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'Coachmiu,coachmau,wlien shall you marry? Coadunan, coadunan, wliy do yon larry ? vvliy do I tarry T By me oíd Harry Th ere be so immy tt doth me emburrase Outuftlu .sH-ariiiitNleoltlierl1sluheiress." Tlie Aun Arbor ludge of K. P.'s is grwring gradunlly. Supervisors meet next Monclay. Have your bilis ready to present. October lias been kiuder to our wood piles tiian was May- so far. República caucusfor tlie 4th ward, at liremuii 'shall Prklay night. Don't forget it. _ Tlie infanl child of Mr. and Mis. Johnson, na' Carrie Hendrickson, died last wtek Wednesday. Cliief Full arreslfd one .las. Halligan Monday, for au indecent esposare of person. Trial tomorrow. m - G. V. Burñbam, fortáerly of tlie Milán Journal, is now the solicitor for the Adrián Daily Record. He is a good one. D. F. Scbairer feels proud of the blue cards tied to bis display of cloaks, newniarkets, etc., exhibited at the fair. ¦ The poultry exhibits at all the county íairs seem to {rive the iuipression that armen have got over the " high blood " craza The republican representative convention tbr the second district of this county, was held at Saline to-day, and Charles Burkhaidr, of Saline, nominatcd. Geo. Mosshavinggotthroiighgatheriiig moss offihe Alpena moss-backs, lias returned to liis old place In Dr. Simond's slinying emporium. h ist Frklay evening wis ono of the lovoliest ever vitnes6ej hereabouts. lts beauty would inspire the poet- alao the fellow with lus best girl. At the opening of the Brighton skating rink, Clias. H. Cline, of Ann Arbor, did the expert business in a manner to elicit the applauso of the audience. Ellen Burns, of Ypiilanti, has been ordered taken to the Pontiac asylum by Judge Hiirriman, Drs. Breakey and Darüng being the examining physicians. The adjourned annnal meeting of the citi.ens league will be lield at lireman's hall on Fi'iday evening. Speeches will be made by Judge Cooley and others. A new weather prophet lias appeared, and instead of tiii-eatcniugus with storuis and disasters, after the manner of Venor and Wigffinè, he prediets an unusually warm autnmn. Cliaf. B. Woodward, clerk of the Cook house, and Miss Mary Kennedy, for a long time an operator in the telephone exchange, were married Tuesday evening of last week, Rev. Fr. FieiJe officia ting. Congressmtui fSIdridge and Candidate for Congress Allen, met this morniugand lieUl a curbstone conference. Each seemed to be trying to fooi the other as to the probable outcome of the eJection.- Adrián Record. Wh'de PUL Stimson was in Kansas City, on his way to California, he asked a lady if they had many cyclones thcre. Slie said: 'lYes, there wasafellow just went by on one a few minutes ago ' A new name for bicycle. the Missoiirians have. says Kempf is a Dutchmanand is trying to work the "national dodge." But he says when the votes are counted Mr. Kempf willlearn tliat natlonality is a game two can play at, for he (Cramer) has secured the entire colored vote of the county. The Argus mukes the statement thatC. F. Bates is the only candidate upon the republican county ticket who has been a soldier. Wrong again. Dr. Frank K. Owen, of Ypsilanti, served all throiigli tlie war, and was houoiably dlgchareed after ït was ended. Tlie grangers of Washtenaw county held !i ilelegated conventlon at the court house yesterday, and chose as delegates to the state mmge, to be held Tuesday, Dec. 9th, thefollowmS namen gentlemen : Raloh Rice of Pktsfield, Geo. Sutton of Xorth fielcl, and P. H. Murray of Salem. One of the handsoniest thtngg ye local ever gazed upon in the shape of crazy pateh work, took the flret premium at the Wlr, and has been displayed in D V Schairer's show window since. It is a oed spread, the handiwork of Mrs. Will A. Hatcl), and evinces rare genius in "monjzm-r coiors as well as jrreat patience in executiiiif the work. Will savs money can not It. y 'J'liat poort natured baby which took part in the nlay of "Confusión" at the open house Baturday nigbt last, and laugh1 all the time it was being "chucked" toto cabinets and handled by actors and actretses, was the 14 monthV old daughter of J. B. Sauuers, foreman of the Coübikb offlco- "om wliom it Inherits lts joliy disposiww. it is the boss baby just the sanie. The Indianapolis Daily Times quotes 'jie Aun Arbor CoüRlKR'8 editorial upon the Cleveland business of last week, as oes the Boston Daily Journal. The cali lor last week's issue of the CocitiEu has ee unprocedented, several hundrert of iem bcing sent to different lectiona of J" country by peuple who are iuttrested ' ie moráis of the man who shall 'lation ighe8t offico in tlle í?ft of the Monday evening offlcer Fred. Wallace frested two tramjM.who gave tlieir names Matthew and Michael McKay. They JjM broken luto a frelght car at the AI. C. 'ePot, with the iiitention of stealinggoods j 'erefi-om. 'riiey were lodged In jail, and t was f0"d that a lot Kevor' bee" 3lolen trom Swatliel & !iscèrt.-e0?pC''SlK'p' and Wallace further i ever t, thE tliese tuo men were tl]e 'ettme1nhof1oT,ib1t.reCdVebOarllg'"at3 Alucinan Biggg, TtÜTIÏItïTTvanl rejoices in a brand new heir. Mr. Wm. G. Thompson, of Detroit is expcetcd to console wlth the disconsolate deroocracy to-olght, at the opera house. The skating rink bas closed its doors until the clerk of the weatbet hall becotne a trifle more fHgtd In hla demeanor. Aniong Ihe fine exhiblts of fruit at the fair vete some huge pean from Dr. v W. Nichols' farm. One of them weièhed 20?4'ounces. The repubücan conventiou fortbefirst represen tative district will be held at the court liouse In Ann Aibor, on Baturday October 11 tb. Ste cali. The two stores of 1. Lonr, beinoerected to the rear oi the postofflce building on N. Main st., are of brick instead of brick veneer as at flrst eontemplated A chance for the better. Willis Boughton, of the P. O. news depot, has been appointed treasurer of the grand opera house in place of W. W Watts, resigned. Mr. Boughton is one of Anti Arbor's most popular business men. The M. C. II. K. have put on a line oí new and elegant Wagner parlor cars to run between Detroit and Buffalo, making connection witli the Grand Rapids train that passes through Aun Albor at 10 :30 a. li. going east. The calender for the October term of the circuit court, which convened yesterday, contains 47 cases, of which 24 are criminal, G court cases, 3jury cases, 2 imparlance, 7 chancery lst class, and 5 chancery 4th class. Voters living in Ann Arbor township will ascertain by reading an election notice published iu another column, tliat tiie placo for holding the polisón election day has been changed to the shop of Xelson Edmunds, situated west of the city on Huron st. Among the ñames proposed for representative in the iirst representative district, we have heard raentioned, Evart Scott, John F. Lawrence, Geo. S. Wheelcr Jeremiah D. Williams and Dr. "V. B.' Stnith. Any one of whom woulel make a good run. The reunioD of the 2Oth Michigan infantry occurs at Clielsea next week, WedViesday, the löth inst. The Michigan Central have finally concluded to grant excursión rates to the same at one fare and one-third for the round trip, by secuiïng a proper certifícate. That roaring young lion of the Saginaw democracy, Timothy Tarsney, didn't roar In Ann Arbor Saturday night as advertised. He heard, it is said, that Nat. Goodwin was to be at the opera house as a counter attractlon, and rlghtfullv ooncluded that he couldn't draw. Wonder ïf would-be Senator Cramer remembers his little speech made two years ago in Jackson, in which he stated that "he thanked God that not a drop of greenback blood flowed thiough his veins." He should Dot forget it for soon he may ask greenbackers to vote for hini. On Frlday afternoon Norman Dcwight, of Delhi, liad his horse and hnasy stolen from the grove opposite the fair grounds. The thief who is knowa to be a lad about 13 years old, drove the animal until about 11 o'clock that niglit, and then left hini standing in the street at lpsilanti. Some of our citizens are beins; pestered with a species of tramp who comes tothei r houses and borrows saws, rakes, etc , " to do a little job with " at a neighbors, and who invariably fail to ever come back with the implements borrowed. The best thing to do is to assist sucli gentry over the fence with the aid of a buil dog. It was a siglit to see the boys go for those gratis caps which Blitz & Langsdorf gave away last Saturday. There were little boys and big boys, tall boys and short boys, fat boys and lean boys, pug noses and snub noses, all sorts and all kinds, all nationalities aud toiitues allcolors and grades, each struggling to' get the best one- (they were all alike)- and after they got into the street they painted the town blue. The tollowing beautlful and touchiug tribute to the sterling worth of the Chequamegou cornet band, of this city, was signed by all the offlcers and passeDgers of the Luke Superior steamer City of Duluth: We, the undersigned offlcers and fellow voyagers on the good steamer City of LHiluth, hereby tender our grutifled vote of thanks to the meinbers of the Chequamegon cornet bandofAnu Albor. Michigan, iu token of our sincere and warmappreciatlon, of the dellghtftil muslc, that has served to cluster around iifes pathway, flowers of eternal beauty ; raay the future open a realization of the brlghtness that now sheds sucli a lustre on our experience and In memo -les vocitlon live over again in pleasant reuiiniscence, the divine strains of melody and harmony that has so delighted us. Those parents who have trouble with their children would do well to [consider that idleness is tlie mother of many vices. Every child ought to be steadily engaged iu study, vork, or recreation. Idleness, thriftlessness, profanity, tippling, inordinate love of drcss, come frotn street associations. In the great majority of cases, wheii the boy or girl goos to the bad, it is because of not being kept cmployed at appropriate work, or from being allowed to roam the streets and associate with improper mates. The child trained to habits of industry and proper recreation is in much less dunger than the one allowed to drift into the current of bis own self-indulgence. We are crndibly infornied tliat there are tliose who are using dynamite torpedoes to catch flsl) witli in the Huron river. The method pursued is to explode the torpedoes in the river, which kills the iish, and then stepping into the stream the "fishers" throw out all that can be fouud. The current carries off raany more than is caught. The explosión destroys the minnows and young fish besides. The inethod is unsportsnianlike, and if persisted In will soon annihilate all the tish in our rivera. We are of the opinión that there is a law against t. If not there ought to be, and it ought to be enforced. Miss Lou B. Dcmning, of Rosario, Argentine Kepublic, Kouth America, a missionary lady whom our readers will remember visited tuis city in 1881, returned to that country, reaching Rosario Feb. lOth, 18S3. She writes to a f riend that slie was allowed $10,000 by the ladies of the M. E. church, and with the money she has ereeted a house and the same is completed. It is but one story high, having 12 large rooms, and 50 pupils are nccommodatcd, all from native families, who are instructed in the same branches us are taught in our schools in Michigan. Khe adds : " On our grounds there are about 40 fruit trees, oranges, liga, pears, apricots, peaches apples, and a large grape arbor, thus you sec we ' sit under our own vine and lig tree.'"