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Compiled from Late Dispatcli8s, DOMEST1C. „Iabt E. Barkows and ber paramnur, CKcar E. Blaney, were recantly entenced at Alfred, Mc, to bo hand in Deoamber, 1&S5, for the munlor of the woman's husband. Nfar Márquez Station, Tox., the othnr morning two coaches and n sloeper of a passenger train were thrownflown on embankmmt and several persous weie sariously wouniled. Nkar Towanda, Pa., a few njghta ago a ryclono ravaed the oounTy, almttering buildings and nprootinj trees. Five persons were injure 1. Geokoi: A. Wilt. a lumber marchant of Philadelphla, cut his throat a lew days ago in a Fort Wayue sleeping-car near Lima, Ü., and leaped fiom tlie train. When found he was dead. His wifo, ivho was with him, eould yive o reason for bis act. As explosión a few rlays ago at JNo. - colliery, Lost Croek, l'a., killed Abram and Dan Hinkle, brothers. The Pennsylvania Salt Comp-iny's acid manufactory at Natrona, near Pittsburgh, was destroyed by lire tho othjr mornlng. LossabouttlOO.OüO. Judoe Wylie has deckled in Washington that a minor eighteen years old may ciiliit in the Marine Corps of the Navy without the consent of his parents. ScüTT JIadkins, a youth of iiineteen, was mairied to Annie Ingersoll, hls lweive-year-old sep-siater, at Snowhill, Mil., reeently. Abxer Maso.v, afarmer ageá seventyeight yeais, was kicked to death near K ishvill', Tenn., a few days ago. Korkst lires were raming on the lst in Princ3 (ieorge County, Va., and large quantities oL wooJ and timber had bee& destroyed. The ajinual conventinn of locomotive engineers of the United States and Canada opened in San Franclsc on the lst. For the seven days ended on the lst the thermometer at Lynchburg, Va., had been at ninety, and the drought in the southwestern section of the State was without parallel. Forest troes were dying, streams had run dry, and tho hay erop had been destroyed. Stock was being taken into Tennessee for water. The firm of Rra-lley, Garretson & Co., publishers, of Philadelphia, faüed recently for $185,000. Mrs. Niehaus, seventy-two, commitced suicide at St. Louis a few days ago by uoldiug hor head iu a tub full of water until death resulted. W. J Simmo.vs, a wealthy citizen of Troy, N. Y., learned on the lst that his Jaughter had been secretly married to his coachman, named W. B. Bartholomew. Prksexts of the value of 50,000 were sent to the wedding of J. S. Yeaton, a Bultimore coal merchant, and Miss Julia Ridgely a few days ago. Five hundred persons were present. Express trains on the Denver & Ilio Grande Koad collided on the lst afc a pnint seventeen milos south oL Denver, injuring ubout thirty passengers. The revenues oL the United States showed on tbe lst a decrease during the last quarter of 3,40G,')95. At New York on the lst the trustees of the Peabody Educational Fuml held their session, General Agent Curry reporting an expenditure of $00,000 in the Southern States during the year. Vigilantes a few days ago capturcd Bob Smith, colored, who had assaultod a little girl, near Fmnkliu, Miss. A mobcf negroes took the prisoner froni bis captors and hanged bim to a tree. John Nunley, while drank, begau shooting into a Democratie gathering a few nights ago at Charleston, W. Va., killing a negfo and fatally woundingj a white citizeu. A caisson of the railway bridge at Frenchtown, Md., sank recently with seven men under it. Air was forced into the chamber by two pumps and the sufferers were rescued after a coiifinemont of five hours. While attempting to cross Polk Creek, near Paris, Mo., a lew afternoons ago, J. J. Hickman and bis daughtei-inlaw and her two small children were caught by a rising flood and all were drowned. A registered letter containing $10,800 in bonds was stolen on the lst f rom the mail between New York and East Hampton, Cor.n. The Prime Meridian Conference, with fort3'-two delegates representing twentytwo countries, assembled at Washington on the lst, being welcomed by Secretary Frelinghuysem. At Minneapolis, Mitin., the first snowstorm of the season occurred on the lst, but it was of short duration. The Glen House, on Mount Washington, was burned on the night of the lst, and the woods la the vicinity were blazing brightly. There were apprehensions that some lives had been lost. It is estimated by the Iiailwrvj Age that 2,533 miles of track have been laid in the United States since Jauuary 1. The writing paper makers in sessxon on the lst at Spriugfielci, Mass., resolved, In view of tbe prohibition oL tho importation oL foreign rags, to advance the prioe of paper one to two cents per pound. The publiodebt statemont issued on the lst makes the folio wing exhibit: Total debt (including interest of $11,540,104), $1,850,408,370. Cash in Treasury, $42."),0&l,321. Debt, less amount in Treasury, $1,42.V 407,055. Decrease during September, f12,047,039. Decrease since June 3), 1SS3, $24,083,180. Durixo a recent affray at Salinos, Tex., growing out of alleged official corruption, the Judge, Pólice and about twenty other persons were killed by a mob. Neab Sullivan, Ind., on the 2d a shot was üred into the railway car occupied by Mr. John P. St. John, the Prohibition candidato, tho missile lodging in the woodwork immodiately in front of him. The explosión of a cotton-gin boiler in Fredericksburg, Tex., a few days ago killed John Baker, fatally scalded George Gendos and a boy named Knapp, and seriously injured Edward Maiej-, proprietor, and two of the employés. The shops of the Alabama & Great Southern Railway at lleridian, Miss., were destroyed by fire on the morning of the 2d. Loss, 5250,OJO. In Urbana, O., Sallie Btratton, who had been guilty of extreme cruelty to her aged mother, was taken from her homo a few days ago by a lot of neighborsanJ ducked several time s in a pond. Owing to tin; protracted drouth in Virginia the tobáceo erop of that átate has GoVERWOn ULICK, ot Kansas, on the 2d proclaimed a quarantine oL sixty days ugainst cattle from tho States of Kentucky, Iowa, Nebraska and Missouri The importation of Jersey catlle froin any fcState was prohibited. Bo desji'EUate bas been the hog disease in Maryland that the State.Veterinarian on the 2J asked the Governor to quarantine against five eounties. It was stated that infected animáis had been slaughtered in Fredorick County and shipped to Baltimore. During the mnutli of Softember there arrlved at New York (rom Europa 2G,872 immigrants. The arrivals at the sanio port since January number 207,000, wuich is almost 20,000 below the aggregate for the corresponding niue months of last year. In a railroad accident a few afternoons ago near Pike's Creek, Wis., two men were instantly killed and several othors were fatally injured. Three mounted men assaBsinated a store-keeper at Prague Station, Tex., the other night, and also killed a farmer. Other murders were reported f urther soul h, the cause for which was a mystery. Thieves entered the post-olHce at Mineville, O., a few nights ago and socurod $300 in moiiey and !$j00 in stamps. The postmasters' daughter, who triud to capture them, was fatally stabbed. The New York Timet, aftur au rate revípw, pretUctt npeely luipi.vt niet Id the di-y-goods ti-ade. A BAr note company ín New York bas received a order to engrave and print to tiie valué of $100,000,000 for tho Peruvlan (ovoninient. Tmc SBCWtkry of the National Catire Breiders' Assnciation lias suinmoned the annuai convontion, to be held. in Chicago November 1" and 14. In the U.'íited States and Canada tbero wero 221 business failures durinj the spven days ended on the 3d, against 229 the previous seven days. The distribution was as follows: Middle States, 42; Now Bngland States, 37; Western, 53; South ern, 21; Pacific States and Territories, 35; Canada, 33. A partner in a bucket-shop at Austin, Ttx., disappearei on the 3d with $11,000, forcing the concern to close its doors. Wash Fletoher (colored) was hanged Cor inurder at Paducah, Ky., on tbe 3d. He declarad bis innocence to the last. Robkut C. Taylor, cashier of the Farmers' Bank, of Indiana, Pa., feil dead in tbe doorway of bis residence a few days ago. I.ncendiary fires on the 3d in several business blocks in Cleveland, O., were discovered before much damage was dona. Pirper and wood werd piled in a vacant room at the top of the Leader building and liglited with a match by soma miscreant. The dead bodies of Harry Percival, wife and child, and Hugh Mair, an employo, were found on the morning of the U on their farm near Fnllerton, Neb., tho promises haviug been despoiled of valuables. Who the plunderers were was unknown. A mine at Connellsville, Pa., has com. menced the use of electric lights. At the Chicago Driving Park on tho 31 the pacer Johnston made a mile in 2:06'', thus beating all previous records. Minnie R., the pacer, hitched in a buggy with the runner Firebrand, made a mile in 2:033. The colored janitor of the New Haven post-ollice confessed on the 31 to stealing lotters, among those taken being one containing $10,500 in bonds. The eharcoal sheds attached to George P. Whittaker's iron works at Principio, lid., took Hre on the 3d, and about 100,000 tons of eharcoal were consumed. ïwo passenger trains were m collision the.othor morning at Clayton, Del., anumber of cars being upset and several travelcrs in jureil, tbroe fatally. Experienced well-borers bave leased threo thousimd aci-es oL land on the Monongahela River, a few miles above Pittsburgh, and will endeavor to find petroleum. Tbis ten-itory bas never beon tested. An incendiary fire recently at Braddock, Pa., destroyed eleven frame structures. A man was struck by a fire hook and fatally hurt. Indias apolis is to have a new unión depot to cost 50ü,000. In one of the mountain counties of Kentucky it is said a woman has held the office of Justice of the Peace without legal authority for the last ten years. The population of the United States is now placed at 57,000,000. The uew Corcoran School of Art and Science was openeJ in Washington a few eveniugs ago. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. The following Congressional nominar Hons were mado on the 30th uit. : Republican- New York, Eighteeuth District, Henry G. Burleigh (renouiinated) ; Massaclmsetts, Fifth District, E. B. Hayden; Wisconstn, Fifth District, Charles LublinsDemocratie - Massachusetts, Second District, John Quincy Adams; New Jersey, Fourtu District, J. Nelson Pidoock. Hon. Thomas Butterworth, nomiuated for Congress by the Democrats of tho Sixth Illinois District, declines to run on the ! score of ill-hoalth. The Delaware Ropublieans met in State Convention at Dover on the 30th uit. and nominated Anthony Higgius for Congress. Resolutions were adopted indorsing the Republican National platform and declaring the nomination of Mr. Blaine was the result of the spontaueou deinand of the party. The Pennsylvania Greenbaekeis mot in State Convention at Bellefonte on the 30tta ulf. and nominated N. L. Atwood for l'ongressinan-at-Large. John P. St. John's letter accepting Rhe Presidential nomination of the Prohj)ltion National Convention was given to the public, on the 30th uit. The Michigan Greenbaekers opposed to fusión met at Lansing on the 30th uit., indorsed tbe seven Greenback electors already chosen, and nominated six others. John McCullough, thenoteitragedian, was on the 30th uit. declared to be mentally and physically wrecked, and all bis engagements were cancelled. The Vermont Legislature met in bionnia sesii'jn at Montpelfer on the lst. The following Congressional nominafions were made on the lst: Republican - Wiseonsin, Sixth District, Richard Gueiither (lenominated) ; Missouri, Fifth District, WilHam Warren; Massachusetls, Eleventh District, William Whiling (renomiimtod). Democratie - ühio, Eighth Diskrict, J. W. Denver; Connecticut-, Ponr li Distric-í, Eiiward W. Seymour (renomiuated) New Jersey, Third District, Rob 'l't S. Green. ') ii e Democratie candidates for (iovernor fnd nthor State offices were elected at the State election in Georgia on the lst without opposition. The Prohibitionists of Iowa helci a State Convention at Marshalltown on the lt.t and nominated a full Electoral ticket. The will of the late John W. Garrett, t Baltimore, was flled on the lst, giving his entire estáte, valued at $2O,0DO,O0O, to hls two sons and daughter, and providing that K,000 shall be given anuually for the relief of the poor of Baltimore, and that out of the net income $50,030 shall be expended yearly for benevolent and educational purposes. ConGRESSIoxaï, nominations were made as follows on the 2d: Democratie - Wisconsin, Sixth District, A. L. Smith; Dakota, John R. Wilson; Massachusetts, Fifth District, Leopold Morse. Republican - Wisconsin, Second District, S. S. Barney. Frnk S. ChanfraU, the well-known actor, died on the 2d in Jersey City, aged sixty-flve years. Francis Murphy has begun a blue ribbon crusade at Minneapslis. Another set of quostions for Mr. Blaine to answer was filed at Indianapolis on the 2d by the tSentinel in the libel suit. The queries hinge upon the plaintiff's marriage, where it occurred, the minister or magistrate offieiating, the witnesses, and the movements of Mr. Blaine after the ceremony. The Prohibitionists of the Ninth Illinois District have nominated James McGraw for Congressman. Benjamin Thomas, a Narragansett Indian, who presided at the last great council, was killed by a train the other evening near Wood River Junction, 1. FOREIGN. Twentt-tiiree houses were burned at Lnchine, Can., on the night of the 3)th uit. Borae fifty families were turned out of their holnes. This was the second disastrous'conflagration that had visited Lachine within a short period. Several ships were burned on the lst at Kostroma, Austria, on the Volga River. A dozen persons were killed or injured. The damage amounted to several million roubles. Dynamite outrages were recently perpetrated at Cirvy Le Noble, near Macón, France, causing great damase. The inhabitants of the town were greatly alarmed. Tnz public proclamation of General Diaz as President of the Mexican Republic was issued on the 2d. Dürino the twenty-four hours ended at nine p. m. on the 2d there wera 321 new cases of cholera and 194 deaths In Italy, G(i of which occurred at Naples and 2!) at (ienoa. Only üvo doaths were i-eported in France. Sixty persons were killed in a railroaJ accident in India a few days ago. Intelligence was received at London on the 8d of a hurricane which swspt over leeland the llth of September. Nineleeii trading vesaels and sixty iUhing boat3 were wrecked off the coast, and mra is wi aitaoieo, ia ion 01 lif van apnalling. iMtix the twenty-four hours ended at nine p. 111. 011 3d thore were 324 new casea of cholera and 174 deatlis in Italy, 50 of wtaicta occurred at Nuples and at Genoa. Ünly oight doaths were reportoJ n l'Yan.-'1. '1HE United Kingdom Alliance, a temperance organizution of Great Britain and lreland, adoptad resolutions at a recent meeting congratulating Neai Dow on the Biiccess of the prohibition movoment ia Maine. Fr was roportod on the 3d that General Gordon had recaptured the city of Berber, in the Soudan, after a vigorous bombardment. The rebels escapod with all their treasure. The French Ministry on the 3d deniod that France had asked the United States to act as mediator in Chinese aftair. LATER NEWS. tT tíhe closing ot all the ootton fai-tories ai Petersburg, Va., and viiini'y, in consequence of tho scarcity of water, over soven hnndrel m n, wom -n and ohildren were on the 4th thrown out of einployment, nearly all of wliom were actual ly iuffjrlng Lor the want of the o icèssariaa of llfe. The Demócrata of the Fourth Wlcoogln District have renominated 1'. V. Deuster for Con ;r' -'iu;in. THHVoyal palaée of Denmark an 1 the archivos oL therigsdag wevv destroyed by fire a few nighta ago. Ten soldiers were burned to death w :iil attempting to save property f rom the Barnes. A BUi.KiiiiAD in a BaÉfalo olevator collapsed the other morniog, b'irying fonr men in the grain, one of whom u:is suir.i: eftted and tho otherg ware sertiuily hurt. An Ati-lii-iin, Topeka & Bauta Fj Railroul freight tvain tni wrecked the other night near _Enipor.a JunctloD by a crosstie heilig placed on tiie track. Fireman Kcott was killed and the enginoer slightly wonndcd. A max in Goriaantown, O., i entraged in iligging seven barrels of gold whlch a gypsy fortune-teller told hiin were buried on his farm. Dübino the twsnty-four honrs eivle l at nine ).. in. öu the 5 h theré were 2 'T new cases of cholera and 138 deatns in lfalv, :'.:( of whioh occnrmd at Na;)le and 23 at Genoa. ix deaths weve raported in Franco and two in Spain. Tho ItalaB Hoverament had gpeot the gum of ín 250,600 tryIngto check the iprsad óf chofera. Tbe record Bradslreet of business failuie, lor three-qua ter of the present yrar (apto Ooiober 1) numbered S,290, against 7,"ÖS in the corrusponding period of last yer. For tlie full year the estímate was 11,500, against l),101 last year. D. L. Moodï is going to Virginia to hold revival meetings. On the 4th President Arthur designated Frank Hatton, First Assistant Postmaster General, to act as Postmastjr Genera! for ten davs. Successful observations of the total eclipse of tbe moon, wbloh occurred on the night of the 4th, were made throuehout Europe. The view in London was spleudid, the ntinosphere bAng perfectly clear. The eclipse began at !:.".:3 p. m. and ended at 1 : IC a. ni. At Fliiladelphia on the oth Hancock'8 stovae wurehome was destroyel liy fire, involvins a loss of $800,000. A Kortheem Pacific fiviglit ti'ain was thrown froni the track on the ,'ith sixtoun milei from Üuluth, Mimi., by a wash-out on tbe road, and the locomo'ive, tender and siz cars of coal hui-le.l into t'ie St. Leu s l!iv"i'. ïvi;inci' Hartar, Piremao J, !kU. ¦¦! 1 iri' O.ion v.-ei'e tn own uu. Ier t'.ie wreek J train and


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