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BACH & ABEL'S COLUMN. II At II A !!ll,. Vre have been askcd a number of times ately if we weie the sole agents tbr the Celébrate Pearl Shirt in Ann Arbor. It eems that there are some partles in town vho are sellingan inferior Shirt for one ollar anti claim that it is the Pearl. For lic benefit of those who have bought tlie 'earl and also those who expect to tluext time they want Shirts, we would ay that the Pearl Shirt cannot be bonght n any otlier house in Ann Arbor, but urs. We are not snrprised that other merhants try tosell Uieir Shirts for the Pearl, s this Shirt without doubt is the best tui aundried shirt in America to-day retailed t one dollar. We have sold this shirt br six years, selling on an average of P00 oz. per year and wc have yet to hear of single person who was dissatisfied with lie Pearl Shirt in any way, ahupe or maner. We claim that the Pearl Shirt e.ellsall ollier shirts In quality, workmanhip and fit. BAC1I & ABEL. We have decided this weck to give you small benefit in L'nderwear. L'uderwear s low, but not so low as we shall sell it beginuing to-day. We cannot give all f the particular, Wnile we write the ndenvearis beiujrdisplayed. "We know vhat it cost. We know how little it is joing to bring. First comes a very handsome ladies' vest n all sizes, half reaular seiims at 40 c. Such nnderwear s not made for any such noney. Next comes a ladies' vest finished with ilk around the neck, pearl buttons, half egulars, all sizes at 50c. This vest without doubt is the cheapest ver seen in Ann Arbor at the price. Ladies' vests at 00, 75, 80, ;?1.00 and 1.25 are equally clieap. We have hastily giveu you the eailiest mperfect news (true as fir as it goes) of nderwear. There are others. We hall turn to the subject igain. The uantities to be sold at these prices are ot so largo tlial yon can afford to wait. BACH & ABEL. I GET THE BEST f LEAD ALL OTHEBS ! EveryStyle& Price. Guaranteed Unequaled FOR OPERATION, ECONOMY, DURABILITY and WORKMANSHIP. Improvements and Conveniencss found is ¦ ao ethers. Always Reliable. POPULAR EVERYWHERE. Pop Saie"lnEvory City and Town 'in tho United Statei. ForFaleby JOHN PFISTEBER, Ann Arbor, Mlch. 1211-1223 Mortgnge Sale. DEFATJLT HAVING BEEN MADE IN THE condittong of a certain mortgage executed by Lydia Kirchhofer.of Manchester, iu the Couny of Waslitenuw, and State of Michigan, to ured S. Lapham, of Northvillc, Wayno County, n said State, bearing date tUe Soventeenth day of April A. D. 1879, and recorded io the oflicc of the tegister of deeds for said C'ounty of Washtenaw, n fiberf of mortgages, on page MM, aad by which dcfault the power of ealc contained in said mortgage havint; become operative, and uo puit or proceediDg at law or in chancery having been insti,uted to recover the amount due on said mortgage, r the note accompanylng tlic game, and there elntr now claimed to be due on said note and mortgage, the sura of Two Thousand Two Iluu dred and Seveuty Dollars and tíeveuty cents [$2,270 "01. Notice is tbererore hereby givcu that said inortgage will be foreclofed on Kriday the Niueuenth day of September, 1H81, at 10 o'clock iu the brenoon of that day, by sale at public auction to hc highest bidder at tbc south front door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor in eaid county of Washteuaw, (eaid Court House beiug: he place of holding the Circuit Court for said connly) of the mortgaged premises describcd in said mortgage, or so much thereof as may be neceBary to saiisl'y the amount due on said note and mortgage with reasouable costs and expenses; which aaid mortïaged premises are described in said mortgage, as follows : All those certain parcels of land sitúate and being iu the Village of Manchester, In the Connty of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, known and described as lotê four (-1), flve (5), six ifi), seven (7) and eight (8) in ilock one (1) in Granger and Morgan's addition to the Village of Manchester, according to the record' d plat of said addition. Dated, June 17lh, A. D., 1884. JAKfiD S. LAPHAM E.D. KINNE. Mortga?ee. Att'y for Mortgagee. 1201-1213 Estáte of Sarali Ann McCollnm. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw. At 'a seseion of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor. on Wednesday, the 27th day of Autf'.ist, in the year one thousand eitht hiindred and eighty-tuur. Present, William D. Harriman, Judgc oí Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Snra1! Ann McCollnm deceased. Thomas B. McCollnm the adniinistrator of said estáte, comes into court and representa that he is now preparad to rendcr hls üual account as such Adroinis'rator Thereupon it is ordered. that Saturday, the twentieth day of September next, at ten o'clock in the rorenoon, be assigned tor examining and allowing such account, and tliat the heirs at law oi said deceased, and all other persons interested iu eaid estáte, are required to appear at a seeíion ot said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, iu thecltvof Ann Arbor, in said county, and show cause, if any there be, wliy the said account. thuuld not be allowed. And it Is further ordered, that said administrator give notice to the persons interested ín said estáte' of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereor, by causing a copy of this order to be r,ublished in theAnn Arbor (7ortr,anewspaperprinted aud circulating in said county, three successive weeks previous to said dav of hearing. (Atruecopy.) WILLIA'M D. HARRIMAN, Judse of Probate. WM. G. DOTY, Probate Register. i&7- TKE PNEUMATIC if' 3 FRUIT DRIERS. i Awarded the Süver Medal ¦ over uil competitora ut Üew IS Eiiirlaiul Fair, 1883. Uhe operation ia tnicli that lij they retain tho mtonl iruit ?tejí js-, ¦ flavor. Tho eyaporation in tllö 3 iiiont rajid, with leiw-t fel. H AU hizeu for fiirm orfactory use. IKhI T AVeinaunfacturethebentEvano ""P1) r:)NirsinrmakinirAiniI Jelly ffn . gBT irom Citk-r. without uu-iir. ttjgjt jkjJi Öcnd forUJiwtrated Circular. &m Vt, Farm Machine Co„ ¦my iQ Bcllows lalls, Vt. 1213-1217. ¦ n n I "T f" Sfiid slx cents for postale, and re n L) U I L ¦' hr ftte, a costly box of goods whlcl 1 I nll li '"' '"''l' ¦""¦ ' eithiT ex. to mor n I lliLUI moner zigbt iwif itian anythfngels In this world. Furlunes await th workers atjsulutely sure. At once addrrss Tru A. Co., Augusta, Malee.


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