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PACHA. ABEL'S COLUMN. BACH Al ABEL. Tricot. - A pile of cloth on end of counter is ticketed Tricot. What is Tricot? A cloth with a crosswise indistinct rib on the face. The rib is made out of two woof tlireads, and yet is so indistinct that you find out even so much with difficulty. It is invisible with an uufavornglight, an unmistakable rib nevertheess. To the casual glance tricot is a rough-faced cloth with a certain regularity n the roughness and a pleasing softness in look and feeling. It is one of the favorites with people with quiet tastes, who wish in a general way to conform to the preraUlng fuhion. The pile we are speaking of contains all of the desirable shades, such as belong to the time. A I unible iii colorcd velvets. This week we put on sale 10 pieces IC inch, ïand make, colored velvets, al $1.25 per yard; real valué $1.75. This is not an accident. It is somebody's stupidity. There is no reasons in the world for it, and we have no objection in telling the 'act. We like nothing better than putting down a price wlien we can do so without oss. We do, if anybody else does, whether we like it or not, because we won't be undersold. But we say again, lobody can sell these velvets with profit it this price. We are Black Silks very cheap. Our $1.25, $1.50, and f 1.75 silks can not be duplicaled in this marketor any other. We are selling a real Kid Glove, 4 but:on, at $1.00; it would be cheap at f 1.50. ílemeinber they are real Kid and not amb skin. Our Blanket Sale connnences this week. Examine our large White Blanket at $1.50, real valué $2.50. Our all wool White Blanket at $4.00, never was sold efore for less than $G.0O We would like o have you examine tliem whether you juy or not. B. & A. Plaids are very stylish. We show all of the desirable styles in the market. look at our 40 inch plaids at 50c. 75 and 85c. These goods were bought cheap and we are selling them cheap. B. & A. Our imported Jerseys at $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00, are astonishers. B. & A. Our Misses Jersey's liavc at last arived. Colors - black, navy blue, and cardinal. We have all sizes from 4 years to sweet 16. BACH & ABET,. Electlon Notice. Township Clerk's Office, Alu Arbor Township, October 0, 1884. To the Electora ofaaid Township, Tnke Notice : That the general Election to be held, November 1, 1884, in said township will be held at the Bhop of Nelson Kuimimi in Baid township. The poll will pen and cloee in accorriance with law. The board i Registration will bein ai-ssion at the ame place }n Saturday. November lat, 1884, from 9 o'clock a. m., untll 5 o'clock p. m,, for the purpose of regislering the namua of qaalifled eleciori. By order of the Township Board, 1216-1217 L, DAVIS, Clerk. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. NOTICE ia hereby siven thrlt the flrm of R. K. Alle & Co. ia thia day dissolved by mutual conaent, K. K. Ailea retiring lrom the same. The buslneaawill hereafter be conthmed nnder the flrrn name of Alraendinger & Schneider, who will pay all debta and collect all account ofj the old flrm. Thoee indebied will take notice that all accounts must be settled at once. R.K. AILES. FRANK ALMENDINGER. GOTTLEIB SCHNE1DKK. Dated Ann Arbor, Sept. 30th, 188. GET THE BEST ! LEAD ALL OTTOS ! EveryStyle&Price. Guaranteed XJneqwaled roa OPERATION. ECONOMY, DURABIUTY and WORKMANSHIP. Improvements and Conveniescea foand ia no others. AlwaystReliablePOPULAR EVERYWHERE. rcpTSaieTinkEvery City and Town 'in the Unitod State. For gal e by JOHN PFISTERER, Ann Arbor, Mlch. 12U-142:i Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT HAVING BEEN MADE IN THE condittoiiB of a certain mortgaRe execated by Lydia Klrchhofer, of Manchester, in the Countv of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, to Jared S. Ijiphara, of Northville, Wayne County, In aaid State, hearing date the Seventeenth day of Apiil A. D. 187, and recorded ii the oftlce of the Register of deed for said County of Washtenaw, in liber 55 of mortgages, on page 590, and by which defaiilt the power of eale contained in Baid morteage having become operative, and no snit or proceedlng at law or in chancery having been instituted to recover the amount due on aald mortgage, or the note nccompanying the mme, and there bein" now claimed to be due on aaid note nnd mortgajie, the aum of Two Thouaand Thiee Hundred and Vourteen DollarB [$2.314]. Notice ia therufore hereby glven that said mortKage will be forecloned on Friday the tweuty-aixth day of December 1884 at 10 o'dock in thu forenoon of that day by sale at public auction to the highest bidder at the south front door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor in said connty of Waahtenaw, (eaid Court Houae being the place of holding the Circnit Court for Baid county) of the mortgaged premiacs described in said mortgage, or ao much thereof as may be neceBary to satiafy the amount due on aaid note and mortgage with reaaonable coats and expenaes; whlch said mortgaged premisos are described in said mortgage, as followa : All those certain parcela of land aituate and being in the Village of Manchester, in the County of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, known and deacrlbed aa lote four (4), flvc (5), lx l), even (7) and eight (8) in block one (1) in Granger and Morgan's addition to the Village of Manchester, according to the record- d plat of said addition. Dated, Sep,.,h,A.DjXlR8f4sLApiiAMi E.D. KINNE. Mortgaee. Att'y for Mortgagee. 121122, m THE PNEUMATIC ¦pP" FRUIT DRIERS. gif Awarded the Süver Medal over all competitora at New ¦ Eiiiíland Fair, itx. Tlie operation is tmch that BtWJ I flavor. Th o eyaporation íh Uio lJlfll.3 mout raiil, with leatit iuel. [ AU Hizes for farm orfactory UM. JBi - We manuf act ure the bentEvaj iotW raturHiormakinir Apple Jclly BKeB üentl forillustrated Circular. W -1 Vt. Farm Machine Co., uw Btllowa rails, Yt. 1213-1217.


Ann Arbor Courier
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