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A scene for a lime kiln club puinter s thus deBoribed by the Cadillac Xews: About the time when the last charge is ordered all along the line, we niay expect to see Alger, the army compauion of Gen. Gu?ter and liis tigbt arm in battle, leadiug his followers wilh all the dash and fervor for which he was noted, while Begole will be flgartng on the back of his pass book to try and ascertain where his niiijority has dwindled to. The Negaunee Iron Herald propounds the followingpuzzler for the Blaine villifiers : If Mr. Blaiue was so greedy for money while speaker of the house as his enemies assert, it seems strange that he did not take B fhnre of the salary-grab In 1873. He might have done so very easily, but hedidn't. Ou the contrary, the bill was specially nmended at his request in such a iray as to cut him out and give the increased pay to only future speakers. Another soiirce of revenue to corrupt and buy up voters for the democratie party is retened toby the Owosso Times : The Mormons have contributed $250,000 to the democratie campajgn fuml and are expected to contribute more. Why, simply because the demócrata are expected to foster and protect the infamnus instituition that is the cm se of Utah, polygamy. And well tbey nwy expect t with Grover Cleveland as their candidate. When it comes to the liquor question the Lansinp; Journal understands itself and its party's wants : If the prohibitionist-s would moilify their proposed constitutional aniendment a trifle they would have a mueh bettcr prospect for its adoption. One deniandins; that iutoxicating liijuors shall be sold for medical, mechanical, sacramental, fishinjr, lmntinu;, and political purposes only, would meet with very little opposition in the state. A terrible auspicien is riven publicity by the Adrián Daily Record : Scove Stacy, of the Tecumseli Herald, bas been " ïwiagine " around the country beliind tlte " oíd grey," and writes about " takin"1 tea" atone place where the farmers was "well iixed." Scove knowsbetterthan to taketeaat a lean establishment. He adds that his host has " a model family," and incidentally remurksthat "the daughtersare at home." "Well fixed," "model family," " daughtersathome." Might we infer - O, no - eau' t be possible. The Hastings Banner has the right of it: If Britlsh gold, furnished from the treasuries oí her Cobden elubs, can elect G lover Cleveland, he will be elected. He has the sympathy, and his managers the money, of those Englishmen who are interested In making América a dumping ground for England"s surplus products ; tor making América raise the wheat, corn and meat for Englishmen, while tliey get the benefit of the carrylng trade, and the prolits of maniifacturlng, and employment of labor and capital. Do Americana want to please their commercial enemies? The Miphigan School Moderator bas tbisextremely sound and sensible advice: It is wbat we rejoice to see - men, tvomen and children - the rich, the poor, the old and the young, ahvays loqking up. It shows the purity of your intentions, and thedeteiminationof yourown hearts. We see in him the elements of a true man. No matter if the sea has swallowed your property, or the lires have consutned your dwellings, look up- take fresh courage. Is your name a by-woid or a reproach? Look up lo the purity of the skies, and let its image be reflected la your henrt. Detraction then will rebound from your bosom. Are you trod upon by the strougï Look up- push up- and you will stand as strong as he. Are you crowded out of the society of the rich ? Look up, and soon your society will be coveteil. Whatever miy be your eire umftances or condition in ufe, always make it a point to lookup- to rise liigher and higher- and you will attaiu your fondest expectations. Success tnay be slow, but sure. It will come, lleaveu is on the the side of those who look up. The Bast Saginaw Ilerald brings up the record to confi-ont theis : The following is the vote on the Morrison turiilbill in the house of repiesentatives last May : FOK THE BII.I,. República ns ¦ Democrats Total 135 AGAINST TUE Hl 1.1,. Republicana U8 Ueinocrals 41 Total -.- 139 It wiU be remembered that the bill proposed to make 20 per cent. reduction of the tiiritf ou all irticles upon whlch a duty is imposed. It was killed by republican votes. The figures teil the story. One liundiedand flfty-two demócrata voted to so reduce the tariffas to allow European manuiactnrers to Üood our markets vvith their goods and destroy our doniestic industries. Only forty-one democrats voted against it. Hid it not been for the proximity of the presidential electiou, and the fear or losin votes, the democraoy would have past the bill.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News