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TEST YOUR BÁKIN&POWDER TO-DAY! r.mnds advertiMïd as absolutely pnra COWTAI3V A MaiOIVIA. THE TEST: Vinco a oan top down on a itot stove untll hfated, thn remove the uorer and raell. A chemlat wiii not be requirecl to ti-'ii-i't tho pregones or winnonui. ÉrTJiE-MüaT-pÊRrtCT MADÉ71 DOES NOT CONTAIX AMMONIA. tTS ÜEALTHHLNK93 HAS NEVER BKE. ll'KSTIONED. ín amilllon homp for a quartor of a century lt haa ítoutl thi' t-onsiimeis' retíble tt'ít, THE TESTJF_THE OVEN. PRICE ÈAEING POWDER C0., MAKKKS OF Dp. Price's Special Flavoilng Extracts, Th i( riiurrsl, moal If!lrlnii% und nat urn I llmur Vnuw n, añil h. Prioe's Lupulin Yeast Gems I'ur Light, llt-Klthv Ilread. The Bist Drr Yeot :n tha World. FOR SALE BY CROCERS. CHICAGO. - ST. LOUIS. tlHT HÍAlTHfBREAD BYEASTGEMS The best dry hop yeast In tha world. Bread raised by this yeast Is llqht, whlta nd wholefome like our qrandmother's dellclous bread. CROCERS SELL THEM. PREPARKO Bv THS Price Baking Powder Co.. ManTrs oí ir. Price's Special Flavorina Eitracts, Chicago, III. St. Louis, Mo CAÍN I Health andJHappiness.l %&" DO AS OTÜERS nC7U' fr HAVE DONE. Are your Kidneys disordered? Kijney Wort brought me from iny grave, ms it WWB, un 1 had bcon (tivin uj) IT 19 Wat dm'tora Ín Detroit." M. W. Duveraui, Moclumic, lanía, Mioh. „.Are your nerves weak? KUlni-y Wort i-urocl me from norvous weakneM c.atter [was not expeited to liv,.."-Mrs M M li Uoodwin, Bd. chrMiun Monitor. Cleveland, Z. Have you Bright's Disease? Kldnev Wort tiircd me when iny watr iras just Uku ihalk and tUen Hice blood." Frank Wllaun, Peabody, Mass. Suf f ering from Diabetes ? Kidiwy-Wurt Is the molt meomful reiuedv I hare ever used. Ulves alnuwt immediate relie'f " Dr. rinllip C. Balluu, Monkton, Vt Have you Liver Complaint? KitliHy-Wort oond ino of chroiiic Uvor Dlseases aftir I prayed to die." lleiirj Ward, loto C.jl. 9th Nat. Guard, N. Y. Is your Back lame and aching? ki, iifv-Wort, (1 bottle) cured uig -wbeu I waano lame I had to roll out of bed." O. M. Talliuaife, Müwaukee, Win Have you' Kidney Disease? "KlcliK.y-W ort mado me ounil in llvvr and kidnevs Uter your of unsucri'ssful dortorlng. It worlh J10abox."--Sam'l llodftes, WlUlamiitown, West Vu. „„..Are you Constipated? Kiilnc.v-Wort ('uus eaay evacuatloi and eured me atter 16 ycurs ua(, of othor medlolnw!" Nelton Faü-child, 8t. Alband, Vt. Have you Malaria? Klilmiy-W'ort bu dono botter tban any otbrr r-iiH-i.y I havo ever UHod in Iny praetice." Ir. H. K. t'lark, Soutb Uero, Vt. Are you Bilious? Kldwy-Wort has i ..... moro eood than nny othor rouiedy I have ever taken " Mru. J. T. Oalloway, Elk Hat. Orcgon. Are you tormented with Piles? hi Iney.Wnrt nniMiioittu currd ino of bleedinir pile. Dr. w. ( '. kline racommudad it to Ooo. II. lloiut, Cashier M. Ilank, Myunrtown, Pa. Are you Rheumatism racked ? 'Kidn.y W'ort cun-il na. after 1 was Ivon un to die by ,hyak-ians ,m,l I hn,l tattm-A thii-Tv v,.r-. ¦ Elbrldge Malcolm, West Báth, llalni'. Ladies, are you suffering? KldiioyWort mrod me of peculiar trouble of seyerul yeara tan.llnx. Many friend. use and nraise Mis. II. Ijxmoreaui, lulo La Motte, Vt. If you would Banish Disease i and gain Health, Take Thb Blood Cliansh.


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