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Th'is noted company of operatic artists, with a grand chorus and full orchestra, will appear at the Opera House on Saturday afternoon and evening next in ' l Trovatore" at matinee, and " King for a Day," in the evening, two of the most interesting operas in the whole range of music. The latter is based on a story from the Arabian Knights, humorously and p.ithetically told, and set to beauüful music, and in each the Abbott Company aro especially commended. The company have been more suncessiul this season than ever before, and is thus spoken of by the Louisville Journal: "The most sanguine expectation was exceeded by the audlence whlch gathered last uittilt the opening of the Masouic Temple Theatre. Notwithstandlug tlio temperature, the parquette, the balcony, aud all of the dresseircle, exceptlng the outer rows, were illled in solld, and the asserobly divided the time between execratiou of the weather and lor the performance. The presence of o many people under circumstances so dlscouraging, was a tribute not to be considered lightly. The opera was given in much better style than was thought posslble from the ditfloultles ot tbe score and the demands in scenic effect aud elabórate mounting whlch are necessary to a satisfactory presentatlon. All things consldered, the company have not appeared here to better advantage than they dia last night. Miss Abbott is improved by her European trip, and, uerved by tbe magnitude of her undertaklng, rose to the occasion. Thequiutet aud chorus which composed the second act, the duetand the aria In the last act, were extravagantly applauded, the duet being given three times.1' This occasion should be made a gala one here, and a reception to the favorite prima donna {riven tliat will show our appreciation ot her. ENGAOEMENT EXTRAOHDINARY. The management is pleased to announce in engagement with the eminent trageJian, Mr. Lawrcn.ce Barrett, commencing ronda; evening, Oct. 21st, when he will present Hon. Geo. II. Boker's tragedy in six acts and tableaux, " Francesca da [limini,''a realization of Dante's celebrated story. The same powcrf ui cast, rich üostumes, etc, which characterized its resent production at the Star theatre I'hiludelpliia, will constitute a feature of tliis sngagement. F rom an elabórate and exhaustive critcisin on Mr. Barrett's performance in this pliiy, lately publislied in Harper's Weekiy, we extract the following: The personnel lii the actual hlstory of " Francesco da Riminl " fonu of themselvcts without perversión of historieal accuracy, a brilliant array of dramatis persono?. There is thegloomy background of a noble mind and lieartimprisoued in the twiated body oi the tmncaback Lanciotta, in brigtit contrast to it the brilliant beauty of hls brother Paolo. the whole picture mellowed by the gentle erace of the lov Ing, unfortunate Francesca. Moreover, apolnt of grent value to the modern drama is, the localities oft'er line opportuniLies to the scenic artist. Frora the history of ¦ Francesca da Rimini," Mr. Boker lias constructed a play of remarkable strength, which, however, in lts present form contains thp elemeDts of even greater strengtb.


Ann Arbor Courier
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