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Thompson's Tirade

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Mr. Thompson, of Detroit, spoke at the opera house bist Wednesday eveiiing, as announced. He dtdn't console with the deinocracy liowever, lie simply abused Mr. Blaine. lie gave the public here a cold rehash of Cari Schurz's tinide Ín Detroit. He Mulliganed Blaine, he Mulliganed the audience uutil evcryone was tired out, and glad when he got through Mulliganing, for everytolDg said by him had been read and re-read in the papers and theaudience received it very mucb as a person would another man's tooth brush. The speaker did not refer to even one deed of bb newly adopted party and point to It With pride. He didn't evcn show up the extreme moral purity of his presidential candidate. He didn't point witli pride to Mr. Ileudrick's copperliead war record. He didn't refer with pride to the action of his party in opposing the issuiug of the greeubacks ; in opposing the cali for men and money to put down the rebeUion; in declaring the war a fallare; in opposing the constitutional aniendments; in lighting a return to specie payments; In opposing and Uelng upon the wrong side of eveiy piominent measure that has been inaugurated and carried to iuccessful completion by the republican party for the past twenty years. He ildn't even ïefer to the grcat fraud of 1870- and the noble cipher dispatches of nne S. J. Tilden, of Grameicy Park. He dldn't refer to Cleveland's record as sheriff of Erie county, and how he (Cleveland) enacted the rollof hanjiinan at that time, for which $560 was charged tlie people of that county for one executiou; he didn't refer to Maria Halpin either; neither did he explain to the working men Cleveland's vetoes of tlie 5 cent fare bil], the reduction of the hours of labor bilí, (from 14 to 12 hours), the tenement house cigar bill, or any of the other bilis passed by the New York legislatura in the interest of the laboring man, and vetoed by his "pure" caudidate. He forgotall these things in his intense deslre to make out that Blaine had been Mulliganed. He bettercome back here some time and explain a few of the cloudsef debauchery and dlshonesty that hangs over the head of liis " reform " candidate Cleveland, if he can, and the unduniable charges of traitorous COndtlCt during the war of Mr. Hendricks. Come back 15illy, and ünisli up your speech some time. The Argus sneers at Mr. llouey because lie was postmaster at Dexter f or a period of " sixteeu years." Well, he was postmas-ter tliat lenglh of time, and a good postmaster, too. Trompt, accommodaling, pleasant, always a favorite witta tlie public. His transactions with the governmeiit were marked for their extreme accuracy. His settlemeiits were ahvays on time, and there never was a penny out oftheway. He made a good officer. The tact tliat he held the oíHcc so long is a faet tliat edouuds greaily to liis favor. Had he not been a good business man, a prompt business man, au lionest busiuess man, a business man wlio united courtesy witli accuracy and integrity, he could not have held the office as long as he did. Still f urther, Mr. Honey's salary was only about $500 per year- not extravagant to say the least. No man can come forward and say that he did not earu evcry cent tliat he receivcil. Especial ly so froni the tact that out of tliat amount he had to pay m assistant in the office. Mr. Honey's efficiency in cvery positiou he has held proves conclusively that he will malte t good judge of probate - and he will most asKiiredly be elected.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News