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Bring Along Your Man

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More abuse and obllquy s beinff beaped upon Mr. JJIiüuo than any otlier canüldate ever brou;ht before tho American people, aiul yet a purer and abler man ncver boro the banner of a party iu a campaign. Wc defy any one of Mr. Blaiuu's villiflers - ur any otlier porton - to brlnfi forth eveu one mau wlio can say trulbfully that he has ever wronged them of a cent. We defy them to produce a man or any number of men wlio will say they were ever wronged out ot' one psimy throu$h any act oí Mr. Blaine's. If Mr. Blalne is ilislioneót as liis traducen olíiims lilm to be, they oughtto beablc to produce sncli i man somewlierc Ín tbis broad land. Their utter inability to do so proves Iiow mallctously cruel and íalse tlieir assertions and forgeries are. It is ii fact that favors the wonian suffragists, ttiat where vromen have been einployed In positions of trust, they have nvariably provefl honest. A woman forger or enibezzler is rarely heard of. Tlie statement is also made tliat among the hundreds of wo;nen employee! in the treasury department at Washington uot one has ever been dischargcd for dislionesty. One cause for tliis niay be the fact that the necessities of women in a waj' are not ahvays aa jtreat as those of the men, for the latter are obliged, usually, to supply funils for the support of the family. And said family are not always economical. Stil 1 further, the tlii-honesty of many a poor fellow nwy be triiced to his devotion to i woman whoin lie desires to rappij with every want, and tlius goea beyond bis means, and tloats into dishonesty to keep up- oitlier forgettint or blindly hoping that In liis case publicity and disgrace will notfollow. He üiuls, liowever, that "murder will out,' and disgrace surely comes. But that inakes no diil'erence with the facts. They reniain the same, and the record provea that women as a general thiug' are more to bc trusted than men. Tlie Newaygo Bepnblican pays tlie following tribute to Gen. Russell A. Alger : " Gen. Alger proinptly subsciibed fifty dollars for the benefit ot'tlie faniily of Mr. VanLiew, the uufortiuiute comrade who lost his lifü at the sokiier's reunión iu this village. Generosity is one ot' t lie leading traits in Gen. Alger's chaiacter. He provides a regular pension fund for the benelit of liten who are injnred while n liis 'employ, and employg a physician by the year, whose duty it s to ittend liis i ployes free of charge. We cite these r'acts to show that hisaction while hcre is not a new thing for him, and done simply for maklDg votes, but it was the lirst impulse of a generous heart, and only one of inany similar deeds perfbnned by him wlien he was not a candidate for office and had no thought of being one." A gootl oíd hunker democrat in conversation witli the writer of this item, a few ilti3s previeus to the Chicago democratie convention, 6aid that should ]$en Butler reeuive.lie nomination at the hands of bis party for president, under no circumstanees would lie vote tlie electoral ticket. Wonder how he likes the situation now. Butler was not nominated, but he outwitted the democratie part3' in this state, and has got six me 011 tlie electoral ticket pledged ander any and all circumstances to cast tlicir votes for him for president, should they be successful at the polls. How will our democratie friend tix his ticket wlien he comes to vote ? or will he stay away froni the polls and not vote at all. Gov. Begole is spoken of by his friends as an honest, harmless old fellow, who never does any wrong knowingly. Perhaps not, but his attention lias been called repeatedly to a little sum of $10,508.50 received by him from the United States' government, of which no account can be found. Ktill anotherthing. Hè received $31,759.45 more from the tl. S. government and without any authority turned the same over to the military fund of the state. He refuses to account for the missing money orexplain his actions respectlog the other. Is that honest? We notice that more than lialf the county commltlee areold democrats, and we notice lurtlier, that about two-thiids of tlie men who flnally stick to theprohibitlon ticketare the deluded members of the democratie party. The democratie party asks no sympathy dom the prohibltiontsts, and as for that matter don't want sympathy lrotn any party - Adrián Press. Now if the above assertton in respect to the composition of the prohibition party is true- (and the Press knows its a lie) - why are you pattlng the heada of said proliibitionists all the time, and ealling tlicm "jrood boys!'' "noble boys!" "wade in !" etc, eh ? We have the names and address of thirty ministers of the gospel of various denominations, residents of Suffalo, who know of Gov. Cleveland' habits, and are willing to testify to the trutli of the charges containetl in the letter of Kev. Geo. II. Ball published last week. If any of onr readers hesitate, perhaps they had better address some of them. The New York Herald refera to the Cleveland-Halpin aflillT as an "admitted fault of Grover Cleveland's youth." It js nstonishinfr liow late some peoplt mature. Grover was a susceptible youth of 40 years when tliat occurred. Our farmer frlends will píente remember that the republican state ticket contains the name of one lawyer- for Attorney Genera], while the fusión state ticket has FIVE lawyers upon it. Vote as yon til I K. Will the democratie papers that made the U'itiff statement that Hamllton Fisli, of New York, had como out for Cleveland publUh Mr. Fitb'a flat denla] of the fulsehoodf Or will they keep right on Ivins aboutit? The democratie congress would not admit Dukota nto the nnion, althougli it contains tlnee times tlie population necessary, because thcy thought it wonld give a republican majorlty, whicli fiict gg)mply illnstrative of democratie ideas of iustice. The demócrata tbink of adiiing to their bannen one word, making them read : "Cleveland, Hendrieks, & Enjfland." Then " Hlaine, Logan, & America " would be perfectly proper for the republicans. What an cxaniple to set before t lic young men of thls nation the clection of Cleveland would be ! A self-confessod libertine, lionorcd;by the highest ofllce in the gift of the natioii ! A good scheine tbr the deniocrats would be to have Kam Kaiulall and Henry Waltereon hold joint dlfcunlona. Subject: The turitf plank of the democratie platform.


Ann Arbor Courier
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