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Representative Convention

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The republican repteeentatlve convention tor the flrat district cf Wwhtenaw county met ut tl court house Oll Saturday, Oct. llth. TW meeting wm OHlIed to order by the clection of Dr. W . U Sinith, of Au Arbor, as temporary ohairman, and Geo. H. l'ond as temporury seerctary. The followin eommittieon ciodeiitials WM appolntod : Chas. S. F all, oL Aun Arbor city, Geo. H. Mitcheli, of Lima, and Amos PhelpS, of Scio. The iollowiiigcommitteeon permanent orgauization and order of business was appointed: A. VV. HainiHon, of Anu Arbor, H. O. Willitts, of Ann Arbor town, ond L. W. Briggs, öcio. A recess Wa Uien taken unlU 2 o'clock p. m. Upon reassembling the committee on permanent organi.atiou recommended the temporary offleers as peniianent and aud an order of business. Zina P. King moved tliat a committee of thiee be appolnted to oonfer witha like committee of greenbackers wlio were iu waiting. After some considerable discussion the motiou was carried, and the followiug gentlemen appointed to act as giich committee : Zina 1'. ,King, A. It Beal and J. D. Williams. After which a recess of ten minutes was taken. Upou reassembling, Mr. King from the committee on conference, reiorted tliat they had met the greenback committee and would report to Ibis convention tliat the first choice of tliat party for representative was Geo. A. Peters, of Scio, but tliat they would be satisfied with any other represeutative man In their party, or with the action of the convention, whatever it inight be. lt was then moved to proeead to a ba% lot, and the chair appolnted as tellers Walter Whitlark, of Ann Arbor town, and Chas. Goodwin, of Dexter. l$efure balloting the names of Warren E. Walker, of Ann Arbrfr city, rreenbacker, and Chas. H. AYines, of Sylvan, republican, were presetited tor nomination, Dr. It B. Gates, of Lima, growing quite ear.iest and eloquent in bebalf of the latter. Tiie result of the ballot was : Warren E. Walker W Chas. H. VVines 8 K. (Jainbbeil ; Ueo. A. Peters f T. J.Keech l. N. . Koster - 33 Mr. Walker liaving a majority of the votes cast, the ballot was made forma) and Mr. Walker declared the nominee. A district representativecominittee was thenelected. asfollows : Dr. W. IJ. Smith, Geo. H. Pond and A. D. Groves. The convention then adjourned.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News