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iHiiiiiiiimniminfwimmiiiiiitirtH 5 A-niLorHOROS Is a novel word to most peoplo who mieak tho EukIíhu Uwruag:e. ïh - OreckH used it centurios aso. mcauinï by it "THE PK1ZE-BEAKKK." AthiaiI'horos is the first anii only - medicine whicfi lias carried off tliu prize as the perfect remedy for Rhéu matism and Neuralgia. 0 Like two relentless tyrants they have tolaeres held their Bufferiug victima in au irou grip. TbeBe ïmor sufferera have beeuanslavM iu the power of their oppreBBors. ATiTi,ornOROS has entercd thearona.en- KK1 i" conflict with the mouatorn, aud wou the vi.tory. As tho compctitorB in the Grecian ¦ranifH of old oould win ouly by the mont nevero trial of al.ility and eniiuranco, bo ATHLorllOROS hu won tho prlze, not alono by (fivinir teml'orary relief, but by biiliKiUK an endllrinir cure, aa well. to thono who have Bufferrd the excruciatiun atfouie of ltheumatisuiand NeuralKia. Athlophoros is a novelty, not only 0 in name, but in its elements. It is unlike any preparation yet introduced. ATni.OPEOBOS acts on the blood, muscles and Joints, removinjf the poison and acid irom the blood, carriea them out of the sj-Btoin. ATni-OPiioKos is put up wlth consummate pkill, aud coutaiUK nothinir that eau josbibly harm tho mout delicate constttution. 9 Kow, do you want to suffer on and on? ! or do you want to be well ? "Athlophoros" WILL Cure You I f you cannot get ATnxorHOROS of your drugglst, we wlll send It express pald, on recolpt ol regular prlce- one dollar per boltle. Wc prefer that you buy It trom your drugglst, but lf lic hasn't It, do not be persuaded to try somethlng elae, but order at once f rom us aa dlrected. ATHLOPHOROS CO.,'H2 WALL ST., NEW YORK. eiitiiiimiilliiiBi H. R. iiiminij""1"1"81 existe i'slioptutter n 8 ile al! Drut'gif ts and Dealers gencriliy. " Teil me, sweetheart,'' lie asked bis wife, " if I ere to die wou ld you marry again?" With a reproachful sinile madam replied : "Oh, not right away." A PtJKB AND RSLIABLB MEDICINE.- A coiiipound Huid extract of roots, leaves, barksand beiries is Uurdock Blood Bitters They cure all diseases of the blood liver, and kidneys. Miss Emina Thurabj lias gone to Lyeo. Norway. This is ftlvea for the benefit of those papera that lie so about the fair cantati ice.- Boston Times. Free Dlstrlbtilion. " Wliat causes the great rush at Eberbach & Son'g drug store?" The free distributlon of sample bottles of Dr. Bosanko's Cough and LunirSynip, the most popular reniedy for Cough=, Col ds, CoiiMiniption. and BioDClllds, now on the maiket. Regalar íize 50 cents and $1.00. A retí red base-ballist of some liternry .-kill was Miseá to write an epitapb for a man hó had jnst died after marrylng his tliird wife. The ex-batter produced the followiiiK terse but expresslve sentiment : " Out on thiid.' Your health depends on the purity of yotir blood. People who realize this are taking Hood's Sarsaparilla with the best results. There comes a time in every girl's life when she is seizetl with a longing to hire somebody else to eook. Il comes aller siie gets marrled. "Buoluipiviba." Qulek, complete, cures all annoying Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Dlseases. $1. Druggist. ' See how I ride o'er the raging mane!" exclaimed the man who was tlirown over his horse's head iuto a ditch on the other side of the fence. For Earaclie, Toothnche, Sore Throat, Swellcd Neck, and the results of colds and Inflammation, use Dr. Thomas" Jj}clectric Oil - the great pain destróyer. A little boy ?aw his mother take ofF her switch oue day and called out : " Oh, mamma! Let me take your scalp out in the yard so that we can play Indians." " Sly wife for years has been troubled with a disease of the kidneys; pliysicians pronounced it diabetes, but she reoeived no benefit from their treatment. Hi:nt"s [Kidney and Liver] Rkmedy has made a wondertul change in her condition. Her health is good."- O. 51. Hubbell, 344 Prospect Avenue, Buffalo, N. Y., June 18, 1883. Arabella- "Oh, Bridget, a inouse, a mouse! Come and catch it, quick !" Bridget - " Sure, mum, there's no hurry. It' this one gets away I can catch plenty more for ver, mum." HST" A New Suit. Fsded mieles of all kinds restored to their OftgiAaj beauty by Diamond Dyes. Perfect and simple. 10c. at all drugglsts. Wells, Ricliardson & Co., Burlington, Vt. So comnion has the expression "p'ünting the town red " fot to be !n a western settlement that one of the saloon keepers has put the sijju " artists' materials'1 in his wiudow. Kon'i Die in the House. " Roughon Rats.'' Clears out rats, mice, roaches, bcd-tUg8, flies, ants, molos, chipmunks, gophers. 15c. A V OU nj? gentleman wishes to know whicli is proper tosay on lea ving a young lady friend after a late cali - good night, orgood evening? Nevertell a lie, young man. Say good morninr. Dr. liiisiiiikn. This name lias beeome so familiar with the most of people throujihout the United States that it is hardly neoessary to state I that he is the origiuator of the jrreat Dr. j Bosanko Cougli and Lunsr Syrup, the people's favorite leniedy, whereyer known, for Cóughs, Colds, Consomptloo and all affectlontpf the Throjlt and Lungs. Price 50 cents and $1 00. Sold by Kberbach & Son, druggistSj 'l'here is a movenient in St. Louis to celébrate the discovery of America. It hus been piedicted for gome yeara that the news of tlie discovery of America would at lengt!) reach St. Louis. "Mollier Swan's Worm Syrup." Infallible, tiisteless, harmless. cathartio, for feverishnes?, restlessness, worins, constipation. 2J5c Young men, it Isn't always the girl who looks loveliest in the soft, sweet shadows of thedarkenlng twiliglit who takes that beautj with her In the grim, gray morning as she wrestles with a kltcuen stove. In Holland, Mich., C. J. Doesbury püblishesthe News, and strongly recommends Dr. Thomas1 Eclectric Oil for coughs, sore throat, catarrh and asthma. Little Dot's mamma had been 11 with a severe attack of neuralgia. A visltor called, and while waiting in the parlor, asked Dot how her mother was. til. e replied: " tíhe is sick; she's got the morality." Figures Wout Lie. The tigures showing tlie enormous year ly sales of Kidney-wort, denionstrates its Vülue as a medicine beyond diRpute. It is a purely vegetable cotnpound of oertain root, leaves and berries known to have special value in Kidney troubles. Combined with these are remedies aeting di reetly on the Liver and BowelS. Il is because of this combiued action that Kidneyj wort has proved such au uneiualled remI edy in all diseases of these OlgSDI.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News