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Tlie G. A. R. post at Mllun is No. 474. O. A. Wilsey, of Sylvan, has gone to Detroit to live. A ten cent package delivery lias been started ia Clielscu. The normal let out to attencl the fair at Ypsi. hist Thursday. Mr?. Estella Enapp, Chelsea, died on Mouday of last wetk, agcd 25 years. Jus. llagan and Fannie Kellev, of Sylvan, were mafried on the 2,'id of Sept. 'J'he Mllan Presbyterlana have engaged t'ne services of Rev. Wright for one yuar. R. E. Frazer liad a big crowd nt Chelsea wheu he spoke there, and all went home pleased. The Journal states that RTiingements have been made to build au opera house at Mllan. There are four graduates of the Ypsilanti geminary attending the unlvergity this year. The eartluake gave Ypsllantl a doublé dose- well, she probably deserved a little extra shakinsr. A political chow-chow at Dexter on Oct. 4th, is desired by one who wants to lifi there and talk. The ladies of the Presbyterian society, of Saline, give a " corn social " at Union school hall Friday evening. Mrs. S. G. Ives, of Chelsea, lias goneto New York state, visiting, and .Mr. Ives expects to follow in a few days. The I. O. O. Fe'lows moved info their new hall at Milan, Saturday night, aud the goat was in splendid condition. Hon. R. E. Frazer made a strong speech at Dexter lust Saturday nigïit, and the hall was well Ulied with pèoplc to hear hini. At Saline John Bortle's dog "Dandy," has a puppy that weighed only four ounces when a week old. Xot muoh bark to that. Not all of the wheut bas been sowed in the countj' yet. Been too dry. Supposed to have been causod by the action of the [irohibitionists. We are told that Hirani Pierce sowed 45 acres of wheat a second time on account of the drouth. Many others are doinr the same. - Chelsea Ilerald. Rev. Isaac N. Eltvood, who has been pastor of the M. E. cliurch at Ypsüanti for three years, has been assigned to the pastorate of the Court st. M. K. cliurch, Flint. Mrs. Ira Watkins died at her home in Manchester, Sunday, Sept. 21st, leaving a small babe motheiless. Her death was sudden and unexpected, and her loss deeply deplored. It is estimated that the business improvements in this village thisseason will toot up over $10,700, and the seaso.n will see over $4,900 worth of improvements in residences. - Manchester Enterprise. The f riends of Rev. W. H. Benton, of the M. E. church, Dexter, gave bim a surprise " ponnd " party on Tuesday evening of last week, which was a happy occasion. Rev. Benton goes to Saline. Albert Case, the candidate for county treasurer, on the republican ticket, raised an earof corn from which ninesmallerears have grown. It is taken as an omen of the proliric state of his candidacy in the county. The corn erop of the county is turning out mucb better than farmers aoticipated. Nearly all of it is now ripe and out of'tlie wny of the frost and perbnpa seventv-tive per cent. of the erop is cut up and well secured. Saline has (he handsomest business streets to be found in any Michigan village, and her stores, for immense stock of goods and systeinatic amusement, are uneqiialed in tlie state, outside of two or three of the larger cities.- Observer. HU frlends (?) lnsist that the reported earthquake was but the echo or Capt. Allen's speech al Grass Lake, delivered tliat day.- Ypsilnnllnn. His friends (?) then should beware tlic day the returns come in. Tliey had better hire a little wag-on' move oif. The gas well on Mr. Kenear's place near the Wabash depot, is betog oleaued out. It is thouglit the well will furnish enough gas to lirht the town, and we nnderstand a pipe is to be laid to the business part to convey it there for that purpose.- Milan Journal. If the fusión of thfl republicana and greenbackers in Washtenaw county causes an earthquake, what WOUld be the result if they should tuse throiijjliout the state1'- Chelsea Herald. Wliy, n cyclone thatwould sweep the Held clean, of course. Give us something hard. Joseph Maltin, of Ypsilanti, had a stroke of parfttvaU, last Saturday evening, and died a few hours afterwards. He had kept a saloon in Ypsl. since 1S41S. He carne to that place in liS, wlien 18 years oíd. Leaves a family- wift', ftve sons and three ü&Ugbters, On Wednesday last the bnrn of Oscar Sanford.of Milan, was destioyed by lire, toetuer with a $300 horse, and a qtwpHty ofhay wheat and corn. Fire caused by Sanford's little daughter gOng to the barn with a lighted lantetn wWch the horse kicked over. Loss on barn $ 1 00. About four weeks ago J. F. Seeley received $10 consciente money from some unknown man in Aim Arbor, wlio gave no clue to his identity. WedneMsy lie received f20 more from the same man. and the only idea he has is from the express envelop, which sives 1. Henry as the sender, whilc the accompanyni-í lette Is sijjned I. H. "Who the sender is Mr Seeley caunot conjeeture.- 1 psilantian. A newspaperinan of Ypsilanti sconstruct inKa "uuiuyle." or ooe wheeled machine oronel hlmself to Kalamazoo. He will Hik the f'u "'t (tato "i !¦- asyu.m aiways .,P.-n and can tiuudle bimsSH m.--Soo' NTh'e ahove is a libel on the newspape men of Ypsilanti. Xone of them are en gaged In any snel. entefprise. Besides The motive power of Patt's preamluilating vehicle would be wind ; Sentinel wonl run with acid power; wliile the pulían tian could foot it, and tlien keep up wit eitlier of the other.


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