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The boys will hop at Sill's hall, Dexer, next Friday niglit. The new Baptist church at Milan is one of the finest buildings in tlie place. J. C. Ray, of Dexter, was married at Flint recently to Miss Lydia Coates. Aaron Scliairer, of Saline, has removed wkh his fainily to West Polnt, Nebraska. Swamp fires around Milan have worked considerable damage to property thereabouts. Milan is to have a G. A. 1Í. post and a ollt-r rink soon. Her school opea with 150 pnpils in attendance. Sam Joseobans, of Saline, rece i ved a veré burn In the eye last week, while ' drawlng" a pieoe of iion. Oeo. H. Pinchase, one of Chelsca's bright young men, has gone to the Nornal to take a course of study. The skating rink frame at Saline colapsed the other day. Lucky it was before uiy injury to ham.iu life could result. A Germán who recently carne to this connty, has purehased the oíd Eli Sheplerd farm, east of Saline, for $50 per acre. The school house in district No. 5, Sylvan, has been completed, and school has already opened, with Miss Uattie Wliitiker as teacher. The üexter Leader office is announced for sale "to a gooü printer and a live editor." Snppofing a poor printer and a lazy editor should come along with your price in cash, Bro. Allen, wouldu't you take it ? A short sime since, while the two years old chüd of Joseph Stapish was playing near a water tank, it feil in, bilt was soon taken out and resnscitated, but after three lioura it had a relupse and died.- Chelsea Herald. TIip report of the treasurer of the Dexter school district shows the total leceipts f ir the year to have been $3,519.57, and expeiuliturtis f3,081.21 leaving a balance of $438.3ü on hand. The board has directod Martin's "Human Body, Briefer course," Swinton's General History, (in place of Anderson's) and Sages Elementary Physics, (in place of Steele's Natural Philosophy) to be used iu the schools hereafter. One of Milan's wants is a good hall, with a good stae and appropriate scenery. If such a hall were built here, traveling companies woulcl visit the town, and the citizens woulcl appreciate and patronize good entertainments, both foreign and local. In this life of ours, we ought to blend eiiough of the brijrht thintrs with the dull realities, to make it both pleasant and prolitablfc, and there is no better way than by occasionally attending a good lecture, musical or dramatic entertainment. - Milan Journal. The Ypsilanti Sentinel man don't believe in the democratie party fooling away its money : " vVe.have received and thrown away, a circular trom the national democratie committee containing "fashion plates,' and a list of prices of uniforms, for Cleveland and Hendrick's clubs. If the national committee bas no better business than such nonsense to eiigage in, it liad better dishand. Tlie money expended in this folly can be employed more usefully. Not tlmt the cotnniittee opens its barrel for tli is expense ; for it Is expected that the local clubs will pay, and perhaps at a price that gives a profit to the makers at least. But certainly the local funds are not so plenty that they need be wasted ( n such trumpery."


Ann Arbor Courier
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