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Republican Delegates.

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At the republican caucuses held last night the following delégales were cliosen: lat waid-County: Col. H. S. Dean, Lou Tavlor W. W. Terry, E. K. Freauff. J. E. Bei Kepresentatlve-A. W. Hamilton, Dr. V F. Breakey, Dr. W. B.Smith, Dr. P. B. ltose, Isaac Handy. 3d wnrd-County: Fred Hulin, Wm. A. Clark, Joslah Jacobus, Jacob Fisher BPresentatlve-Daniel Hlscock, W . J. Clark, Frank Pattee, John Quigley. 4th ward-County: John F. Lawrenee, Dmley J. Loomls, Jas. McMalion. Tilos. J. KeeclT; Cliauncey H. Millen. No delégales to represèntative convenlion were chosen. 6lh ward- County: Zlna P. Klng. A. F. Martín M. H. Brenuan. KeprescntaUveSame delegates The gentlemen who have eullsted lu the vollng for Eidredge. Sofaras any pri clple Is poncerned the one coursels jui-t as derenK the other. Allen or Eidredge wil ïèpresent this district In congress the next twn vears and the questlon for each voter to dècideU whlch „f the two Is the better man ?o sènd? Morallv and politlcally men are responslble for the conseqaences ot thelr actlous. Truer words tlian the abovc fioni thf. Adrián Times were never uttered eitlier bya newspaper man or any one else. ïlie prohibitionists are simply trying to pcrform the old feat of "biting their nose oil' to spite their face." Fall & Hendrlck have on cxliibilion a A A IBliss' bowling alley a rare work o arcf.c art, In the shape of a paintin? which shows great scope and breadtli o ma-ination. It brings into view at om. sweep the Indians and their wigwams the beautiful scenery of the torrid, tem peratc and frlgid zone, the wild wilder nessandtue projfrcss of clvilization. lt must be seen to be appreciated.