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J. D. Long For Blaine

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From a speech delivered at Gloucester, Mass., Sept. 15: Wbo would not be an American Citizen! Who would not live in this country whicb, undar twenty iive years úf iUpublican administration, has reacheii a degree of national projperity for all and for each such as never eujoytd bofore, and sueh as is nowhero eDJoyed oa the face of the earth [Applauss.J Wo are in tte midst oí 01 e of the great cainpaigns. It is nota campa ign, but au educatiou. It br-aan in hope, un1 8lnC the elections in Vermost aaü M.ine il has deveioped into a ctrtainty. [Applauie.] Last eek we opeued it here in Massachusetts, the week before It close d in the ola Piue Tree state. It was my pleasun; to tako a pai t iu tbe closfng week oí that campalgc. Tte first speech I ever made ai made iu a litue schooibouse in a school district in laiue in 1SÖO in favor of Abrabatn Lincoln. [Applause.J The first convention I ever atténded was that conventiou iu AugUBta, Me., whicu nominated the gret war governor of Maíne, Israel Washburn, and I remember that, being a younger mao tban I atn now I listenfd to auoiher man then olso youug, bis eyc bright as it ís stil!, bur;bis locks not then so gray, who witli fin elcquence which sínce has drawn tttt arimiration of the countiy, advccated the resolutions of that convention. Very liítle, I presume, did he then imagine that uesrly a quarter oL a century üfter, Inving been peakerof the bouse of representatives of Maiue; after baving stood at the riant hand of lts war goveruor; after havlrg serve i nith diStinctiOD as represo: a'ive from the old Keniiebec district for sixtren years; after having beon the most distinguished speaker of consrf-ss sli ce Hf-nry Clay; oitter having heen choseo United States Benator from the state of Maine, aid ufter having been Sf-cretary of state uLder tbe muniered him-elf iu tbit year 1S84 would by an overwheMtuing inajoritv of the votes of the thirty-eicht states of tDis Union which he had seen pass throueh a civil war be eleced the chief maci:strace. f Applause ] The rest of us, I ratlier thkk, tlect our chief magi6trate from the bjdy of the people. VVell, I took down to Maibe as far as ¦ I could the eucourageïiient and gooa cheer of Massachusetts. I told them frankly that I, as one of tiie delegates to Chicatjo, shared iti the sentiment of Masachuetts, whici j)roí'eiríd anotlier man, and that so far as preference of mine wem it was still the same, but I aKo told them what was true, that when I atteaded the gi-eat ra'iticaiion meoting held last Juiy in 'irmnont temple I was surpriseti that the people weie aiie dv leagues and leagues bevond us who liad been called to touid tïie bugle, and i lint I was taiisfied tbat tbe seniiineut in Masachuet's for Mr. liUinu wa6 greater than we had aoticipated or appreheiided. [App!use.l And I refer to thiá íact that the masses of our people, the ereat body of your ople bere iu tbis coum.y and ia this city, recogniro tho simple tac ttiat Mr. Blïine is DOt only a represeutalive Anier ican, but ïhnt h'i esp(cilly represents these great industries, that great pollcy of protection to Araerican industries wnich are po vital to you and your interest and the welfare oL your and your city. I speak also of auother element in Mnssaohusetts that is not in favor with tbe people of Maiuo, and tbat is the body of Independeuts iu this st ito. and 1 say a eood wonl for the Indopeodents because I ïecognize that there is good stuff m them. Some of tnose ohler jjeop e were iu at the begtunirtrof thv. Republicau party. Soiwo of tht-m, the younger me", sre among the most. earnest tint w. liave. As a matter of iumbcr.-iboy wilt have, o( course, no eppreaiable eff-ct upon tl)is carapaign, but as a matier ot education, I tiiiuk they wil atuouDt toa grtat deai. ir purposes are ngnt but they have made a wrong is ue. I know liow it is. because I bave been t'.ir ui. h that uxpuiieuce myself. I (hni't he-li;tto to say that in thft lirc-iley ninvcnietit in 1872 1 follnwed i j ii . al iip :te o( freedom, Charles Su inner. Tuaf Laught tue eomethlug. ïhat iuh' inu Kiis: that the peoplo are of en i:i'n ! ngüt, beciuse they are more disiuteri'Rted, tbatj th ir leaders. It taught me that tüu pe 'Pie will frequently abandou a leader in irdir to be true to thtir principios; but th-y never will abaniiou tbeír principies even to fi-llow a favorito liader, [Applause.] Time hassbown that they were rixhtuiidthat Mr. Sumner was wrong, and I beheve he lived to acknowledïe it uimself, and time will certalnly show that tho lndepeudents of this ycar 18S4 are wrong whi-n tbey would sasriflce every principie, equal rights, the protection of Americau labtir, the n furui of tue civil service to a mere porgoD il objection, and tuno will show tbat the people of this country are right in doing as they have begun to do already ia stauding üy thos principies which are at the foundation ol the greatness of this country. [Applaube.]


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