Por this office made the sirife terrifle. The name of T. MoKune, of Cbelsea. w;uprese ii (cd hy M. J. Lehmnn, teconded by ü. O. Rose, of Sharon. 'l'lios. Kearney, Sr., of Northfield, nsked in the name ol' the town wliieh had not asked or had a (hing tor '2 years, for the nomination of Win". Walsh. D. Gramer, though not a memberof the convention, presented the name of Patrlck O'Hearg, of Ann Arhor. (J)ias. B. Whitinaii m-ide an eloqitent pjea for Iris frlend Frank P. Bogardus, and the eastern part of the coun ly. J!. F Watts, presented tlie name of Thos. F. Ijconard. Dr. McLachlan, of Yoik, drsired the nomination of JOMph Qauntlett, of Milan. JJut only one conld get there as the rcsult shows. lat -d 8d Wra. Waisli 3 49 57 F. P. Bogardus :il 42 88 P. O'Hearn 11 2 1 T. McKuno 11 B 7 T. F. Leonard 5 Jos. Uiiimtlett 8 (i 110 110 110 Clerk- For this ofline tliere was but one candldate in the field, and Ilon. John J. liobison was renominated bv acclamation. Treasurm - The names of Fi'ed H. I5elser, of Ann Arbor. and Jacob IJluin, of Bridfrewater, were presentad. One ballot told the story : Belser 102; Blum 5. Register of Deeds- For this office there were four names presented and live vote il for. The balloting lesnlted: lst '2a ."(I ith Kflw. Klng, Ypsil.-inti : 38 47 42 Jas. Kennis, Dexter ii-'ï :!s 47 öö K. .M. Ccile, Superior -M 21 1 M. Seery, Dextor 11 .1 1 K. P. Bogardus, Ypslliinti 2 5 8 Blank 2 ltt 102 101 105 Protecuting Attorney - Speeches were short ones now. Kverybody was in a hurry. The dillerent ballots stood : Ut M M R. B. Norria, Manobeiter 41 : 4S V, J. Lehraan, Chelsea 80 :8 ló Frank k. Jonea, Saline io 4 ÜÜ 82 S3 Circuit ''umi Commiênioners - For these posittons Pfttrlok McKernan, of Ann Aibor, and Frank Joglin, of Ypsilantl, were nnminated by acclamation. Coronen - T. J. Sulliva1), of Ann Arbor, and Dr. C. P. Kapp, of Manchester, by i acrlumation. Sttneyor - Lc!t to the connly connniltee to supply. The gugplcion spoken of in the flrsl paragraph of this reporl still remains, or wentaway the Ypsilanti delegatee a full hour befoie the proceedlnjrs were H nishad. BSFBB8LHTATIVE ('ONVENTION. ThU meeting was heldin the common eouncü room. John js'. Bsiley, of Ann Arbor, was called to the chalr, and J.H. Divine, of Webster, chosen gecretary. A oommittee on credentlala, consistinjf of Chas. lí. Manly, of Ann Arbor. and Micbael Poster, of Sylvan, wasappoirted, who immedlately proeeeded to business and made their reiort, sliouinj; the delegations nearly fnll. A oommittee to eonler witli the green backera was aiipointed. CODSl8tlng of F. Howard, Ann Arbor; M. Dully. Northfleld; Michael Foeter, Sylvan; A. .1. Boyce, Lyndon; and J.l Divine, Sr., Webster. Adjoiirnnient. to l1.,' o'cloöjc p. 111. was then taken. The proceedingvof tho eonvention then remained in statu nio uniil after tlie county convontion wns through witli it labors. Upon reaMembling the wort was hastily completed, NathanE Sntton, of Northfleld, being nominated upon the first ballot, without onnosition. GREEXBACK CON VESTION". At tli same hour as nbove a few rreenbnckers usembled in tho supervisors1 room and proceeded to proceed. N. (!. Covert called the convention to order, and piocceded to teil what the business befare the eonventlon was. James M. Forsytlie, of Ypsilanti, was selected is temporary chainnan, and Warren Babeock, of York, seciclHiy. Tlie following commitlee on credentiale was aelected : John Kliiin, Yoik; .Mr. Aldiiili, Ann Ai-iior; A. McMichaels. York. As tlicrc ilidn't vtéta to be mnoh elBe to dothe convention, wlth an eye (o the main point in question, resolved iiself Into a conference committee to meet a like coinmittee from the democratie convention. The conference was held bnt did not prove siitisfaetoiy, tlio democratio convention refusing to grant to the greenbackera the olllce of register of deeda and representive In the flrst district, 'l'liis ended the marrlBge, and the .greenback convention tlien reasaembled and placed in uomination a full ticket, as follows: Senator- J. D. Aleott, Milan. Judgeof Probate- J. M. Martin. Ann Arbor Sheriff- James M. ForBylhe, Ypsllautl Clerk- N.Putiinm, York. Résister of Ueeds- c. F Batsa Dextor Treasmer- M S. Case, Manchester Prosecuting Attorney - O. W. Williams. .Milan. ' Circuit Couit Commissloner- W. E Walker Ann Arbor. Coroners-Dr. Win. Pntttson, Ypsilanti: N B. Covert, Ann Arbor. gPtesentatlve, lal IHsirlct-Oco. A. Peters, A committee of one from cach township was appointed as au execulive committee, with the undersiandinu thatit was tci meet in Ann Arbor on Thurgday the I8th, to conf'er with the republicana relative to fusión. Uonvention then adjourned.


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