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Toledo, Ahn Albor & Nórlli MJcllIgan líailwiiy. TIMK SCHBD1 I.K. Toluke ef&ot ai otelock, noou, on Sund.iy, June32d, lssi. Trains run by Centra] Time, OOfNG NattTH. OOING BOUTH. -S "'- T"ë g. o '3 STATIONS. ó a o es F3 g g l'.M. A.M A.M P.M. 5 25 7 06 Toledo 0 30 4 55 S 80 7 11 Manhattan Junctlon 9 26 4 48 40 7 23 AlexiK .Junction 910 4 3 5 4 7 5 ilawthorue I 10 4 30, B 56 7 4(i yantarla 9 Ü2 4 22 09 H (Ki Lulu 8 47 4 04 (i 14 8 15 Monroe .lunctlon 8 42 8 S (i 23 1 8 30 DiiDrice H 80 S SOj l 28 8 W Macón 8 36 3 45 0 88 8 4K Azulia 8 20 3 ln 6 43 1 8 59 1 Milán Junction 8 0! t 25 6 4 H 03 Milán 8 Otilii 22 51 II 09 Nora 7 5 3 17 0 58 fl 22 Urania t 52 8 lo 7 0? B 32 Pitsplleld Junction 7 40 3 02 T 201 !) SO Aun Arlxir 7 27 2 1!) 7 37 10 16 Leiaud 7 12 2 30 7 45 10 22 Worden 7 06 2 98 8 OOllO 85 SouibLvon 0 SO 2 10 Uonncctions: At Toledo, with railroade diverpln(r; at Manhattan Junctiuo, with Wheeling & l,uice Krie K. R.; at Alexis Junction, with M. C. B, !{., L. S. & M. S. Ry. and P. & P. M. R. R.; at Monroe Junction. with L. S. & M. S. líy.; at IJundoe, with L. H. & M. s. Ry., M. & O. Ry.; al Milán Junction. with Wabash, St. LoniK & Pacific Hy.; at Pittsfleld, with L. ti. S, M. S. Hy.; at Ann Arbor with Michigan Central U. U., and at South Lyon with Detroit, Luning & Northern R. lí., and Urand Trunlc Ry. H. W. ASHJ.EY, General Supt. W. H. BBNNETT, Gen'l. Paes. Affent. THE LIHE SELECTEB BT TH-E TJ. S. G0VT T0 CABRY THE FAST MAIL WJifmifill COIIVG WEST. OHLY LINE KUNNING TWO THEOUGH TRAINS DAILY FKOM CHICAGO, PEORÍA & ST. LOUIS, Through tlie Heart of tbe Continent t way of Pacíüc junction or Omaha to DENVER, or vía Kan.ias City and Atehteo.1 to Denver, connectliigin Uijlon Depota at KanBaa City, Atchiaon, Omahu aud Denver wlth through traína for SAN FRANCISCO, and all polnts In the Far West, bhortest Llneto KANSAS CITY, And all points in tbe láouth-West. TOURISTS ANO HEALTH-SEEKERS Bhould not forget tbe factthat Itound Trlp tickets at reduce ratea can be purcbased vla tlils Grent Tlirougli l.ine. to al! me Health and Pleasurc Kesorts of the West and Houth-Weat, lccluding thoMountalns of COLORADO, the Valley of the Yuaenilte, the CITY OF MEXICO, and all polnts Ín tbe Mexlcan Repubüc. HOME-SEEKERS Should also remember tbat thls line leads direct to the heart of the Government and Railroad Lauda iu Neuraska, Kansas, Texas, Colorado aud Washington Territory. Itls know'ua? thegreat THHOUQH CAR LINE er America, and la universal ly admltted to be tbe Fiuest Eqnipped Railroad in tbe World for alf classe of Travel. Through Tickets vía thls Une for sale at all Itallroad Coupon Ticket OlUces la the Uulted otates aud Canada. T. J. FOTTKR, Vlce Fres, and Oen. Manager. VKHCEVAL LOWM.L, Oen. Pass. Ag't Chicago. JNü. Q. A. BEAN, Oen. Eastern Ag't, 017 Broadway, New York, and 'Jtítí VV'asbington .i-, Boalon. .A.T THE POST-OFFICE 1W&IP0T. A Full Line Of Cheap Libraries ! AND STATIONEEY A complete assortment of common and Fancy Note and Letter Paper. Envelope?, Invitation, and Kequest cards. Writlng Pnckets, Fine Box Paper?, suitable for presenta and nll kinds of Stationera' suppücs. BLANK BOOKS Pass Books, Memorandum Books, Scratch Books, Students Note Books, Iierums, Legal and Medical Indexes, Bill Books, and all grades of common Note Books. WILLIS Hl, Proprietor, And Agent for all Newspapers, Magazines and periodiealf. Loss and fcinln. CHArTER I. " I wae taken Riek a ycnr ago With bilioilB fever." " My doctor pronounced me cured, bu' I got sifk again, with terrible pains in my back and sldes, and 1 got so bud I C'ould not move ! J shrnnk! From 228 lb. to 120! I had been doe toring for my liver, butit did me noood I did not expect to live more Chao tlnci inonths. I bogan to use Hop Bitters. Directly my appetite returned, my pains lelt me, my entile systcin seemed renewed as if by magie, and after ueln g several bottles I mi not only as sound as a sovereljfn, bul weigh more tbati I did bcfore. To Hop Bitters I owe my life." Dublin, June 6', 'SI. R. Fitzi-atrick. CIIAPTElt II. " Muiden, Mass., Peh. 1. 1880. Gentlemen- I 8ud'ered with attncke of sick headache." Neuralgia, female troubte, foryeaw in the most terrible and escruclatlng niaiiner. No medicine or doctor oouhl give me relief or cure, nntil I used Hop Bitters. "The hst bottle nearly cured me;" The second made me as well undstrong as wtien a cliild, "And I liave been so to this dny.1' My hitsband was an in valid tor twcnty yeurs witli a serious ''Kidney, liver and urinary complaint, "Pronounced by lioston's best physicians - " Incurable ! " Seven bottles of your bitters cured liitn and I know of the "Lives of eifht persons" In my neighborhood that have been saved by yottr bitters, And many more are Ullng them with great benefit. " Thcy almost Do iniracles?" - Mrs. E. D. Statk, Qow to (Jet Sick, - Bxpose yourscif day and nifht; fat too ranch without exercise; work too hard without rost; doctor all the time; tukealltlu' vile nostruniB advertisod, and then you will want to know how to net vvll, which ia unswered in three word- Take Hop linter ! CSNonfi KPnuine without a Imncli of gnvn Hopa on the white label. Shun all the vlle, pot.sonuiiM, stull'wltli "Hop" or "Hops'Mu thelr name. C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! No. I South Main St., Aun Arbor. Theohlestngencyln the city. EstnbllHheU ) qnarter ot :i cuntury ugo. Reprcseuling ihe followiiiK Srat-olasi oompanle : Home Ins. Oo. of N. Y $7, 488,(115 Continental Ins. Oo. of N. Y 4,807,442 N iii;ara Ins. Co. of N. Y 1,874,024 GHrard [ns. Co. of Phtladelpbla. 1,259,967 grient Ins. ('o. of Hartford 1,419,528 Commercial Union of London . .1 1,045,943 Liverpool, London md Globe. .34,402,085 [tafos Low. losses Liberally Adjustcd ' and Promptly Taid. O. II. MILLEN. '


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News