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Baking Powder Figures

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THATDONTLIE! . ? . 'f lie líoj'al Baking Powiler Co. try to give the inference tlmt their powder conuins more Cream Tartar and that its Leavcning Power is greater than snv ollier made, 88 stated in tlieir advertisement on the " Companitive Worth of ]iakinr Powders," exhibited by black Unes. Our name was mentioned In connection witli one of onr eheaper branda, made of different materlals as the trade might ileinimd. Our Cream Tarlar brand of Andrew's Pearl was omitted, evidently tor a verv jfood reason, judginK froin the relallve ïiicrils of Andrew's "PeaRl" and the Royal, as cleaily demonstrated by the Government Chemist, Dr. Peter Collier of the Deuartment of Agrioultiire, at Wtfbingrton, trom samples receiveil by him froro dealers who furnislied the samples fioni tlieir stocks on Land In open market. Sliowlngexccssof Croam Tartar In Andn-wV fD Pfl! IFRQ' ANAI VQIQ 8 " iïrl ovi-r Uoyal. asTl.lni-d hy WovUit. lULLILflO MIlMLTOlO eminent Chemtat Collier. - U. S. DUPT. OF AGBTCrLTÜRE. I jt C_ J Washington D. C, March 10, 1833. f C. E. Akdrews & Co.- Gentlemen : I received by ¦ expres fromThos. Lydon and J. P. Harking & Co., LJ (imnd Ave., Mihvaiikee, and liarper Bros., Ciiica - 31 jro, 111 .samples of Andrews' Pearl and Koyal Bak IHHH '"- Powders. The cans were in good condition J "" Biï when received and tlie seals unhroken. 1 flnd upon 4 __- _i (ü tiic-' "-"¦ analysis that Andrews' Pearl Baking Powder conru KM tains aboutfonr anda hall (4V) per cent. more 0 BBÍÍIéI Í ¦ I T'am larlar tlian the Koyal Bakinj; Powder, g?W''1 Zi I " Vil and a proporlioiiiitcl y largcr pcrrenlagc II CC fl 8 ' carbonic acid ïu, hmI I Umi it to bc Ka&il Í H ¦ frt'i' IVoni aluin, and auy injurio us KiibK ':- Sincerely yours, W MBÈ$frCliii PETER COLLIER, SjM My BP' U. S. Chemist, Dept. of Agriculture. Government Chemist Collier's Análisis as to tlie Leavening Qualities. ANDREWS' PEhRLWÊÊBÊÊÊnÊÊËÊÈBXBBE&MÊIÊËÊKi ROYAL ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦i Xo wonder the Royal Co. omitted Andrews' Pearl from their " C.'ompariitive List," as Government Chemist Collier's analysis shows conclus.vely two things: k, That Andrews' Pearl contato, more Cream Tarlar tlian , tlie RoyaJ ns 8hwnbrthecutsabove; 2d, That the I.tavciiiim Powcrot Andrews Pearl is greater than the Royal, as sliown by the two linea above. CHALLENGE. We will "sve the Royal Co. or any one else $1.000 or $5,000 if they can prove by anv fair mutual test that Andrews' Pearl Baking Powder does, or ever d.d, conta.n alüm or any injurious substances, and this challenge is open forever_ AndrewB Pearl Bakiii" Powder is sustained by a testimonial asto itspurity and itrencUl bythe onlyenuine commissioned Government chemist, sueh as the Royal Oo. never have published. Trv It. c_ L ANDRE ws & co? 287, 289 & 291 E. Water St, Milwaufcee. 45 Michigan Ave.. Chicago.


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