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S , f BOOK OFMARTYR'J" L I 1 V x. contuln many irfjlilI 11 ful siorlea ot moni a(I I t J nl.ln(f sulTorlno. Wrt ¦ vi l V nothliijr, i-ltlierln Bterr ' or picture, can ba mum ülstr sstul tüan CO" (harp, sovero, shootlnir palns dally anl DlgüU' endured by thoae wlio ure Diartyrs to 1 liat lin.itt terrible torment. Neuralgia. '1 o aal rlil of riita 1 1 wrly rdui ii la Ui ürst buatness of ill w lio sa) rr AïHl,orilOROs MganarntaH iminful nerva, and cktresoatttMuorjoni ol Mttnralglu. ATHLOPHOROS givOS laelllll ?( l{hil'!'ji:.l: BQOerera whom the maal tfilllful pbj-ulelAni ha vti nut. boen able to I wul. Athlophoros ouerates on the blood, inusetn, and joints ; and dkeolvlnir l lm acid ihot mmm Kbouaiutkjui, remove tlioin irom ihs ByaCücn. AnuLOPHOCOs is raooounced Ky all who hnwi MMl tq an IftfjifWilc spccinc for thess Ktknée cüu paWiX uüüease. Read the testimony of one of the sufferers. David Little, Sumner, Benner Co., lowa, writes: " I am past 77 ye&rs of aiie, have had the Tlhcuiuaüsm three yeare and eitfht ujuutha; lubt onu-third cf my welht; could uot walk, luit Khuftled ulou on orutchefl; could not sleep; nerves shattered, do fitrenffth in niy haude, wrieta, küees or fect. Bi.t tbankebetoGod foryourgreatdiac-overy! Themedicine arrived Saturday uht. I took a dowo Kuuday niorninfi:, folt it all over me, and kopt ou with it. Monday inornini? I Kot up and dreat-ed iuje!f. imtl walked out iuto the kitchon without the uidof eruU h or cane, and wiahed them all a happy New Year. I reet well nitfhta, am túiiiuK in strenpth, and once moro enjoylifo. W'idh I could put Atiilopiiokos in the handa of every eufferer from tlüs terrible diweaee.'1 If you cannot tret Athlopiiobos of your drutffrist, we will eend it expresa paid. ou reecipt of rehilar I irice- one dollar ier bottle. v'e prefcrthutyou buy I it from your dniKKtet, but if he hasu't it, do not bo jierHiMded to try Homothinff elsc, but order at once f roi iw as directed. THLOPHOROS CO., H2 WÍLL ST.. NEW YORK. MiiitMiHimniiii'iUH'jFimjiUjauuL tTKfTKfekt Pmtertion. No fnï (f I ! V RV sucli pro i.(i, ve M ' CLLLBEATEO bJ ver ¦¦ nothi-i áim a. P tt ofa malaria! type slOfSjlfP O tne „ ttu Jlrl(i nil,_ lSTOMACir i-'ard ii,va!id who Xh_an)ll9n "' standard EjÈI TTh H9 '"¦""" '¦" "' !i("ih m m. ¦ fci" uni etiüiifth. Fo .sile by al! Druíígits and Dealere enerrtlly. S. B Durfej-, mate of tlie steiinier Arizonii, liad liis foolbadly jammed. Tliomas's EclectricOil cureil it. Is to it for n quiek pain reliever. F.fiy raillion ciothespius aie made in thte country annually, and yet Araeiican wornén, as a rule, liave sniall moutht. Kxtreme Tlrcd FeeÜng:. A lady tellsus " the iirst bottle has done my daugliter :i great deal of ;ood, lier food does not distress her now, nor (loef she suffer from that extreme tired fediny w ieh slie did before taking Hood's Suiíaparllla." A second bottle effected acure. No otlier preparation contains suth acoiicentration of vitalizing, enricliinj1, pnrifyinji and invigoiating properlies as Hood's Sursa partita. A crusty bathelor's solace : There is one mltigatlon to our grief - the girls can't wer a jersey and a Mother Hnbbard at the same time. "Motlier Swau's Worm Sjriip." Infallible, tasteless, liarmless, cathaitie, for feverishness, restlessness, worms, congtipatlon. 20e. Fifteen different machines are used In the manufacture of iufants' shoes, but all he machiiicry in the world eannot rnake a shoe tbat 8 healtby baby won't kiek out in a week. For Burus, Scalds, Bruises and all pain and soreuess of the flesh, the grand remedy is Dr. ïhomas's Eclcetric OH. Be sure you get the genuine. Little Edith has made a discovery in natural philosophy. She guesses the ilies always turn their faces to the wall because they are asliamed of themselves f r being such horrid nuisanees to everybody. ClTKeep This iu Mind. In the Diamond Oyes more coloring is given thiin in iny knovn dyes, and tliey give faster and more brilliant colors, 10 c. at ill druggiats. Wells, Ricliardson & Co., Burlington, Vt., Sample Gard, 33 colors, and book of directions for 2c. stamp. A lady In Fonda, N. Y., who is ninetytwo years old, is jnst leaniing to play the piauo. She says that a woman who can't play some soit of an instrument nowadays stands a pretty poor chance of getting iimrried. "Buchnpaiba." Quick, complete, cures all annoying Kiduey, Bladder and Urinary Dlseascs. $1. Drugglst. A young lady in South Carolina began singing, and kept it up anti] her two canaries sunk exhausted in their eflorts at ousting her. Now we understand the old Sftw about kllling two birds with one's tone. Trj It Yourself. The p roof of thé pudding is not in chewing the stiing, but in baring an opportuniiy lo try theartlcle yourself. Eberbach & Son, the Druggists, have a fiee trial bottle of Dr. Bosanko"s Cough and Lunr Syrup loi-eacli and every oue who is iftt;cted with (Joughs, Oolds, Asthuia, Consumptlon or any Luu;( affection. A good sclieme for getting a reputation for being fond of works of art and nuuilers of pietures is to Iny in a lot of nicely franied chromos, and have thetn so hcavily covered wilh taftiquito-netting tliat no one Can see the canvas. Adolph Dallo., carriaga ïnaniifacturer. Bull'alo, says : " I was troubled witli nausea, sick headache and general debility. Burdock Blood Bitters curcd me." A correspondent asks In an excnanjfe if it is proper to dance with a married lidy when her husbaud is lookinjí on. We f boa ld think it, depended to some extent on thfi husband's size. - Boston Post. A Popular Fallaoy. Miuiy pcople tliink ttaat Hlieum;itisni cannot be curad. It is eaused by a bad state of the blood vvhich clepoBltg puiaoni oiu matter in the joints md museleseaus! ing lamenesp, stitl'iiess of the joints and excniciatini; p;iins. Kldney-wort wlll I certulnty effect a coro. lt iets on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowelg, stiinulating them to u healthy action, purlflu and enriches the blood and eliminates the poison from tlie system. Go tothe nearest druggist, buy Kidney-wort and be cured. "I tliink its outrageous," guid Mrs. Sparronrgróu. " Here it saya in the paper that Ht. John has been noniinuted for president. lts bad enough making fun ot' live people, but vvhen they begin 1 n í i 1 1 r in tho iposlles it certainly is too much. ' - Boston Post. "Rougli on Kais." Clears out rats, mice, ronches, flies, mts, bed-bugs, skunks, ehipinunks, gopliers, 15e. Drugjiists. Frank James, the ex-bandit of Missouri, bas xone into politics. It is an okl saylng that one false step leiuls to another, but we (lid nol tliink Frank liad sunk o low as that. Uut then any man who indulges in train robbingis Habla to come to a bad end. - Texas Siftingf. In tlie past thirty years there liave been many remedies advertised for the eure of kidney and liver troublcs and diseases of the urinary organs. Of only one can it be said tbat "itisnever kuovvn to fail."' Tliat one is Hünt's [Kidney and Ltver] EttKisri


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