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ï-iirdii, A mi Arliui' & MorMi Michigan Rallwny. TIMK BCHSDT7LE. Totuke effect at 12 o'clock, noun, uu Stintlay, June33d, 1884. Train run ly Ocntro] Time, GOING NORTÍT GOINQ BOUTH. I' ai od iC-j - cc; ,00. 'S STATIONS. o o,o S5M KJB Z ZS IM. A.M H.M P.M. 5 25 7 05 Toledo 9 31) 4 55 5 30 7 14 Munhatuin Junction 26 4 48 5 40 7 21 Alexi Junction 18 4 S" 6 4 7 3 llawthorne il 10 4 .'Ui 5 55 7 4( Samarla 'J 02 4 221 09 8 (KI Lulu S 47 4 01 ( 11 8 15 Monroe Jiinctlou 8 42 :) 90 23 8 30 Dundee H 80(8 50 l 28 8 37 Macon 9 2t 3 45 li 33 8 4(i Aznlia 8 2ö 3 40 ti 43 8 M) Milan Junctiun 8 0!i 3 25 4fi !) 08 Milan S 0i3 22 (i 51 !l 0 Nora 7 5ÍI 3 17 6 68 H 22 Urania 1 52 3 10 7 Ot 9 :i2 Pilsííield Junction 7 40 3 0-2 20 9 50 Auu Arbor 7 27 2 4N 7 37 10 15 Leiand 7 12 2 30 7 4.1 10 22 Worden 7 08 2 25 8 QollO 35 Souih L' on B 50 2 10 Connectlona: At Toledo, wltb rallroads dlverginp; at Manhattan Junction, with Wheeliníí & Lake Erie H. H.; at Alexis Junclion, with M. V. H. B., L. S. & M. S. Ry. and F. & P. M. R. R.; at Monroe Junction. with L. S. & M. S. Ky.; at l)undoe, with L. S. & M. S. liy., M. & O. Ky.; at Miliin Junction. with Wabaeh, St. Loui & Pficitlc Ky.; atPittufleld.with L.S. S M. S. liy.; at Ann Arbor with Michigan Central R. K., and at South Lyon with Detroit, Landing & Northern H. R., and Grand Trunk Ry. H. W. ASHLEY, General Supt. W. H. BKNNETT, Gen'l. Pass. Agent. THE LINE SELECTED BY TH-E V. S. GOVT 10 CABBY THE F AST MAIL OOI]VG "WEST. OITLY LINE RUNNING TWO THB0UGH TBAINS DAILY FK0M CHICAGO, PEORÍA & ST. LOUIS, Through the Heartof the Continent b way of Pacltic .1 ui u-t in or Ouiahu to DENVER, or vla Kansas City and Atchisoa to Denver, con nectltigin Union Depots at Kansas City, Atchisou, Omaha and Denver with throjgh tralus for SAN FRANCISCO, and all polnts in the Far Weet. bhorteat Ijlneto KANSAS CITY, And all polnts ia the West. TOURISTS ANO HEALTH-SEEKERS Should not forget the factthat Kuund Trip tickets at reduced ratea can be nurchaaed vla thls dircnt Tbrough Jjlne to all tbe Uealtli and Pleasurc Kesorts of the west and Houth-West, lccludmg theMountalns of COLORADO, the Valley of lüe Yosemlte, the CITY OF MEXICO, and all poluta In. the Mexlcan Republic. HOME-SEEKERS Khould also remember that this line lends direct to the heart of the CJovernment and Railroad Lauds in I JNVbriiskit, Kansas, Texas, Colorado and Wnhlngton Terrltory. Itis knowV) as thegreat THKOUÖH fAIt LUK er America, aüd Is universally admittf.1 to be the Finest Equlpped Railroad in the World for all classes of Travel. Through TIcketa vla tlils line for aalc at all liull road Coupou Ticket uilicia lu the Unlled buiua and ' Canada. T. J. POTTKR, Vice-Prea. and Gen. Manager. PKKCEVAL LOWEI.L, Ueu. Pass. Ag't Cblcago. JNO. Q. A. BKAN, Oen. Eastern Ag't, dl7 Broadway, New York, and 'Mj Washington i,, Boston. POST-OFFICE NEWS -DEPOT. A Fuil Line Of Cheap Libraries! AND STATIONEBY A complete assortiuent of common and Faiicy Note and Letter Paper. Envelopes, Invitation, and Request cards. Writlng Packet, Fine Box Papera, suitable tor presente and uil kinds of Btfttloners' suppiïes. ELAUK BOOKS Pass Books, Memorandum Book?, Scratch Books, Stndents Note Books, Rerums, Legal and Medical Indexes, Bill Books, and il grades of common Note Books. WILLIS IB, Proprietor, And Agent for all Newspapers, Magazines and periódica!. Loss and tinln. CIIAI'TER I. " I was taken Bick a year ago With bllious lever." "My doctor pronounced mecured, but I got sick amln, with terrible pains in i my bnck and sides. and I ot so bad I Could not move ! I shrnnk ! Froni 228 lbs. to ll0! l had been doe toiïng for my liver, butit did me nojrood I did not expect to live more than thre months. I began to OM Hop Bitters. Dire.ctly my appetite returned, my pains left me, my entire systein seemed renewed as if by maic, and after uslng severa! boules I uu not only as sound as a sovereign, but weigh more than I did before. To Hop Bitters I owe my life." lublin,June 6, 'SI. It. FrriATniCK. CHAPTEU II. " Malden, Maes., Feb. 1. 1880. Gentlemen- Ieuffered with attacksof eick headache." Neuralgia, témale trouble, for years in the most terrible nu il excrueiatin" niauner. No medicine or doctor could gi ve me relict or cure, until I uscd Hop Bitters. "The rirst bottle nearly cured me;" The second made me as well andstrons as wheTi a cliiliJ, "And I have been so to this day." My husbaud was au invalid tor twenty years with a scrious 'Kidney. liver and uriniiry complaint, " Pronounced by Bostoo'a best pli ysicians - " Incurable ! " Seven bottlcs of your bitters cured him and I know of the "Lives of eight persons" II) my neighborhood tb at have been saved by your bitters, And many more are usiug them with Krent benefit. " They al most l)o ni i ráeles 't " -Mrs. E. D. Slack. How to (ïkt SirK,- Exposé yonrseif day and nitrht; a too mnch without exercisc; work too hard without rust; doctorall thutimu; takeullllir vilo nostrum adviTii-ed, anrl ihen yon wlll want to know how to gnkmeU, whicli is unuwercd iutliruc words- Takc lloiiliiiters 1 TNnnegemilne without n Imnoli of irrc-i-n Hopson tlie vvhin; label. Shun all the vlle poisonou.s, stuif with "Hop" or "Hops" ín' thelr nama. C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! No. 4 Soutli Main St., Aint Arbor. TheoMpst aKPiicy li) the city. Estnhllslied i a, quarter of a oentnry ' Kepiusuntini; Lhe fiiiiowing Sm-oMMoompanleii Home Ins. flo. of N. Y ÍT, 468.64B Bontlneutit] Ins. (!. of H, Y.. . . 4,867,449 Nïajrürn In. Co. of N. y 1,874,034 3lrard Ins. ('o. of Phtladelphla, 1,256,907 )rlent Ins. Ca of Hartford 1,419,622 ommerclHl Union ofLondon. .11,048,948 verpoo), London and Glotra. .:u, 402,085 ! tutes Low. Lohm Libcrally Adjusted and PrOBfptly Paul. j O. H. MILLEN.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News