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A happy mirprise it was (¦ JIr. A. R. Horton, o( l'.rlsuii, C'oiiD., Ihjü Atulopiiohos put hlm on hls leet, and sent him cUeerttlty about hls t)tislness. Lot lrtm tetJ Ms own Story : "About tlirce weeks ago I w;w tükcti with a Hovero crick in tho buck. í'or ímv diyy I wan unable to turn iu bed without LK'lp, mid wheuliftodurcimldlwtHtaiKlouiiiy tit. I wiw induced to try A'rHLOi'Moitos, aitoc all tito iual romedioH fuiled. In 2U uiinutes aftor t :ij m tho Ürttt ckwO I cmikï boar uiy wi.'ij.'irf'Upoii my feet. In twii dity 1 11 w atilo to Kot about auduLtci:d bo buniueöR. Iu two otbor canea which havo coiite to luy koowledre itu uho 1kih becu attendcd wMli tbe Baiue i ¦" lï - " A poor man in l'liil.U-(Jii;i had l borrow a dollar t buy a bottíe oí Ann ipnoico. On account of hls poverty hlsrramasIxiH r.-ru. m awiuft. He had suffered tej'rtbiy irucn lili - malism. He gratef ully wrttes : " I took my Brst dose Tuesday afwrnoon, and on WfjdiieHtJaö', ufter bui Boven doses, 1 1..O ¦ t a Bharp or wwore aobe ieft. 'Pbcu I reducid tbe doeo one-half aiad took the reiaoindif uf Qlu boUie. I wart alta to boMoady al vrojrk tin éaturday, wheii I took a Reven coid ainl vni no able to as mr teft haud. I purciuiHf.l unuthc-r bottle aud br l.iuii I f,iml nn,i The luediciue ih ail you rlntm for n." Inve-stigate ATiiLoniOBOsallyo pleosu! Fiml all tlie fiuilt you dioose whi i ! and yet the faot renmiiis, tliat rt is doing wliiet nu ether nieilic'ine ever cuuld do for Ivliuunialism und Neuralgia. Tf you cannot pet Athlophcros of your drugglst, we wlll send lt express pald. on r'celpt of rotular prlce- oni dollar per bottle. We prefer tuut jou buy lt from your drugglst, but lf ha hasn't lt, do not be perSuaflefl to tiy someUÜIlf else, but order at once Irom us aa dlrected. ATHL0PH0ROS CO., H2 WALL ST., KEW YDRX. aiiiimiiciiitiaiai 'j. R, iiiimmmniHiii Never neglect aconstipatedcomlilion of tlie bowels, or serious icsults surely follow, such as piles, nrid impuro bloocl. Use Bunlofk BIoolI Bitters. Majfnetlc girls are beconiinfi so coinniou tliat ;i irirl whodoes anythinfr shocking wil] try to excuse lierselfon the plea thitt it was ii'agnetiím. "Rougli on Rats." Clears out rats, micp, ronches, flies, ants, bed-bugt, skunks, chipmuokg, gopbers, 15e. Drugjifists. A "lioneymoon in the lockap " was a recent item in the city papen. This seems all riifht, considerin? tliat honey is alWRye found In sclls.- [Pittsburg Bulletin . 6 uo il ai unce, t or 10 oents ret a package of Diamond Dyes nt the druggist's. Tlipy color anything thc finest and most desirable colors. WeTlg, Riclianlson & Co., Burlington, Vt. S imple Card, 32 colors, miel book of directlons for 2cent stamp. Nnw that. Mr. Ilanlan lias been beaten we tecali the fact. wliich has somctimes been forgotten, tliat be bclongs to Canada. M'lien you Fee) Blue and your back aches, and your liead feels heavy, and you wake unrefreshed in the morning and your bowels are gluLgUh or eostive you need Kldney-wort. It is nature'8 great remedy and never fails to relieve all cases of Diseased Kidneys, Torpid Liver, Constipation, Malaria, Piles, Kheumatism, &c. Itoperatessimiiltaneoiisly on tlie Kldneys, Liver and Bowels, gtreDgthening them and restoring healthy action. Pat up in botb dry and liquld form. Sold by all drugjíists. " I see tliat in the p reface to your book you state that it written to tíll a" long feit want. Wliat do you mean by that y1' ' What do I mean by that y Wliy, I've jeen needing a square meal for the past tlghteen monihs. üou't you cail that a ong telt want :'" S. B. Durfey, mate of steamer Arizona, íad his foot badly jammed. Thomas' Ecectric Ü1 cured it. Nothing eqoa] to it 'or a quick pain reliever. " No," said tlie elopin woman, " there sn't the least likelihood that my husband vill discover our whereabouts. He's a New York detective.'1 Tliis Idea of Going West to Colorado or New Mexico, for pure air to relieve Consumption, is all a nu'stake. Any reasonable man vvould use ür. Boaanko'a Cough and Lang Syrup for Consumption In all ts first stages. It never fails to give relief in all cases of Coufhs Coldü, Bronchitis, Pain In the Cbe?t and all iffections tliat are considered primary to Consumption. Price, 50 ceuts and 1 00 Sold by Kberbach & Son. And now we ïead that a Detroit editor is benig sued for a board bill. It is only fair to him, however, to state that he s out of a job just now. Were he at woik he could got bored for nothing In the oltice.- [Ltndon Advertiser. "Buchiipaiba." Quick, complete, cures all annoying Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Dlseases. $1. Druggist. The ears of the Bartholdi statue are thiee feet long. This is doubtless a sort of recognition of that great American institution, the mule. Mr. Cole of Windham, N. II , declares that her life was savefl by Hood's Sarsaparilla. She had 37 terrible Scrofula sores. A medical journal says : "In Btrfog food to n sick child see tliat it is carefull y cooked." A sick child " carof ully cooked" ought not to need much food. Por Colds, Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis and Sore Throat use Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie Oil, and get the genuine. "Ilello!" shouted ono boy to another whom he eaw 111 nu ing wildly down the street. " Halloo ! Are you training for a race?' ' No," called back the flying boy, " I ni racing for a train !" Try It Yoiirself. The proof of the pudding is not in chewing the rtrlBff, but in liaving an opportun.ty to try the article yourself. Eberbach & Son.the Dniggists, have a free trial botue ot Dr. liosanko's Cough and Lun iyfup lor eaob and every one who is aftlicted with Coughs, Coldfg, Asthma, ConBumplion or any Lunsr affection. The youno; rnon at the seashore doti't secMii to be bonetited by the change of air Ihey are, fatiytliing, so ayoung lady intonns us, fresher tlmu ever. Don't Die in the House. "Konjihon Hats." Clears out rats, inioe, roadles, bed-biiffs, flle, mts, moles, chiimuuks, gophers. 15c. Natural red hair is worth fioni echteen to twenty dollars an ounoe. 80 when you Imd acrimson strand in the butter you may be sure tliatno low-priced article is benifi served to you. "Trust men and tliey will trust you," said Ralph Waldo Kmerson. "Trust men mei they will bustyou," saysan ordlnary, everyday business man. "Mollier Swan's Worm Snup." Infalllble, tasteleas, barmlen, cathartte, for feverislmess, restlessness, worins, ooustiiiaüon. 25c. . A LouUvllie paper heuda an artlcle "An Editor in Cburch." JiOiiisville papers ipare nelther palat nor expense to obtaln Fall particular of phenomlna] occurence, GliEENVILLE, CT , Miiy 8, 1M8.!. " Ws attacked witli leveré kiünoy disease. Hdnt's [Kidney and Livei] Hkmiídy was advised, and olie liottleeonipletely ' Jured me." - Chas. II. Alexaniler, Foreuan Dyo House, Shetucket Mills. "I will certify to the tnith of the ' ibove.'1 - John A. Morgan, Drugglst, Jreeuville, ('oim.


Ann Arbor Courier
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