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Compiled íroin Late Dispatches, DOMESTIC. VxsseXi agents in Chicago roporfe6d on the 7th that business was the rlullest for the season in tliirty years, and tlie opinión wns genoral that mora sail craft would be stripped this month tlian ever before. Mrs. Charles McNair (colored), aided by two other negroes, killed her busband, who was an invalid, at Laurel Bill, N. C.t a few days ago, being tiredof snpportlng liini. The heat nos so pTccsMve at Savannah, Ga., on the "tu that dock laborera wére unable to work at loading Tessels. Ona dcalh oeeurred froin sun-stroke. The offlcers of tho Ilainjulen Mutual Fire Assuranee Company oL Springfleld, Mass., have decided to close up the company's business. Recent losses cause the stoppage. A PAilTY of seveuteon p-?rsons, most of whom are missionaries, left Atlanta, Ga., the other day for China. 8ome of the ladiasnill organiza in Shanghai high school for girls. W. V. Cotteral, of New Castle, Ind., reported missing a few days ago, was exAuditor of Henry County, aiid hot in his accounls $;!,TjO. A BAiiUKL of whisky esplodod the othpr day t Cantón, laiss., tlie liquid immediafely taking flre, though (here was neither light nor flre in the room. Neak MarysvUle, Alo., a few niglits ajo a bridgii collapsed under a froight train laden with hogs, nearly all of which wera drowned. The engineer was killed, and Wie brakeman and fireman badly injured. Ten thovsaxd persons gathereil in the Northampton (Mass.) camp-grouods on (he8tb lo colebrata the coiitminial of tho indepenlence of American Mothodism. TíE Indiana bupreino Coui't has decided that it has no power to respite or grant pardon to convicted crimináis. The law conferrlng thac power on any other person thau the Governor was declarad unconstitutional. The strike of stove-molders at Fittsburgb, Pa., which had continue.l for nine months, was dec'.arod off on the 8th, and uu ion men would return to ivork as indij viduals at a reduction oL fifteen per cent. The Suprema Court of New York bas declared uuconstitutional the law forbidding the manufacture of cigars in the tenement-houses of the larger citics. Geokoe Dollixg recently caught a young rat in a mine at Honesdale, Pa., and made a pet of i:. ï'ho animal repaid Ibe kindness by bitiug its benefactor with Euch severity as to cause his doath. While out ridiug a few evenihgs ago near North Adams, Mass. , a train struck tbe carriage containing Georgo and Alice Hall, brother and sister, both bciiig instantly killed. A fire destroyed a number of buildings the othernight at Richniond, Ky., including a planiiiK-mill, a flour-milí and the city gas-worksw Loss, í-12ó,OJO. A terrible catastrophe occurred on the morniag of the 8th in Lake Michigan, oLf Hyda Park, near Chicago, during the most terrino gale of the season, involving the loss of ten out of fifteen men who wore stationed there in a teniporary hty, pending the construction of a water worka crib at that place. A hurricaxe swept over Ilarrisbnrg, Pa., on the evening of the 8tb, unroofing houses and leveling trees. A section of the carriage bridge over the Su-quehanna was carried away. Bi'bglars robb?d four business places at Pf:ry, N. Y., the other ni-ht, securing abou' f4S,0OD in bonds and cash. Tickets f rom Chicago to New York were Belling on the 8th at ín, to St. Louis for $2, and to Kansas City for .i-ö.öO. A circus employé was badly mutilated recently whilo attending to Fome eaged tigers at Wateibury, Conn. The animáis ilragged him insido and began to feast on his arms and legs. The beasts were beaten off with iron bars. A freiqht train on the Union Paciflc Road collided with a wild engine at Elkhorn, Neb., tho other day, and a fireinan and engineer were killed and auother flreman lost both legs. The Fort Pitt Iron and Works at Pittsburgh, Pa., which had been idle for threo months for lack of orders, resumed operalions on the Sth. At the annual meeting in Xew York on the 8th of the directora of the Western Union Telegraph Company the report of tLie Presidvnt showed the capital stock to ba $80,000,000; bonded debt, $7,214,000; revenues for the year ended June 30, 1884, $19,682,000; expenses, L13,022,000; profits, -$,610,000; surplus June a0, 18S4, $4,157,000. Gbeat excitempnt prevailed at Jamestown, O., on the S:h over the disco very that eleven graves in the cemetery there had been opened and the corpses stolen. A reward of (1,000 was offered for tlie gliouls. At Birdsville, five miles east, and at South Balliinore violated graves were also found. At a secret conference of paper manufacturera held in Thiladelphia on the 8th jwports wcre mada of a short supply of rags all over the country, owing to the Govornmeut embargo on imported rng-s irom tho Eist, and it. wai decided to c il] a meeting to be held in Cleveland. It was thought a determlned effort would bo made to forco the price up an average oí two cents a pound. The supply of rags in port and on the water will only keep the milis going until December X. Th large paper dealers in Chicago and other cities, East and West, are serving their customers with notices to the effect that they are compelled to withdraw former quotations and give prices on amou-rits, or from day to day. The writing-paper manufacturers asreod, at a meeting held in Boston on the 6th, to advance prices two cents per pound, and to maintain the ftdvanced rates. The New York State Supreme Court recently gave a ju.lgment against the cityoi Kew York for $1,500,008 for water-meters furnished by José F. De Navarro to th eity durins the Tweed regime, but never Wed. An aecidont occuried at a furnace in Bickman Couuty, Tenn., a few days ap;o, by which three men were burned to death by melted iron and another was tatally injured. Tke Director of the Mint at Washington estimates that the amount of gold and silvor coin in the Unitei States October ] was $815,000,000, an increase as compared vith 1, 188.1!, of $35,000,000. Th gold and silvor bullion in the mints and assay offices amounts to $58,000,06 i. Half the town of Alma, Neb., was deetroyed by fire the other niiht. TJptotheOth tlie total transactions of tüe New York Clearing House since its organizatio.'i, th;rly-one years ago, amountod to the immense sum of $750,818,518,GU9.01. The faculty of Cornell University and the authorities of the town of Ituaca, N. Y., have detennined to suppress "cane i ushes," and have reaii tho riot act to the participatoi-s In tbs recent "rush." No. 2 mill of tho OhioPowder Company, near Youngstown, was demolished on the Ufch by an explosión, but no lives were lost. People for miles arouud thought au earthquake had occurn 1. Frost, with hail, snow and sleet, feil (n soctions of Kansas on the 9th, and catlle men believing that tlie Texas fever genn had been deitroyed were preparing to s!ii]i beef cattle. Ot.ivkr Bnüs. & Pim.Lips, irrm men of Plttsburgh, Pa., on the 9th withdrew thoir notice of a 12í per cent, reduction, nnd work Ín their milla would be at once resumed. W. V. CoTunAr,, tlie missing ex-Auditor of Heiiry Connty, Irul., has wrltten that he was en route to Dakota to procure fonda to settle hi.s shorrago of ?4000. BHALL-POZ, BUpgpsed to have brn brought by emigrante, was spreading rapidlyoniliu 9th in the vicinityof Brookings, B. T. Four deaths had already occurrt'd. '-'. VT. II. Zink. Trial Ju-tica at ford, Conn., was murdered while B&Ieep early Iho other morning, the assassin rilling lus clothing of a watch and a larye uni of money. Charles W. Butler was hangpd on the h'lli at Columbla City, Ind.i tor wife-iiiurder. Acompakison on the lOth of the volume f business among the iron milis oí Piüsburgh with a statement oí two montlis ago showed an increase in the output of over two hundred tons a day, and the outlook for the future was not in the least discmiraging. The tobáceo factory of Wüson & MeGill, in Petersburg, Va., employing thrce bundred operalives, has shut down, owing to the seareity of tobáceo. Kkar Troy, Ind., a fewevenings ago the nnde and headless body of Mrs. Stilwell Honclersliot was found in a cistern, and tusplciou resting on the family, the husband and his two sons, F. H. and William Hendershot, were arrested. At the iuvestigation on the lOth F. H. Hendorshot arknowledged killing his mother, and the old man also criminatod himself, and both were held, while William was released. The murdered woman held a deed to the farm, and was killed because she would not relinquisu it. The house of a farmer named Joseph Gatos, near Johnstown, Pa., was invaded the other night by five masked men, well arnied, who forcodthe family to surrender $1,100 in cash. Tickets wers gelling frora Chicago to Kansas City on the 10: for $1.10, and to Omaha for $1.60. Nkar Naw Haven, Conn., underground tunnels leadiug to a vault were discovered reoently, and also counterfeit silver pioues and a braken die. It was a counterfoiters' den, in whic'j murders and other crimes wero believed to have been commifcted. DvRiNO tlie soven days ended on tbe lOth thpie were 2U business failures in the United States, against 1SS the previous stfven days, and ICO in the corresponding period oC 1888. Thu Tblrd Presbyterian Church, at the corner oC Aslland and Ogden avenue-i, Chicago, was destroyecl by fire on the lOth. Loss, ij-100,000; insuranee, 501,000. A kat. , of rock in the Red Ash mine, near Wükesbarro, Fa., a íew days ago, killed two men. At Allegheny City, Pa., the other moni ing Leo Brigel, ageil thirteen, destroyec tlio eyeiight of Bortie Black, a four-year old girl, by throwing mortar in her eyes bcsides soriously biirnini; two othe children. Acoordino to the agricultura! reporta for October the condiiion of the corn erop througiiout tlie United States is bettei than it has been for five years. Josiaii Kretchmam perished by fire ii his residence at New Couterville, Pa., a few monilnfCl ago, two other members o; Ih" family being fatally burned. As incendiary iire at Mounb Jackson Va., a few mornings ago destroyed nine business liouses and the LutheranChurch. the year ended July 3), 18S4, the sales, eutries and selections of public lands aggregatod 20,001,170 acres, au increase over the previous year of 8,101, 1!!7 acres. The total receipts from the disposai of the public and Indiau lands ast year wore $12,770,189, an inercasa of H,'-Wl.0 as compared with 1SS2-83. Kobbers wrecked the safe in the Carondelet (Mo.) post-ofliee on the night of the lOth, securing 25'J anl a lot of posta ge stamps and resistered letters. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. The followúi Congressional nominatiom were marie on the 7tb : Ilepublican - New Vork, Thirlieth District, Charles B. Bnkor; Arkansas, Fourth District, J. N. Barber; Wiseonain, Fourth District, I. W. Van Sc-baiek. Democrats - Connecticut, First Dislrict, William W. Eaton (renominat;xl); New York, Thirty-first District, Robert S. Stuvens (lenominated). Prohibitionist - Illinois, Eighteenth District, Henry M. Moore. The straight Republicana oí Missouri met at Macón on tiie 7th and nomiuated a full State ticket, heacied by Adon Quitar for Governor. Johx B. Finch, Cliairman of the Executive Committee of the Piohibition party, issueil a circular on the Tih calling upon the peojile oL the United States to observo AVeiinesdav, October 20, as a day of fasting, huniihation and piayer to Almiglily Ood that His aid may be given to nieasures for the suppression of tüo traftic in aluoholic drinks. The Continent, Judge Tonrgee'a maazMe, has ben incorporated with the Christiat) at Work, of New York, and will Jio longer as a distinct publication. Thk following Conressional nominations vvere mada on the 8:h: Democratie - Michigan, Eleventh Distric-t, John Power; Tennessee, Seventh District, J. G. Ballantine (renomlnated); Massachusetts, First District, Weston Howland; Connecticut, íecond District, Charles L. Mitchell (renomioated.) Republicau- Louisiana, Fifth District, Frank Mori. Prohibitionist- Illinois, Euhteenth District, Henry W, Moore. Leopold Morse of the Fifth Massachusetls District, and John Q. Adams, of the Second, have declinad the Democratie nominations for Congressmen. Gknerai. J. 15. Mükray, of Séneca Falls, N. Y., one of the originatorsof Decoration Dav, died frorn apoploxy a few days azo. Conokkssioxal nominations ware made ontheOthas follows: Republican - Rhode Island, First District-, H. J. Spooner (renominated); Second, A". A. Pievce. Democratie- New York, Nineteenth District, T. J. Van Alstine (re-nomiuated). William Daniki,, the Prohibition candidate tor Vice-President, isnued his formal letter of acceptance of the nomiiiation on the ath. The following nominations for Congressnien wore made on the lOth: Deinnpratic - Massachusetts, Eighth District, Charles Lilley; New York, Twenty-sixth District, C. E. Remick. Repuülican- Louisiana, First District, J. H. Adelen. The uentenuial anniversary of the birth of Dr. Graham, the Kentucky pioneer, was celebraled on the lüih at Louisville. FOREIGN. Becausk of the increasing numbar of defaulters and the immunity offenders enjoy, it was said the British and American Governraents were on the 7th engaged In negotiations for a revisión of the cxtradition treaty. The Manitoba & Northwestern and Manitoba & Southwestern Railways have been granted land subsidies of 0,400' acres per mile by the Canadian Government. Great distress prevailed on the 7th at the Magdalen Islands, in the Gulf of St. Lawrenee, and many families were said to be starvin,. The Government had been asked for assistance. President Grevv has granted 00,000 francs for the relief of unemployed workmen at Lyons, France. Twbnty persons were killed and flfty injui-ed by a eyclono which swept through Catania, Sicily a few dys ago. Oranüe disturbanoes woro again developing on tlie flth at Harbor Grace, N. P. The gates of the convent were torn down and flune into the sua. One Rivorhead man was beateu almost to death by Orangeinen. Reports of the cholera in Italy during the twenty-four hours euded at nine p. in. on the 9.h showed 14ö fresh cases and 77 deaths, against 197 cases and 97 deaths the preceding twenty-four hours. Two deaths occurred in Spain and six in Tm-iitií". The University of Kieff bas boen closed ty tbo Kussian autkorities and one hundred aud sixty-eight of the students arrested, charged with being connected with the Nihilista. Mr. Hammond, the owner of the Engiish vace-horse 8t. Gatien, estiinates hiü winnings on the turf during the preient racing season at $700,000. Mr. Hammond commen eed life as a stuble boy. ? The report of the defeat of the Chinese bytheFrench under Colonel Dennier on the Loo Chuan Rivor, in Tonquin, was ronfirmedon the 9h. The losa of the Ce lestials was statod to hare been about 1,000. By an explosión on the 9th of flre-damp in a mine in Moravia, Anatria, twenty 1 "H "'r iiiij FOÜB men were killed and two others I wpre injurad by the blowiug up o( the Hamilton Powder Mills at C'umminsville, Out., a few lays ago. ADVICSS of the Bth state tliat twentyseven persons were killed and 400 injiired by the reoent cyclone in Catuuia, on the Island of Sicily. The llamare wonld anionnt to 4,000,0,10 lire. Thk soldiers of the Cuban arniy have not boen paid for six months, and on the 'Jth they were almost starving. In th interior towns of the island they obtained food by force. Durino the twsnty-fonr homs ende 1 af. nine p. in. on the lOth tliere were 121 uew cases of cholera in Italy and seventy deaths. Only fuur deatbs were reported in Spain. Four thousund unemployed men held a meeting on the lOth at Glasgow, Scotlaud I and passed resolntious demanding assiafc anee from the local authorities. LATER NEWS. Thb sfeamsiiip Europa trom G'assow for Malaga was run into on the llt'j in tlie Kiver Clyde, ncnr Greonock, by the steatner Roseville and sunk. The Captain and five of the crew wero drowned. DunlNQ tbfi forty-c-ight hours enled at nine p. m. on the 12 h there wera 491 now cases of cholera a'id 2J4 deatlu in Ituly, 42 of wblch ocenrred at Naples. The Spanis!i Official 6Víí'íc announcBd the epidomic ended In irlpain. Catama, Sicily, wns visitad by another arthquake on the 12th, thirty persons beins killed. ASTER a (imrrel on the evenins of tho Ilth in n (Saloon in ('hieun a shonp butcher nam mI Joseph Whitnoy wis tuurdered witb a knife by a notorions crimina] named Bob Haley, and on the evenir. of tin! 12 Edward Roberts (cclored) shot a:)tl k : llu.l his wife whils la ¦ lit of jealousy. Gqa.1i minea at JN'elsonville and Straitsvi'ic, (., were iired by unknovvn larties on tLe 12th. Tuk Prohlbttion State Central Comtnittea of K.-iiisus have put L. H. Tiiiilips at the head of tbelr State ticket, in place of A. B. Jertinore, who decline. I tilo nominar tion for Govui'nor. A %¦ íncehdiary fire nt Lil.'erty, Va., on the l2th destroyed twenty-one business houses, aud Uic estimated lns was $150,60. The Turkisli mail was attac':ed by bi igamls a few tiilits a'o uear Bagdad, and over $300;000 was secured. Three persons wei e killed and seveml others wera wounded during the attack. O. the 12th Jtoody and Sunkey resumod tbeir work as evangelists in this country by bolding afternoon and eveniii services in Brooklyn, í. Y. The National League base-ball season carne to a close on the llth,1he l'iovidence club securing the championship, with Boston socond, Uuffalo tliird, Chicago fomrth, NeW York, Philadelphia sixlh, Cleveland geventh and Detroit eight, Thk I onded warebi uso of J. G. Roach & Co., atUniontown, Ky., contaiuiugorer t%vo thousand bárrela of whisky, was burnel a ftw d:iys ago, causinj a loo oí H7000. 1'ií!1!'.s::kxt TheoDORS lia) reaignad trom Yale College, tiie reaso.i aisifrued üeing his ad vaneed ag Ho is Dtarly eighty-three years old. Ar Liviü ;sfon, U'is., tha safe of John All. n wa-i broken into on' the ntght of Uili and robbed of inone}' and securliiei amountiiig to $23,'!0). W'iLL.E Ai,!nicn, a Pittsbu'gh lad, w'iiit' engaged recently in oilin; the machinery of llio Republic ron work;, feil between the eog-whesle an-1 was liceralljr erounil nu.


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