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mmiHMmHiinmwniirj"W J LsorPAlN RIUWMArtWI and ttÉVKAlAUA uiv.toog nwugli rii riot in lh liuniiiii ( HyHtein. Tf tn tormentad thi? human fan.ll.v and HMHT"ilHi nn fainii time out of oisoiory i ii tuin mm ti ntiii '¦' ¦ v ¦-"¦'il wmO luiwwu "' ttrtwta i:i" i i 'l ".HuntKwo" la the enemy of Hbcumatoi:: aixl Nminlgl. repairs füeir dañinee, iviiéws t) Ifcxnl, e the Jolnta. c-alm Uu n.r.i"-, Kijth rf tbe iiMUMcleH, ijiveB rowt and pcace to tüc .iilii.l lir.ihL, and eO8uren delitfhtiul alecp. "Aii.oioos"isa]ipv reniod . . but It . li:is been bmliuit4y tnkd. Krom far and unir i ":uc tantiiixxintH froni well-known peraoua wno liad lontf beeu BuftertTs. It bu turncd ttwtt dtaMato out lt hu.. cud them. That w aH,-and la uu. itwh. "Atiilohioiios" can do fr yon vli:it it has tixie for those sulitiirs. It can drive raityour Rheumqtism and Neuralgia, and will do so if you gfve it a fair trial. "AraLOpao09" hnsiby thistlme bad sucti :i good tcfcd aS mer the country tli:it t-. true wart ü : tn. i4i, MKl it true cliaraufèr ptoved. " AamuwHOROS " ir.ecum " Pilze-Boan-r; " "Viotor;" " OoiHiueror " H cnrn.'J utl the pnze as ] Vicio 'over the i ttui'kn "I theM terrible m iludiu, ] mi.i OuogEm ' the trlKutful oiconie tii.r ] tiiis boi-e eiKlircil. Kot a mere tempenry tam, i but a iH)rniuiM'it, aadiiriotfi ud triuuiphaut cure. I If youcannntprer. A'rni.opnniro-iof .vour , Kisi. we will send lt expresd p U. on r, celpi ot , regular prto&-onc doUarperbottla Welrêler i tliat JOU liuy it fio:n jour dril "'t tut l( In haan't lt. do not be pTBuadotl lo try poiuettmig clsc, but order at otiu iroia us üi dlrecteO. ATHLOPHOROS CO., 112 HALl. ST., NEW TORI ,,,,, muinfn finminimuHUIii ¦¦fJWVraw Protertlou. No V ¦"'SgiSg STOMAH nj this 8tandal.d NIVWpU,mm'lrr ..I hcalth W! ; f% auJ .trciiBih. For sile by nli Drucgists and Dealers geuerally. Good wedder for cliurch-froin' 'penda mío' on de milliner dan it ilot-s Oll de moon. The Burdock plunt is one of the beftd:uretios or kidney regulators, Buidock Blond Bitters is unsnrpassed In ïll diseases of the kidneys, liver ind blood. "Bueliuiiaiba." Qulck, complete, cures all wi noy ing Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Dlsa8C8. tl. Drtijfgtat Vo liare no i -ijflit to piek n photogrnpber'f pocket, even it he has [)ict-nres. Ili I il.ldl & SOU the l)ruíírsts,wlio are ilways looklnz after the mWIWll of their ctistoniers, have now seeured the sale of Dr. Bosxnko'g Cough and Lii"; vSyrup, a renu-dv that never fails to cure Oolds. Puius in tbe Chest and all Luno; Ad'ections. Forproof, try a tree sample bottle. Jtegular sie 50 cents and $i.oü. Miu-h may be said ot the modern clgar, but you must draw it mild. "Rongh on Knts." Clears out rats, mice, roaches, flief, mts, bed-bugs, skunks, cliipiuunks, gophers, ISc Drugjfists. Never look on the dark side of anytbiug, unless it is a buckwheat cake. Sonie remarkable cures of deafness are recorded of Dr. Thomas's Eclcetric Oil. Never fails to cure earache. How to ratee bels- Take holil of the tops and pull. LgPerfeclion. The Scarlct, Cardinal lied, Old Gold, Navy 151ue, Seal Brown, Diamond Dyes give perfect results. Any fashionable color, 10c, at drufrgists. Wells, Hichardson & Co,. Hnrlii.pton, Vt. Few men wear out dere pantsjust at de knees. Hood's Sar-aparilla Is designed tomeet tliewautsof thosewho need a medicine to build thein up, give them an appetite, purify their blood, and oil up the machinery pf their bodies. No other article takes hold of the systetn and hits exactly the spot like Blood's Sarsaparilla. It works like magie, reacbing every part of the human body througli the blood, frivinar to all renewed life and energy. sjsl a bottle ; six for $.". An Englishman upon hearing theeaokling hl a poultry yard, exolaimed : " Oh, this is really henchanting! " My physician said I could not live; my Uver out of order; frequently yomited greenish mucous, skin yellow, small dry humor on face, stomach would not retain food. Burdock Blood Bitteis cured me. Mr?. Adelaide ü'Brien, 372 Exchange st., Buftalo, N. Y. The Boston girl is considered ao.complished when she can sneeze without dro])i)ini; ol!' her eye-glasses. "Mot lier Stvan's Worm Symp." Infallible, tasteless, harmless. cathartic, for feverishness, restlessness, worms, constipation. 25c. " Why does a dog chase bis tail ?" nsks an idle paragraplier. BeoaUM it tleas trom liini, of course. Doctors are getting more and more into the habit of prescribing proprietary medicines in their practice especially that known as Hunt's [Kidney and Liver] RBHRDT for diseases of the kidneys, liver and bladder. They knowfrom experience that it is of more value in such diseases tlian any prescription they can wrlte. An nnnce of keep your mouth sluit is better than a pound of explanation after you have said it. Just a.s (.ouii. Many unscrnpulous dealers may teil you they have remedies for Coughs and Colds equal iu merit and inevery respect Justas (jood as the old reliable Dr. Bosanko Cough and Lung Syrup, unless you insist upou this reinedy and wil! take no other, you are üable to be grently deceived. Frice 00 cents and $1.00. Sold by Eberbach &Son. It is a singular combination that when tbe mosquito visi'.s you he stays to hum. Don't Die in the House. " Kough on Rats." Cleare out rats, tnlee, roaches, bed-bugs, tlies, ants, moles, chipmunks, gophers. 15c. Song for a young man who bas sworn off treatlng thn girls to icccreain: " l'm Noboily's Darllng." Ladles in America long belore they reach iniddle age (requently (Ind theinselves sufferlng from some ofthecomplaintsand weaknesses peculiar to their sex. For all such KidneyVVort is agreat boon. It induces a healtby actiorj of the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the system, and strengthens and ives new life to all the important organs of the body. It is natures great assistant in establisblng and sustaining hcallh. So'.d by all druggists. STJJ3SCR1UE FOR The Ano Arbor Courier.


Ann Arbor Courier
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