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James H. White of Port Huron, was in the city FriJay. E. B. Abel has relurned frota the cast looking happy, as usual. Gco. Bliss, of Jackson, the expert roller skatist, is in town this week. Miss Einma Iluley is clerking in the P. O. news depot this week. A. B. Pond of the Jackson state prison got out and passed Sunday in town. Mrs. A. T. HUI of Detroit, is vUltlng her parents, Mr. and Mr3. C. Bliss. Dr. C. O. Darling is being visited by his mother, from Sullivan Co., N. Y. Dr. V. F. Breakey and wife have been visiting friends In Marshall during the week. W. W. Whedon has moved from Thompson street to tbe cast side of North State. Miss Jeimie Ryan, of Port Austin, is visiting lier friend Miss Lizzle Dignan, of this city. J. J. Goodyear leaves for New York city tomorrow to look up holiday attractions. A. L. Noble hopes to be around again the last of the week. Hfi has liad a hard pull of it. W. Koote Hall goes up the lakes this week tomake his home with his brothcr at Marquette. MunsonW. Bliss and wife, of Kansas City, are visiting Mr. B's parents and otner relatives in the city. Miss Sasie Moore has goiie to Detroit to take a position in the establishment of JNewcomb, Eiidicott & Co. Mis. Robert D.Giles, of Detroit, accompanied by her sou Louis, is relatives and friends in the city. Will Howe wliile on his way to his way to lus home in Xebiaska, stops over to-day with his mother, Mrs Lucy Howe. Uta. A. M. Mozart is visiting in Ann Arbor having a four weeks respite from dntyin the tieasurydepar traent at Washington, D. C. Geo. P. Kobison, asst. prosecuting attorney of Wayne countj-, is spending a week or so with his parents, County Clerk Robison and wife. Mrs. Paul Minnis, of tliis city, while visiting at the house of Sklney Collins in Lyndon, accidentally feil and broke her collar bone, last Friday. WilliamN. May, of Dardanelle, Arkansas, is in the city with his son who enters college. Mr. May in 1882 was the república!) candidate for associate justice oi the Arkausas supreme court. Mr. D. Goodspeed received a telegram Saturday of the seyere illness of his wifo withtyphoid fever, at Vickshurg, near Toledo, Ohio, wheieslic is visiting fi lende and he imniediately left for that place. Miss May lloberts returned Saturday from her summcr vacation at l'ort Sanilac, Mich., accompanied by her sister, Miss Sarah Roberts, both of whom will make their home at 25 North University ave.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News