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r.iiniminiITnnTTliinimiTfirfTTTniTI Modern cience ná Steplicim - Whnt lias Skeirticism done for t h worM ? Notlilnif but to sugjrest doubts. I! li:is ptod Bugpestca tliat RbeUDQftttsm uanDOt be euivd. Bkepuclsra la as bad as Klieumatism. Wliat lias Science done for tlie world '.' A pfiort many thinjs; for lntnncí', lt, h;is shown tliat Kueumatism can bu cured. [t liasshown tliatNt'uralKlacanb!' gol rld oí. Modern solcnceluiH prove Jtti:itHlicuniat.isii! s a blootl dlscaso, and ha provId'Ml Atiii.oi'iiokos us tüe rcinedy wlilcli can coiiiplctelj i ure il. It. has proved tliat altliougb tlie o!d doctor.; fallad tooTereome Nour.iiRiü. Athiopho a coa rcach tt, mid er.uUcaie H liom Míe s.t stein. It has proved tliat, tlioi{h tliese turmentlnj rtlsejiscs wim'p no slowand obsdnatp. thc can be overconii' Ín a lULIe whlle iy mcans of 7HIiIopIioro5 1 'Oon't be skeptlcal. Tf you h:iveany doubts as what ATHi.ornoHOs can do, wrlte lo somr of those whom lt lias cured. I'or lnstance. líev. S. B. Dennen. ]). I)., Pastor Tulrd UO'lgregatlonal Cliurch, ol New Haven. Coon., tUe Kev. W. P. Corbit, pastor OtOTge SI M. E. Cliiiren. of New Haven, tlie Kev. J. K. searles. past r lllett st. H. K. ctmrch, Neiv York elty. Mr. Hrumniell tlie well known canily inanfa(tturer. oí Néw York, Ex-(ov. Blelow, or ('onieolicut, and many others, equally well Miouii. If you caunot K't ATHiorBOBOH ot j our dra"wÍBt, wo will end it expresH naiil. OQ rDOMpf c.f roioilar price - one dollar i er bott'e. We rrufer that yim boy lt f rom your ili.n -i-1, but if bu íuiMi't it, eonotbe iierHnaded to tty wuietliiiiK el o. Uut order ut orno irom u aa dirncted. THLOPHOROS C0., 112 WSLL ST., NEW VOftK. The most nohealthy cake is the stomI ach-ache. - Chicago Hun. "Motlier Siran'a Worm Svrnp." Infalliblc, tasteless, harmless. eathartio, for feverishiipss. restlewnew, wonns, coustipation. 'öc. I the Beoretary of the tíavy a ship Chandler?- Merchant Tra veler. Heury Scbceohals,foremau Heirry Knig Packiog Co., St Josepli, Mo., uses Dr. Thomas' Eclectric OH with bU mei) for gpraios, cuts, bruises, etc. The baUl-ninn's motto: "There is room at the top.'" - Vonkers Ga zette. Dr. Bosanko. Tliis name has beoome so familiar witli the most of people throughout the United States tliat it is hflrdly neeessary to state that lie is the originator of the rreat Dr. Bosanko Cougli and Lupg Syrup, tlie people's favorite retnedy, wherever knowr, for Coughs, Colds. Consumption and all affectionsof the Throat and Lnngg. Price 50 cents and $1 00. Bold by Eberbach & Son, druggists. An "after dinner" speech: "Waiter! ! brlng me the bill of fare."- Boston Courier. A Good In vest mout. Oueof our prominent business men said to us the other day : " In the spring my wife got all ruu down and could not eat anything; passing your store I saw a pile of Hood'sSarsaparilla in the window. and I got a bottle. After the had taken it a week she had a rousing appetite, and did her everything. She took tluee bootles , and it was the best three dolhus I everinyested. C. L. HoOD, & Co.,Lowell, Mass. An anti-inonopoli?t is one who would like to put himself in a niillionaiie's place. - N. Y. Journal. The Secret Art of Beauty lies not in cosmetics, but only in pure blood and healthy action of the vital organs, to be obtained by Burdock Blood Bitters. Even if the Tallapoosa wasn't a very spcedy craft she made quiek time In sinkiug.- Boston Courier. Skinny Men. "Wells' Health Kenewer" restores health and vigor, cures Dyspepsia, ImDotence, Sexual Debility. $1. "This is the bird den of my son," chlrped the canary as lie liopped lato Ets new cage.- X. Y. Journal. t"FasIiioii Is Queen. Fast, brilliant and tashionable are the Diamond Dyecolorp. One package colors 1 to 4 Ibs. of goods. 10 c. tor any color. Getatdrutrgists. Wells, Kichardson & Co., Burlington,. Vt. Waistful extravagance- A yotmg man weaiing out his coat sleeve his bestgirl.- Chicago Sun. Q "The best is the cüeapest.'' This is an old adage and the essence of wisdom. The best medicine, and the only sure cure for diseases of the liver, kidneys and bladder is the old and reliable Hunt's [Kidney and Liver] Remedy. Pliysicians endorse it higlily and prescribe it In tlieir practice. The Bartholdi statue must be modeled after some Ohio girl. The ears are three feet long.- OH City Derrick Dou't Die in the House. " Koiigh on Rats." Clears out rats, inice, roaches, bed-bugs, tlies, ants, moles, cbir.munks, gophers. 15c. Tlie man wlio makes wagen inny bo veiy wicked, but the one who does not s is 110 better.- Texas Siftings. For RUeumatism, Lumbago, Neuralgia, Cramp and Colic tliere is no remedy suj)erior to the genuine Dr. Thomas' Eclectnc on. 'Til take his head, orbust!" exclaimed the photognipher, who had a difflciilt subject to handle.- Boston Times. "Buchiipaiba." Quick, complete, cures all annoyine Ivulney, Bladtier and Urinary Dlscases. $1. Druggist. The attempt to otist the corset from feminine favor is futile. The corset lias come to stay.- Marathon Independent. Free Dlstribiition. " What causes the great rush at Eberacb tfc Son's árng store?" The free distrlbution of sample bottles of Dr. Bosanko's Cougli and Luna: Syrup, the most popular remedy forCough?, Colds, Conaumption, and Bronchitis, novv on the inarket Regular size 50 cents and $1.00. "Thisis an extreme preceedinir," remarked theejected wooer, as the Irate parent lifted bid] ofl'the stoop on the toe of his boot.- N. Y. Journal "Rongh on Kats." Clears out rats, mico, roaches, flie?, ants, bed-bugs, skunks, chlpmunks. gophers, 15c. Druggists. "Can you teil me what time t is?" asked a lady, white walting in a bank. "No, no; I am not the teller. Next wlndow, please."- N. O. Item. Erysipelas and Salt Rheum wcre driven entirely away from Mrs. J. C. Anderson, Peshtigo, Wisconsin, by Burdock Blond Bitters. No equal as i blood purillcr. " ' Give us a song,' a soldier cned." No wonder the soldier cried, wlien wo consider bow many poor songs are given us. - Kentucky State Journal. Merited Praise. The universal praise bestowcd upon kidney-wort as an Invaluable remedy for ill disorders of the Kidneys, Llver, and Uowels, is well merited. lts virtues are I iniversally known and its cures are ' jortedon all sides. Many obstinate cases ' iave succumbed to it alter they had been fiven up by the doctors and a thorougb ] reatment wlll never fail to cure. Sold by ill druggists. See adv't.


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