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The Politico-relgio-tempiratical Party

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ifanythlng more is necded toconvincc our citizens' of the narrow-minded and bigoted policy of soine of tlie leading lighta of the wreeked temperance cause la this community, here it is. It generally has been charged and believed that tlipir Sunday afternoon meetings were being run in the interests of the proliibition party rather tlian for legitímate temperance work. A few of the more s nsiblc ones recognized llie truth of this, a'.id to counteract t set about to get some speakers of wliom it could not be said tij they workod for themselves, or for the tliird party. Witl) that in view they walted on the litv. R. 15 Pope and asked liini tü fflve tliem mi address. As he has always been ready fdr rea! temperance work, lie readily promiaed to speak for tliem, and nextSimday was tixed upon as the time. I3ut Monday niglit they got together, and .ifter some low-down backbltlng of that gentleman and liis cliurcli, tkey refusal Mm (he use of their hall. Ves, they who had made little tin-gods-onwbeelf of libei tines, of drunkards or unlmng rascáis, and had listened witU rapture to hypociitical cant and gush from foul mouths, do well to carry out the dictatcs of their natures and thus to insult the worthiness of a trne man wliose pur. ity and honor they ure unable to prehend. The wonhlpperi of tbc adullerer, G'onway, iml the drunken rake, Muiray, deserve tlie conttmpt tliey are receiving. The congregation and the eommunity whicli Mr. Pope 80 faitlifully serves will not forget tliis last indignity, and altliough the third party crowd (thuckle that by putting up Preston they will catch the Methodist vote, we prediet they will flnd themselves wonderfully any Methodist heieaf ter wlio has anything to do with thein is untiue to liimself, liis cluuch, his country and hls Maker. English eapitnlists liave bought tip neaily all the Confedérate bonds, and every paper controlled by un Knglisliman is in favor of democratie suecess in the coming election. They know that with the soutli once more in control of the govenimeiit, those bonds will be paiil. Tlie Free Press refera to Mr. Cleveland as "our good Grover Cleveland." The italics are ours. The F. P.'s idea of gooi!now ím peculiar.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News