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Compiled from Late Dispatches, DOMESTIC. At Sn&ke Hollow, O., the other ïiight William C'ollison, a telegraph operator, ¦wns shot and killed by a guard, being mistaken for :in incendiary miner. THXRTXSN houses were destroyed and several persons were injured by a cyclone on the Oth in the yioinity of Stillwater, Mimi. The corner-stone of a hall for the pioneers of California, which is to cost JlóO,000, was laid a fow days aso in Kan Francisco. ApOLICEMAN' In Washington namedFowIer was shot dead the other day with nis own revolver by a colored niember of the chain gang named John Langster. In the Little Ilocky Mountains, one hundrod miles from Benton, M. T.. gold has been dicovered, and people were on the 8th (lookins to the new diggings in great numbers. The Now Brunswick (X. J.) Bank publicly announcad on the lOth that its capital was intacf, and erery creditor would be paid in full. Advices of the lOth state that a cyulone which recently struck Wisconsin and Minnesota destroyed the village of Clear Lake and did a vast amount of damags at Whito Bear Lake. Soveral persons were killed, and the property loss wouli' be heavy. The Chippewa River, at Chippewa Falls, Wis., rose twenty feet on the JOth, and five bridges and a number of buildings were swept away, causing a loss of L100,000. The river was still rising, and greater damage was anticipated. Fire destroyed stores and stocks at Mitchell, Dak., a few days ao, valued at $125,000. The lOth was the hottest day of the seagon in the Atlantic States. Therewere lifteen deaths from sun-stroke at New York andseven at Philadelphia. In New York 4flO horses died from the heat and over 2,000 otuers were prostrated. The steamer Wyoming landed at New York on the lOth five hundred Slormon proselytes for Utah. Torbexts of rain feil on the lOth in Southern Texas, where live stock valued at $1,000,000 was threatened with death from tfairst, the ground having been dry The State Bank at Fort Edward, N. Y., closed its doors on the lOth. The officers said that depositara would be paid in full as soou as the accounts were examined and adjnsted. A kettle of varnish exploded on the lOth in Cragin's japan works in Brooklyn, N. Y., by which one man was burned to a crisp and four others received fatal injuries. Two coxvicts were recently beaten to death at the wator-works reservoir, near Lexington, Ky., by their guards. The Coroners of New York City on the llth reported twenty-five sudden deatli3 caused by the exoessive heat. A heavy thunder-storm did damage on tue llth la Massaehusetts towns, particularly at Malden, where a number of trees were prostrated and Windows blown in. Lightning struck in niany ilaces, daraaging houses and shocking the inmates. J. H. Sqüieh, the insolvent Washington bunker, killed himself on the llth by cuttingliis throat. Burger, Hurlbut & Livinostox, sugar íeflnors at New York, made an assignment recently, giving preferences for $114,500. Dcrin-g the first eight months of this 3'ear 112,512 immigrants entered Canada. Of these 48,273 passed through to the United States. Streams in the Petersburg (Va.) disti iet were on the llth drying up becai-se of the protracted drought, and milis were doing less tban half their usual work. Thn city oL Petersburg was threatened with a water famine. The Eagle furniture factory at South Baltimore, Md., was recently destroyed by flre, the walls oL the structure falling in. The loss was $200,000; lightly insured. The roof of the new roller skating-rink at Detroit collapsed a few days ago, burying eight workmen, two of whotn died of thelr injuries. The river at Eau Claire began falling at noon on the llth after reaching the greatcst heijjht on record. The loss by the flood between Chippewa Falls and Eau Claire would exceed $1,500,000, and in Eau Clair alone moro than two hundred houses were swept away. Forty buildings were carried off from Chippewa Falls, and the loss in that city would approxiraate Í 1,000,000. A Philadelphia Judge ruled recently that the occupant of a house may cut telegraph or telephone wires if stretched over liis roof without his permission. The Bt, Petersburg (Pa.) Savings Bank, which suspended in July, resumed business on the llth, with the old officials in charge. Tfie examinar of the New Brunswick (N J.) Bank reportad on the 12th a surplus of f48,000, after deducting the $220,000 deficit of the cashier and President. Un tbe lL'th Bradstreetü' report of the condition of trade noted a general improvement, arisiug from the demand for autaznn goods. It ís estüuated that the corn erop of this year will be 300,000,000 bushels, llie largest ever.known in the Hawlceye State. Bexjamiv (colored) was hnnged at Cincinnati on the 12th for complk-ity In the mui-der of Beverly Taylor, l.i-i wife and their little girl at Avondale, near that city. Frank Hutchings was hanged at San Francisco for murder. William M. Messsr, while drunk on the 12th at Boonton, N. J., shot his wife and daughter and then killed himself. The young woman was fatally wounded, but hev mother would probably recover. O.v the fair grounds at Lexington, Ky., the other evening eight horses owned by Sniith & Merrill, and valued at $6,000, were burned to death. The office of a street railway at Augusta, Ga., was invaded by burglars on the 12th, who finished tlieir work hv tha night watchman, saturating his corpse with oil, and burning it to a einder. Mormo.v missionaries rramed VYMlley and Humphrey, who were about to commence operations in Lancaster County, S. C, promptly accoptod notice on the 12th from the citizens to leave. At Pierre, D. T., the 'other morning a Moek of thirty-five buildings was de:stroyed by Hre, the loss being $100,000, v.lth HfiOO insurance. KTAryoim & Co., of Providence. yarn nianufactiirors, runnfng milis in RhoJs Island and Massachusetts, made an assignmont on the 12th, with liabilities of $400 - 000. " Coal oporatora in Pennsylvania ronewed hostilities against the miners on the 12th by arrestingone of the strikers, causing excitement in the camps. If the prosecutions were continued an uprisin" was oxpected to follow. Is the United States and Canada there were 203 business failures during the seyen days ended on the 12th, against 178 the previous seven days. The digtribution was as follows: Middle States, 47; New Cngland States, 20; Western, 70; Soutborn, 22; Pacific States and Territories, 21; Canada, 2IJ. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. The following Consressional nominstions wero made on tho 9th: Republican- Illinois, Pouith District, George E. Adams (renominated). Wisconsin, Third District, Kobert M. La Fallette. Massachuchuietta, Fourth District, Charles F. Gallogher; Fiftli, Francia B. Haynes. New Hampghire, Becond District, Jacob Gallinger. Democratie- Iowa, Fifth District, B. T. Frederick. Illinois, Fifteentu District, John C. Black. Arkansas, First District, Poiudexter Duna (renominated). Arizona, C. P. Ilcad. Xorth Carolina, Third IJistiict. J. S. Iionderson. Alabama. Thinl District, E. J. Gay. Texaa, FiffFTTistrief, J. W, Throckmorton (renominiited). The SenUncl penple gave notica to Mr. filaine's counsel at Indianapolis on tho ith that tbey would bfigin laking depositions ia the libel snit in Knntucky on September 'JJ. ïhey namoil four towna and th witnesses to bo examined. Thk Ke])iiblicans of Missouri met in State Conventicm at Jefcerson City on the Oth aud nominnted Nicholas Ford, of Buchanan County, ior Governor. A platform was adopted indorsing President Arthur's aduiinistration and the action of the Chicago Convention, and indictiug the Democracy of Missouri for ignoring the Union element of the State wlien the Itepublican ]arty had removed evjry disability growing out of the rebellion. Miss Victoria Morosini ereated a sonsation at Yonkers, N. Y., on the !th by eloping wkh Ernest J. Shilling, her father's coachman. Miss Victoria is the daughter of G. F. Morosini, the millionaire partner in Jay Gould's brokerage iirm. THKreinains of Private Henry, who was shot by the Greely party in the Arctic regions, were on the 9th stolen from Cypress HiM Cemetery, New York, presumably by persons who desired to investígate whether the body had been mutilated. The Democrats of Wisconsin met in State Convention at Matlison on the lOth and nominated Nicholas D. Fratt, of Racine, for Governor; A. C. Parkinson, of St. Croix, for Lieutenant-Governor; Hugh J. Gallagher, of Lafayette, for Secretary of State; Frank Falk, of Milwaukee, for State Treasuror; and W. C. Silverthorn, of Marathon, for Attorney General. The platform declares in favor of f ree trade; indorses the National platform; approves of semi-annual official examination of banks; opposes the contract prison labor system, and fsvoTS the regulation of the liquor traflic, but opposes sumptuary laws nnd prohibitory legislation. CoxURDSsrox.vij nominations wero made on the lUth as follows: Kepiiblican - Wiscousln, Seventh District, O. B. Thomas, lowa, Second District, W. T. Shan-. Missouri, Seventh District, William N. Norville. Tennossee, Fifth District, James A. Warder. Illinois, Tenth District, T. C. Needies. New Jersey, Second District, James Buchanan; Sixth, Herman Sehlbach. Massachusetts, fr'ixth District, Henry CabotLodge; Seventh, E. F. Stone (renominated); Eighth, C. H. Allen; Tenth, William W. Kicñ (renominated). Connocticut, First District, John P. Bnck. Nuw Hampshire, First District, Martin A. Haynes (renoininated). New Vork, Twenty-sevanth District, Sereno E. Payne (venominated). Kentucky, Fifth District, A. E. Wilson. Democratie - Ohio, Twentieth District, David R. Paige (renominated). Tennessee, Eighth District, John M. Taylor (renominated). New Hampshire, Second District, John S. George. Kansas, Fifth District, A. A. Camahan. lowa, 'i'hird District, John J. Lenihan. Missouri, Eleventh District, R. P. Bland (renominatod). Kansas, !5eventh District, II. N. Bickle. Gieenbackers - Kansas, Second District, VV. J. Nicholson. Miss Monosixi, tlie daughter of Jny Gould's private Secretai'y, who eloped with her father's coachman, Ernst Schelling, was niarried to him in New York on the lOth. It had been discovered that Schelling is a reducei Germán nobleman, and that his proper name is John Ernest Huelskamp. Coxnecticut Greenbackers met in State Convention at Merideu on the lüth and nominated James L. Curtís for Gevernor. The New Hampshire Prohibitionists held a State Convention at Concord on the lOth and indorsed the nominations of St. John and Daniel. Larkiu D. Mason was nominated for Governor. A. Jetmore, the Prohibition Gubern.v torial nominee of Kansas, hasdeclined the nomination, stating that he believes the nomination of a ticket by the Prohibitionists at this time inexpedient. Advices of the lOth from Maine state that Governor Robie's plurality would be over 19,000. The Republicans carried svery county in the .State. The Prohibitionists of Massachusetts fnet in Boston on the lOth and nominated President Seelye, of Aniherst College, for Governor, and Henry Faxon for Lieutenant-Governor. The New Hampshire Democrats m9t at Concord on the lOth and nominated John M. Hill for Governor. Axdrew D. White, of Cornell University, has been elected President of the American Historica] Association. The following Congressional notninotions were made on the llth: Republican - Tennessee, Tenth District, Zhchary Taylor. Texas, Tenth District, J. B. Rector. Democratie- Louisiana, Fifth District, J. Floyd King and C. J. Boatner (a contest) ; Sixth, A. B. Iiion. New Hampshire, First District, L. F. McKinney. Greenbackers - Missouri, Second District, W. E. Gunby ; Third, J. F. Jordán. Prohibitionists- Missouri, Thirteenth District, James Baker. Advices of the llth from Maine state that attlie recent election Governor Robie, the Republican candidate, received a majority over Redman of 21,(il."). At the anuual meeting of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, held in ¦Washington on the llth, Mrs. Clara L. Koach was elected President. The Nebraska Prohibition State Convention met at LincoJ on the llth "."d aominated J. G. Uilier for Governor. H. H. Shedd, the Republican candidite for Governor, was indorsed. The Democratie State Convention of Nebraska met at Omaha on the 12th and agreed on a fusión with the Anti-Monopolists. J. Sterling Morton was nominated for Governor, and L. C. Pace for Lieutenant-Governor. The platform declares that railroads must keep out of politics, and must submit to control by the Legislature. J.HE Republicana oL Colorado met in State Convention at Denver on the 12th and r.ominated" Benjamin H. Eaton for Governor. G. G. Synis was nominated for Congressman. The Republicana of the First Wïseonsin District on the 12th nominated L. B. Caswell, Jr., for Congressman, and the Prohibtionists of the Fifth Michigan District nominated W. C. Edsell. The private secretary of President Arthur stated on the 12th that the latter was as well as he ever was, nothwithstanding alarming repons as to his health. The official returns on the 12th of the vote for Governor at the recent election in Arkansas cives Hughes (Democrat) U9,!)Ï2 votes, and Boles (Republican) 66,836. The litigation in regard to the estáte of Wilbur F. Storey, of Chicago, proprietor of the Times, reached a conclusión on the 12th. The conservator received ordors from tne Probate Couit to pay monthly to Mrs. Storey $2,000 for household expenses, and to permit her counsel to examine into the management of the estáte. FOREIGN. Thk rebelliou In Western Asia agains) Turkish authority appeared on the lUtb to be serious, as 0,000 troops bad been ordered to that región f rom Constantinople. Four young men, students in a St. Catherines (Ont.) college, ere rlrowned a few nights ago in the Weiland Canal, near Port Dalhousie. In the lake swamps near Kincardine, Ont., fires were burning on the lltb, and residences and large tracts of cedar Urnber had been consumed. A Nihilist proclamation was in circulation at Warsaw on the llth threatoning the life of the Czar. Thk cholora swept off 328 citizens of Naples during the twenty-four hours ended at nine p. m. on the llth, the number of fresh cases reported being !(!. Two deaths occurred in Rome. The Swiss had established a strict quarantine along the Italian frontior. Six deaths were reportod in Spain, and provincial Governors had been ordered to cordon the infected districts. Thk pólice of Vienna recently arrested a man with seventeen chiltlren, all of whom wero charged with forgery in connection with the anarchists. John M. Fbancis, the new American Minister to Austria, presentod his credentials on the 12th to the Emperor Franci Joseph. Thk Boston bark Minnio Allen was buraed at Iloilo. l'liillipiiio Islunda. the fffbei mornine, witn a sugar cavgo valuad nt 3-lOO.CMJO. Tuk total ïmmber of forces under tha Freiirh flag in Tonquin was on the ]2th placed at 1!),000. A kirk on the 12th deatroyed nne-half the business houses at Miillanil, ünt., the losses pggregatlng $75,000. '1'hkhk were 809 fresh casos of cholera nt Naplfs during tlie twenty-foiu hours ciuied il .'ii i ir' Í2th and 4Ï0 deaths. In all llaly thoro wero 0(ió fresh cases and 4i7 deaths. In Franco niijeteen deaths were reported. A Taris jonriial gave currency on the 12th to a report that negotiations with China had been revived by France tendi ing to a peaceful settlement of all quesj tions at issue. Minister Foote has iuforraod the State i Department at Washington that an A nier ican line of steamers has been place i on the eoast and river of Corea. LATER NEWS. TnE tollowing Congressional nominations were tnaile on the 13th: República)) - Missouri, Tenth District, C. A. Newoomb. Ohio, Twenty-first District, C. C. Burnett. Democratie- Michigan, Seventb District, Ezra C. Carleton. New Jersey, First District, Thomas M. Ferrell (renominated). Idaho, John Hailley. On the 13th the specie Importa at New York since January 1 amouuted to $18,708,' 010, against $10,932, 7.'5 for the same period in 1883. At a Freneh Cabinet OOUncll on the 13th the prime minister stated that China had not deelared war. Admiral Courbet was instructed to resume operations at once, and he hadsailed northward iivm Matsou uith his entire flset. Advices of the 14h from Mount Washington report a heavy fall of snow and a temperatura of I wenty dejjrees. Thomas McKeon, a desporado of the oil regions.walkod into a bank at Eldred, Pa.. the olher affcrnoon, kept the cashier and eller iuiet by tneangof a cocked revolver ana walkea out witli 2,0'W In curreucy. Betweex Cape Race and Freels, Newfoundland, "4'i icebergs were on the HU) drifting eouthward. 1t was reportad on the lSth tliat the anny-worm had destroyed entire fields of rye in Dougtas and Leuven worth tounties, Kansas, and was threatening the young winter wheat. Twn maskod taan entered the house of Miss Mary Oilfeller, near Mansfleld, O., a few nights ago, and demanded her money. She gava thein $1,50, claiming that was all slie liad. The robbers thea bound her and applieJ a buruing lamp to her feet, endeavoring to extort more money, but the young woman persisting she had elven it all np, the villains left the premiges. Adyices of the 14th state that recently the Provlnee of Kingsi, tlie chief center of the potteiy manufaeturing district of China, was visited by a flood which lasted four days, ana ihe entlre country was submergsd to a depth of sixty f eet, whole towns beiii swept away. It was bolieved that fully seventy tliousand persom had poriihed. Wheat in (he Chicago markefc dropped on the 13th to 73'ic for September, the lowest price reached since the war. Duri.vo the twenty-four hours ended at nine p. m. on the ltth there were ninetyeight fivsli cases of cholera and fifty-one deaths at Naples. Tne total nuinber of deaths since tlie outbreak was ulaced at 3,2!)7. In Spain tbirteen deaths were ! ported, and In France, since the beginning.ot the epidemie J,14'J Fienchmen, 247 Italians, niueteen .Sn-eiles, eleven Greeks, eight Austrians, live Engl'sh, four Swiss, three Hermans, two Amerlcani and one Swede have died in Marseilles.


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