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A Heartfelt Protest

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Eev. Jolin Alabaster, so well known and so well loved by our citizens, for three years pastor of the SI. E. church of Arm Arbur, speaks frorn the bottom of his heart respecting the great danger which tlneatens the pure liomes and the good society of the nation by tlie election of a libei thie as president of the United States. An Indlauapolla dispatch of the 28th says: The Uev. John Alabaster, pastor of the Meridiau street M. E. Church, preached to-night on the subject of "Adulteiy," the discutirse being the seventh of a series on the Ten Coinninndmeiits. He is pastor of the leading Methodist chureh in the city, and in the course of his sermón he advised his conjjregation nol to vote lor Cleveland. He said in concluding liis discouise : "God forglve tliat I should be ready to belleve evll of aDy man, much less tosay It, but ifthereig any grouud iör tlie oft-repeated stories concernlng the candidate for the presldency, lf thlrty ministers In his own city are not Hars, then this uation is to-day dis graced. With the greut politioal party which numinated hlm I can eympathize, on the supposltion that tliese thiugs are true bat were then uuknown. Hut, whether all this is true or not. tlie party has the rlghtto lnslst upou the withdrawat of such a candtdate, aud thepeopleof this great i'hrlstlun land have theright to protest against holding up such au example before the young men oí America. This Is nol a question of party. It in a question of common deceney. It is a question that touches every home In the land. It toucues every paren t, every young man, every young woinan. every wife and every danghter. 1 say it plalnly, a man for a president of this great republlc, sliould iu matters of chastity. be iike Csar'.s wiie, above suspicion. The temperance question, the tarift question, and all other questioiiB are secondary to the question of pure homes. The bare possibility o! lodglng a libertine In the White House ought to seud a shudder through every family iu the land. As a husband, as aparent, as a sou of my mother, as a lover of my country, as a friend of all that Is pure, and as a Cliristian minister, I solBinuly protest agalust such a possihllty."


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News