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(f ROYAÜ'PS&'íiJ J B 21 POWDER Absolute! y Pure. Tliis powder never varíes. A marvel of purlty,8treiiKlliiiD(1 wliolesomeness. Moreeconomlosl llian the ordinary kinds, and canuot be sold In coinpetltiou witli the multitude ol low test, sho-t weight. aluin or plmsphate powders. Sold only in eans Hoyal Uaxinu PowDEit Co., lüti Wall St.. N. Y. (jitiraia A POSITIVE CURE For Every Form of Skin and Blood Disease, from Pimple to Scrofula. 1 havo had the Pporinsis for ninn mooths. A bout fivc montbe uq I applied to a doctor near Bo&ton, who lielpe me butuntortunately I had toleave, but con tin ued lukinü: his medicine for nearly three mouihs, but ttie dUease did nut Icave. 1 saw Mr. Carpenter's letter i i ihe Philadtphia Record, and hip case perfect) y deacribed mine. I tried the CuTicüKA Kkmedies, uug two bottleö Resolvent, ad Cuticura anrt Cnticura Soap in proportion, and cali niyseli cunjpleteh cured. L. F. BARNARD. Waterford.N. J. KTZÍIIÍIA TWEKTYYKARM Cured. Xot a Sïjr n of lts Iteappearance. Your Outicnra hae done a wondert ui cure for me mort! than two years ago. Not a eign ot' iis reappoarance niñee. It cured me ol a very bad Eczema wliich had troublud me Tor more than twetit yeara. I shall alwaye spL-alc well of Cuticura. I Bell a tm-at deal of it. FRANK C. SWAN, Druist. Haverbill, Maas. BEST KOK A. . IIIIM.. üiiving used your Outicura Remedies for eigh- teen months for Tetter, and linally cured Ir, I am anxious toget it to sell on commission. I can ree. onnnend it beyond any remedies I have ever nsed ' for 'i'etter, Burns, Cuts, etc. In fact, it is the best 1 medicine I have ever tried for anythiug. , H. S. UORTON. Myrtle, Miss. i SIKOFl IíOI S SORES. , I had a dozen bad sores upon my body. and tried all remdies I cmld hear uf, and at last tried your Outicura Remedies aud tbey have cured me. JNO. GASKILL. Hebron, Thayer County, Penn. Every species of Itching, Scalv, Piniply, Scrofulouf.Inberited and Coutagious Humort, with Loss of Hair, cured by Cuticura Resolvent the new Blood Parilier internally, and Cuticura and Cuticura Soap the gieat SKin .Cures externaily. Sold everywhere. Price : Cuticura, 50 cents; Soap, 25 cents ; ResoUent, $1.00. Pot'er Drug and Chemical .. BoRton. T)l.' ATTTV For Chapped and Ci y Ij U JL X Skir, Cuticura Soap. SNEEZE! SNEEZE! JSNKKZB nntil yonr liead eeems ready to fly oft'; until your noee and eyes dlscbarge excessive quantities of thin . ijritaiins, watery fluid: .xjuntil your head aches, " mouth and tllroatparch Yed.aud blood at fever ar hat. This is an Acnto T Catarrh, and is instantJ ly relieved by a single ÍV ''ïv. (lose, and permanently '- "i-Cj cur0'1 by one bo'tle of Sanford's Radical Cure for Catarrli. Complete Treatment with Inhaler for One Dollar, One bottle Radie il Cnre, onc box Catarro Solvv-nt and one Improved Inbaler, In one packaae, may'uow be had of all druggista for tl.00 Asü for SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE. "The only absolute speciflc we know ot."-Afed. Times "The best we hye fonnd in a lifetinie ot suflerine."- Ilev. Dr. Wiggin, Mosion. "Alter a lon struirsle with Catarrh the Radical Cube has cünqaered.-'-Xev. S. W. Monroe. Lewitburg. Fa I bavenotfoundacasethat it did not relieve at once "-Andrew Lee, Manchester, Mass. Pottisb Drug and Chemical Co., Boston. -.1 I Iki For the relief and prevenlion. CULU!'.Y' ni-.ti.Mi il in applied, V VOLTAO of Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Scik V,ll 'JV tfea. Coughs.Colds, Weakback, SWífá-&iomiKh, Snd Boweb, Shooting TV - L&ï& Pains,Numbne?e, Hysteria, FeXf ,X male Paine, Palpiiation, DyspepVVByx fia I.iver Complalct, BilUons ii25N' Fever, Malaria and Epjdi-mice, ï,r'7rRcne CoUuih' Piasters (an E4 i v V Klecrle Batfry comb.ned ASTER wiih a Porouw Piaster) and laugh at pain. 3c. everywhere. DcCLARKE MOFEE t Establised 1851 í Merrill Cuta Bettcr! ] DETROIT, MICH. f BlOCk , III.MMJ ThereRularoldestablUiied IJp5513 Physlelan and Surgeon DB, tWr WaVlicLAKKIS, at the old number BlliatS.ï.tïïtaT1'irhiSvBSg liïli.i-.leO.-.%B.UclAKPKet Ifv A'SBl hc oldcst Advertising: Physician. BlESyP: jSgglfl.., files oL papers show and all SdResidcntokSow. Age and eïperienco lmESSSSSSB&sïsas mêgmm


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