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Let Him Go There

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Acconling to the Detroit Even ing Xews, Rev. S. W. Titus, of that city, in apolitical sermón delivcred to hls congregation last Sunday, said : Our marrlage laws in Michigan, said Mr Titus, are a disgraee to the commonwealtli. l'he fault Is Lhat of designing leglslatures influenced by lawyers for sinister purposes. We cry out against Utah. Utati may cry out against Michigan. lts people have a more honorable state of tlilngs tlian Michigan. lt Mr. Titus did say that, the best tlllng j Mr. Titus can do is to pack up his duds and remove to that blessed(?) territory, where every tbing is so "lionorable.'' As Mr. Titus happens to be a man of faniily, how would he relisb the idea of liavlng his own childrcn broiitflit up under utah intluences? He bas had the opportiinity of rearing his family in that "honorable" land of Mormonisin, hut some way seenis to have prcferred Michifan. Sueh talk is bosh, bluster, slush, and unworthy of a man who pretends to preach the Christian religión. The runaway epidemie now ragiag in the east among wealthy girls- wlio marry poor fellows- sometimes miserable rakes and rowdies - is as as it is absurd. Newspapcrs would confer a favor iipon parents, and sous and daugliters also, by refusing topublis i the lllly twaddle about them. It is caused more by a desire of notorety tiinn anything, and sbould the aveMue to tliat be closi-d, inaiiy poor, foolish girls wonld be saved a life of regret and unbapplnew, parents niany hours and dayi of sorrow, and the public a lot of stuif chatis aelther enterttuulng, IngtrilCtlve or hardly decent. ]t is a wonderful sight to see the ovations whloh Jas. G. JJlaine is receiving everywhere on his western trip, and it proves his magnetlim and popularity with tlie masses. (rover Clevclaud's managen dare not thns put to the teit thelr cuodldate'i personal appeanmee and abüily, o they leep hiiu close at home. Capt. E. P. Allen is making a thorougli canvass of tlie district, and is galnlog friends wherever lie goes. Honest, fearless, he nieets every question in a frank, manly way, that inakes even bil encinies admira hlrn. The outlook at present for his election is certainly tirstclass. Moni'y is being poured nto Ohio, Indiana and Wlsconsin, trom nearly every soiitlicrn state iu the unlon, to kelpbribfl voten to ciiny the coming eleotlon. The hope of the suutheriiurs to once mora et into power u tliis {,'overniiieiit leadsthem to be generous. Wliy is it tliat every newsjiaper nnd periodieal in BBffUnd favors the election of Cleveland? Is it for the good of America? Or is it for the good of England f Just think over it, voter, nnd answer for yonnelf, befbre November 4th.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News