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Kegular niniUlily (neet ing of coiuici Monday eveniiig. in tlie absence o Mayor Harriman, Alderinaii Lawrenci presided. 'J'lic usual roll culi and reucl ing of ïnlnntes ere Inüulged In. PKKSBNTINa 01'' PBTIT10N8. l'eülion of F. Merkley and twonty seven others, askiug for a gosolliM) stree lamp at cor. of Madjson and S. Fililí sts Of Paul Tessemcr and 10 otliers asklnj for same nt corner of First aml iliidi.soi sts. Of Mrs. E. J. Storma and S otliiM-s, atk ing for saine on Muiden Lane, 5tli ward Of f. Eister and 16 otliers, asUing foi ¦ame on north side of Volland st. Of D. II. Hall and 9 otliurs, asking foi 4 foot walk on soutli side of Orleans st., between S. University and Forest ave nue8. Of o cltlzens of-the 5tli ward, askinj, for the appointment of A. VV. Porter as depiity marshal, to be statloned at tlie M C. H. 1{. depot, one-lialf of salnry to bc paid by city. All ol whicli weie refcrreé to the prop er committees. The following is a copy in l'ull of a petition sent in by a coininittee of tlie citi zens league: To the Honorable Ccmmon Council of the City of Anti. Arbor. me UDdcrslgned.acoiniiiUtoenppointed by Uie execullve eommlttee of Uie Cltlzens League, have been instructed by tliat body lo the cuiuinuu counell respecling soine s'rioiis violations ol statutis aud cuy ordinanees that are constan tly helmi nructiced witliln me city. sec. 1, city ordinauces, page 11IG makes lt unlawful tor any peison lor payor olherwine to furuiah spiriuious or iuioxl'eating dilnk.-, to any student or miuor, except wlieu prescribed by a physician for medical purposes, liy Ihesamesectlon, it Is equally ualawlul lor auy persou to permit a student or minor lo play at dice, cards, bllllards, or any game of chance, in any part of a building in which spirituous or intoxlcating drtuks are sold. Now it is a notorious fact that one or all ol these prohibitions are J'reciuently violated b' nearly all the saloonsol our city, to the great moral danser ofour youth. liilliard tables lo vyhlch studeuts and minorti are consrantly luvited, areopeuly kept in the same rooms In whlcli Uooon are sold. Gambling deus are in full blast, complelely organlzed aud eciuipped with runners to solicit cuKtomers. (See city ordlnances, p. 1(M.) Moreover, l'acts of graver import have come to theknowledge of thlu committee. Boys of the most respectable families have recently beeu druuk upon our streets, made so by liquors obtalned at these s:i Iimims. Jt is presuinable tbat these things are well known to the oiticers ín your cmploy, whose business it is to know them, at least they comprise a series ol facts easily accessible to any orncer in search ot'his duty. In view of tiils presentation, with a college year immediately bufore us, and the season of amusement witli accompanyirg temptatlons to youth approachlug, we respectfully but earnestly appeal to you to employ all the meansand power at your commaud aud for tbe euforceinent of such ordinances and statutes as pertain totliegood order and repute of the city, aud especialiy such as are designed toprotectour boys aud student population lrom the daugers of iutoxicating dnuks and gambllDg. By the fair lame of our city, by the rirosperity of the numerous schools planted in ouraidsl. by the welfare of the hundreds of stur dents commllted to our care, by tbe safety of ourown boys, by every good element of Cliristian society, we urgently pray you, as tbe responsible conservators ol tbe public peace, totake prompt and etticient meaKiires foreuforcing tbe lawsand ordinances liereinbefore mcutioned. Respectfully VV. S. Pkkky, W. W. Bkaman, O.H. Wri:i)EN-, Committee. A un Albor, Mich., Oct. 4, 1841. A niotion of Aid. Bigjre, to accept the above, place on file, and take aotion on the same in the spirit of tlie resolution, was lost on an aye and uay vote, 3 for, 0 against. REPORTS OV OFKICERS, KTC. City Treasurer B. F. Watts made his uionthly report as follows: Amount on hand Sopt. ]st. ill 270 T( Recei ved for city cemetery filad...... '20(10 DISBL'BSKD. Contingent fund tgt2 M General ZZ m 46 'st.wa"d " W 59 Lld ., ..' HO 50 ¦J ' 14 28 Í'? ' Ï8 U3 "f 103 65 ötn " 75 City cemetery " .Z" H4 t9 General street " 170-1(1 , . , 8 1,990 U0 Leavlng balance on hand of $ 1,019 00 The followlng shows the condition of the various f'uuds: Contingent fund, on hand il 10 41 General street " overdrawn lis" 0(i lst ward " on hand „ 417 47 ?nd " " " .'.'.' 400 88 Srd " overdrawn m 4:j 4th " " on hand 8 13 g" " " '' 95 68 otn " overdrawu 40 21 City cemetery ' " .... j4 07 Firemen's " ou hand 14 711 Dog tax " " 72 oó Delinquent tax" overdrawn 752 41 City Marshal O. S. Fall reported the amount ol poor fund distributed by him fiom the various vvaids as follows: lst ward _ g ]7 pj 2nd ward " y Srdward 4 „ó 4th ward '." 43 7? 5th ward !........ u 00 Total JÜTn The comniitlee 011 fiuance reported the followingexpenditures duiing the month: lst ward fund 5 2T 2nd " '¦ ... c;u ni 3rd ' :::::::::::: :::::; ?" l 4th ¦' .... i Í?, 5tu - m :::.'::.:::v:.:;;.::::;::: sa n BUl " ' 01,5 ó (ieneralst. " T;iO 85 General " 2116 50 5th ward cemetery fund m kd Conti DgeuL rund (yi 5. Total.: Si ,910 7K MOTIONS AND IÍESOLUTIONS. lïyAld. Ware: That the petltlonof tlie citizens ot' tlie 5th warU respectin"; ap l)oiiitment of patrolman at the M. C. de pot be granted, was passed after bising amended so as to read without pay from the city. By Aid. Heinzman : Tliat the propci üfficers of the council notify the Arm Arbor as company that the present contract between it and the oity will be terj minated at the expllfttion of contract. A tnotlon by Recorder Durliehn to the effect that the electric lamp at corner ol Washington and 4th sta. be taken anti paki ter by the city, was lost. J5y Aid. Ware: Thatslgni be placed ou the Detroit st. briilge over the llnron river, caiitionin-f tlie public ahout lid Ul a ordrlving across the sanie faster than a walk. The f'illowiiiKordinance was presented by Recorder Durheiin and passed: Jle it ordained by the Mayor, Recorder and Aldermen of the Uit y o Ann Arbor: RecLIon 1. Content, permlssion and anthority Is hereby glven lo the Edison Eleotrlo company ol Aun Arbor, a Corporation uudt-r and by virtueof tlie laws of thestate, toerec't iay, opérate, malntaln and ron In tlie public' Btreels, lanes, avenues, alleys, parki and : other public place.-i lu the City of Anu Arb„r all ueedful and proper poles, raains, wlres pipes, lamps. motors, and other apparatus tó I be used for the Iransmisslon of eleotrlolty for the purpose of furnlsblng light, heat, power and seríais. p Sectlon2. Tliat if thesald Edison Electric company of Ann Arbor, shall not have the same In suceessrul opurallon wltliln six mouths from the date liereor, that the auvo?d hereln Kranted shall be forfeited and öcctlon .'. Whenever It may be found necessary to muke any connectlon or repairs that the company hall take care not uni'cessarilv or unreasonably to obstruct or lnjure anv street, alley, sldewalk or lane, and shall wlth reasonable diligence restore such street, sldewalk, alley, orïane, loas good a state of repair as the same was In before di.stm-hed by sald company, and shall In all respects fully indemuiryand save harmless the City of Ann Arbor, from and agalnst all damages or c-osts whloh the city may be put to or in tal n by reason ol such dlstuibance. Adopted.


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