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ROYALPSft'iïJ ] B 'AKlH POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varíes. A marvel ofpurtty, strengthiiuil Moreeconomieal than the ordinary kinds, and cauuot be sold in competitlun witli the multitude of low test, sho t weight, alum or pliosphate powders. Mold only In cans. Koyal Bakisü Powdkk Co., lOti Wall St.. N. Y. SALT RHEUM And Every Species of Itching and Burnirg Diseascs Positively Cured. ECZEMA, or 8't Rhenin. wlfll its aeonizingltchIsg and hurning, instuutly relieved by a warm batn wfth Cuticura Soap, aod a einjrle application of Cuiicura, the great Skin Curo, Thls repeated daily, wlüi two or tlirce ot Cuticura Resolv ent, the Nev Blood Puriüer, to keep tbe bloodcool, the perepiration pure and unlrritating, the bowels open, the liver and kidneya act1veawilJ speedily cure Eczema, Tutter, Kingworm, Psonasi?, Licheii fruritup, Scalled Heiid, Daiulrnfl', and every species of Itchinji, caly and Plmply Humora olthe Scjlp aud Skin, wlien tl.e beet physician and all known remedies fail. W1H MIonal1.2r)42 Deurborn st., Chicago, Sratel'ully acknowledg;es a cure of Salt Uheum on head, neck, tucf, arinti, and lejis lor seventeen yeai s; uot able to walk except on hands and knees for one year; not able to help himself foreight years; tried hundreds of remedies ; permanently cured by Cuticura Kt-eolvent [bliod pnriBer] internally, and Cuticura and Cuiicura Soap, the great skin cures, exterualiy. F. H. Hr.-ilv". Esq., Befoit Mich., suffered uutold tonured from tían Kheum, which appeared on bis hand, h'iud and face, aid nearly detroyed his eyey. After the most Cftroful doctoring anda consultaiioii of physicians lailed to relieve him, he used tlie Cuiicura Uemediee, aud was cured, and has remainod so to dato. Mr. .Jolm Thlel, Wilkeíbarre, P., writes :- I have sutteied Irom Salt Khcum tor over eight years, at ttmes eo bad tbat I could not attend to ray ousiness for weeks at a time. Three boxea ot' Cuticura, and tour bottles Resol vent, have entirely cured me of this dieadtul disease. Sold everywhere. Price : Cuiicura, 50 cents : Resolrent. $1.01) ; Soap, 25 cents. Potter Drug anc Chemical Co., Boston, Mass. Send for " How to Cure Skiu Diseases." -iryri-iTCÜRA SOAP. An exquisite Toilet v LJ X batli, aud Nursery Sauative. SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE FOR CATARHIf. Complete Treatment with Inhalen for One Dollar. . 'T1"1? Great Italsnmic Dlstlllatton JLot Witcfa Haza', American Pine ylgMk O.iti(lu l'ïi, Marigold, CloverR$3 liloyBomp, etccalled Hanford's HPSS Kadifal Cure, fortín imme díate relief and permanent cure of i every form of Catarrh, frorn a y"w simple Cold in the líe id to Loss Jn of Hmell, Taste and Smell, Cough fcgL and Catarrlml Coneuniption. CotnTmKj píete treatmerit, consistine ol' one ( bottle Kaflical Cure, one box Ca - - tarrlial Solvent and one improved Í7 'C_ Wj Tr.haler, in one package, may now P'íiilTO V be uad of all Drufíists fr $1.00. 4-% ' Aek for SANFOKD'S KAD1UAL CURE. "The only absolute specific we know o[."-Med. Times "The best we hve fonnd in a lifetime of Dr. Wiygin, Boston. "Alter a loni? stru-'üle with Cutairh the Iíadiual Cure has I have not found a case that n did not lelieve at once "--Ahdrew Lee, Manchester, Mass. POTTKH DKUU AND ClIKMlCAL Co., liOStOD. I ¦ & New li'fe for Shattered „rt I M Nerves, Painful M úsele and r.U1- ' ' O 'weakened Orsans. ColW VOLTAIC lns' Voltalc Electric fS r3 FIatT iiisumily affeets UfJ Jím the nervous eystem and ' Cr TiíX banlshes pain, nervousnese "VY1 i?í(Pvan(l debility. A perfect ƒ Vi A' Klectro - Cialvanio ELECTRIO Hattery oombinert Pí A C-rCR5itli a hiRlily medl"t5 I t t-iual IMaster fur 2 Cls. All druggiste. DeCLARKE MOFEE ( EstabMsed 1851 I Merrill üntü BetterI "( DETROIT, MICH. f B!ock _._„. ThcregalaroldeiitabUthed 15SSm1 1'liyslii.m and Surceon Dít. nflí FwKv CLABKB, at the olJ number Bwi.'uJiiíl'i 1 continúes to treat with his usual mWTvm great klll all private, 11 O ÉSA chronlc, nervous and special IIV -?A diseases. DB. CLAIiKE is iCv í?3&!f theoldestAdvertisingPhysician, BJtt feai .1S files of Papers show and all oWl'sidcntskTw. Age a.a eiperience ImP?-ntÑ.rvoai dlseas.8 (with or without tou íaveUSken orho has f ailed to cure you. Young men and mlddle-aBed raen and Síbád Mod and ïkTn diñases of ! er, Lnd. gaseas mproperly" dlschargeB cure3 mi-ñu


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