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HOQD'S $ARSAPAR1LLA Is deslgned to meet the wants of a large portion of our people who are either too poor to employ a physician, or are too íar removed to easily cali one, and a stlll larger class who are not siek enough to require medical advice, and yet are out of sorts and need a medicine to build thcm up, give them an appetite, purify their blood, and oil up the maehinery of their bodies so it will do its duty willingly. No other article takes hold of the systeni and hits exactly the spot hke HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA It works like magie, reaching every part of the human body through the blood, giving to all renewcd life and energy. My friend, you need not take our word. Ask your neighbor, who has lust taken one botHe. He wUl teil you that ' It 's the best dollar I ever invested." H., Feb. 19, 1879 MESSHS.C. I. Hood & Co.: Dear SirsAlthough greatly prejudiced against patent mediclnesin general, I was induced, trom the excellent reports I had heard of your Sarsaparilla.totryabottle, last Decembei, f or dyspepsia and general prostration, and 1 have réceived very gratifying resultó trom its use. I am now using the second bottlc, and consider It a very valuable remedy tor Indigestión and its attendant troubles. Yourstrul cnüKCHILI (Firm of Carter & Churchill.) ty A gentleman who Qn'nQ(J has been suftering trom " the Debility and Languor 1J Pniinro pecnliar to this ceason, ' w ' uuuuo says: "Hood's Saksapakilla is putting new life right into me. I have gained ten pounds since I began to take it." Has taken l wo bottles. Hood's Sabsaparii-la Is sold by all druggists. Frice$lper liottle; sixfor$5. Trepared by C. I. IIOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass. GRÏNDlPERAHÖüSE ONE NIGHT ONLY. Tissiay,Dctolcr21st,'B4. First nppcarance bere since HIS CREAT LONDONSÜCCESS MR. LAWBENCE BARRETT Supported by Louis James and au Excellent : Company. First Production in tuis city Hon. Geo. HBoker's Tragedy in 6 acts und tableaux, PRANCKSUA DA RIMINI A reallzatlon of Dante's Celebrated Story. Mr Barrett as Lanciotte, the Hunehback, whicli ran nlne weeks at W'allack'a Star ïheatre, New York. Entire new costutnes, by Augusto & Co., of London and Paris, irom designs by Hon. Lewis Wingfleld. PRICES - Parquette and flrst row Parquette Circle, il 25 ; Balance of Parquette (Jlrcle, 81.00. No extra cbarge for Reserved Sent. Gallery 50c. Beats now on sale at tue rost Office uews stand. grandperThoüse Saturday, Oct. 18, 1884 Matinee and Etening Engagement OF THK IMMA ABBOTT GRAND OPERA COMPANY. 50 Famous Artists 50 Including the Kamous Principáis : Abbott, Hemminl, AnnandaTe, Hindle, Fakrini, Castlb, Allen, Corneix, Tagliai-ietra, Cami'obp.i.0, Brodeic. Grand Chorus anil Orchcstra in Two Grand Operas. MATINEE : IL TKOVATOKE. EVENING, THE BBILLIAST, ORIENTAL orERA, KING FOR A DA Y. SeatsnowonNSa.e:riMatme8;,.75andS..OO


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