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Who Condemn Him

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Last weck we statud that the naines of thirty ministers of the gospel, residente of Buflalo, were In oor possession, wlio would testify, if necewary, to the moral character ot Mr. Cleveland, and the Christian character of Rev. Geo. II. Cali. As the statement has been cuiesüoned by a gentleman, we append the names and addresses of these ministers. Before deciding to cast your vote for an acknowledged libertine for president, perhaps yon botter satisfy yourself in regard to hini : Rev. H. B. Biickbam, Principal State Normal School. BOT. R. E. Chivera, 384 Prospect ave.. Biptist. Itev. H. W. Crabb, 107 Plyiuuutb ave., U. Presb. Rev. R E. Burton, ÏK1 Delawnreave., Baptist. Rev. O. H. Dunnine, 622 West ave., PresbTn. Rev. P. G. Cook, 131 Mohawk st., Wells st. ch'p!. Rev. F. 8. Fitch, ltíi Prospect ave., Conj;. Rev. S. R. Fuller, 487 Pearl st., Episcopal. Rev. 3 . Gordon, 1). D.. 46 DeUware ave. , Baptist, ReT. II. S. Green, D.D., 5(1 Allen st., Presb. Rev. W. T. Hosg, 2A3 Maryland t., P. Me:hodiet Rev W. S. Hubbell, 3WT Pearl st., PreebyteYian. Hev. G. C. Jones, 233 Franklin st., M. Episcopal. Rev.R. M.Stratton,202Kaglest.,M. Episcopal. Rev. J. H. Laugille, 850 West ave.. Baptist. Rev S S. Mitchell. D.D., -210 Porter ave., PresbRev. G.W.Peck, 57 BirJ ave., M. Episcopal. Rev. 8. A. Morse, 605 Eazle st., M. Episcopal. Rev T. R.ömitb, D.U.,726 Delawareave.Piesb. Rev. W. S. Stndley, D.D.. Wesl Tupper8t.,M.E. Rev VanBokkelin, 75 Niágara st., Episcopal. Rev. Henry Ward, 512Swan et, Presbyteriao. Rev. Geo. Whitman, 3 4 8wan st., Baptist. Rev. C. W. Winchester, 871 West ave., M. E. Rev. A. N. Fisher, :i-J5.1ersey at.. Pree. Eld'r.M.fc Rev. G. R. Burnside, 1961 Nisgara st., Baptist Rev. A. P. Ripley, 158 Fargo ave. Rev. A. Dick, 537 West ave. Rev. A. Bigelow, 201 Niaeara st. Kev. F. W. Brauns, 118 Plymouth ave. rROOK uroN proof. Will good citizens, members of our CbrUtiau cburclies, professors In our universities, uien who sliould be pure and virtuous in all thelr acts, still ding to a moral tor tlieir presidential candidate ! Cau they smotlier their eonstiences, and while holding their nose, still cast a ballot for this man Cleveland ? or cast a ballot forany other man, which vote will assist in liis election ? Letters have been pouring in upon the clergymen of Buffalo to such an extent that they have prepared a circular which fourteen of them have signcd, and it is sent to all anxious inqulrers. It readsas folio ws : Bcfpai.o, N. Y., Oct. 9, 1884. ï We are in receipt of a larg-; uumber oí letters frotn all parte of theonntry maklng intiuirlcB conceruing tbe moral chnracter of one of the Dominees ror the prceldential office and also in niany caiea aektut; wbethcr it ii true as was quite wldely publiBhed. that dnring liis candldacy lor the gcivernorshlp of thia Mate he was generally er.dorsed by the ministers of this city. It is true thut duricg hls candidacy ror the governorship Mr. Cleveland dia receive largely of Ihe coDfldence of clergyman actin" in their individual capacity. In ignorance of thelactBConceiniiiK his private life and believing that he save promiee of a pure and wiee auministration.many of them gave uim their cordial support, but while thus ruferrin to the truthof the past it ia but fair and right for us to add that since that time evidence has been laid befare ns which fairly, and we Dclieve unanimously, impeaehe,not ODly the past but also more recent morality ol Cleveland, as résped botii tcmperance and caas' We willingly excnse ourselves from the unpleasant task of enterum into details which, however, are iu our possession, and not as mere vague ninior but in the foim or pusitive and circumstantial statements by witnesseB coguizant of that to wlnch thev te.-tlfy. A letter similar to the nbove lias been sent to Bishop lluntington, by Rev. I)r. Van Bokkelin, rector of Tiinity Episcopal cluirch. Such evitlencc cannot be set asitle. It must weigh in the balance of popular favor. IfMr. Blaine were as corruptas Mulligau and Fisher desire to make hitn, he is still as far superior in the e?sental qualities tbat conatitute a good citizcn as the heavens are above the earlli. The Ann Arbor Coürier says that the fusión wlll biing lo their ticket eiKlU or uluo hundred greeuback votes and chuckles ovet tlie prospective vlctory tbey are going to wiu over the democrats. ISefore the fusión the CoURiKR wouldn't concede over two hundred and íifty grei-nback votes in the connty, and lt is surprlslng liow tlie numbera have grown alter lusliig wilh tlie republicans.- Adnun Press. You're another. The Ann AbBOB Courieii never chuckled achuckle - out loud- over anythlDg of tlie kind. Never has said anything about the greenback strength in the county at all. But now that the Press has called our attentiou to the matter, we will quietly remark that the republican and greenback combination in this counly has causcd a feeling of nervousness, a deathly palor, as it were, to come over all the democratie candidates. It is conceded by politicians generally, that the entile ticket will be electeri, from Kempfaod llouey to Yocum. And we believe it will be done. The New York Sun says : " Hutier first, Blaine uecond, Cleveland nevcr." And tbe Sun shlneifor all.


Ann Arbor Courier
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