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Attention, Farmers!

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Tbe Yankee farmer rises early in the mom ing tolerably refresbed. True, lie lias been sleeping on a bed, the sheets, blanketa, anc rnattresses of which would have been taxed from CO to 180 per cent. hnd tbev been lm ported from a foreign country. But tbey are home made, aiid bis dreama have Bot been disturbed by the free-trade bunbear tbat "pro tection raiees tho trico oL the home manu factured artlcle up to nt leatt the priee of tbe imported artic'e plus the impoit duly." Mr. David Ai Wlls and otber agents ef the Leeds and Mauchester manufucturers once tried to frighten him with this bogy; but experience bas taught him tbat it is only a niake believe. TVHAT THE FARMER SEES. There is an import duty of eightr qents a yard on cotton sbeeting, but he bujs it trom the cotlou factory in bis nisrket town at seïeu centlayard, and sees enormous quan tities of it going to England iu competition with free trade cotton, to Canada, to South America, and evau to Australia. Moreover, ba knows that, it is to that import duty be owes the establishment of the reiaübi ring cotton factory, whose operatlres consume bis pr'duce and give hun a profiable home market for rotation erops. The eame is true of bis blanliets mul mattress; indeed be is weil satisfied with his bed. It Is home made: it eost bim if anythincr less tlnin an imponed artiele ; and its manufacture has giveu empioyment 'o artitans who buv the produets of bis farm aliuüst direct from hls wagon. THE TARIFF DOES NOT TAX HIM. He proceeda to put on his clothes, nothing a'armed beciuse there is heavy import duty en foreign tweed cletbs, feit bats, boots and cotton shirts. His suit ffoui bejd to foot is of Americon make; the profil s of its manufacture have gone to enrich tbe American people, and be thinks this better for him tban if bis tweed Bad cme from the west of !¦'.¦: lamí, his hat, from Nottingnam, his shirt from Manchester, an1 his boots from Stookport. The clock teils him that it is breakfast time. He bas no bard felints against the clock merely because foreign elocks are tased 35 per cent. ; on tbe contrarv it reminde bim of the clock faetones of Connecticut and thethoueandsof bands to whom tbey give employment, and wbo in their turn give a maiket uva au increased value to every adjacent farm. CHEAPEST FARM TOOLS IN' THE WORLD. Breakfast over - by the way, American importers bi-inc his tra direct from Chinn, not via Montreal or London - he takes to his farm implemeiits. Foreign impíeaients-', such as spade, shovels, hoes, forks, rakes, etc, are taxed 35 per cent. : woodon paus, tubs, churn?, etc, 35 per cent. ; and plowB, taarrows, seed sowe, culsivators, mowers, reinéis, threshiDc machine, etc., 35 per cent. ; acd in ISliO, wben the battle of the Jïorrüt tariff was beine foueht ia congres, the agenis of the ereat Bedford and Leices'er flruis pradicreH that an import duty on thelr goods would ruin farn-.intr in the United Stateí. He bas discovered, however, that tlils is not true. Home faciories have êprung up every where, nnd the keen competitiou not ooly kept downurjees, but incited theiuvertive genius ot tlie!i.meiican mechan ic, so that Yankee farm implemetits have become the cheapest and the bestin the world. The heavy and cumbrous Engbsh machines are beine Priven, f rom . f oroian markets, and even ..trom fh Englisu market itsel f, which McCoriuick of Chicago has invaded witb great succes. Io facr., when our' farmer contémplate tbe growth and proportion of this industry, it uecuis to him tbat the English ngents who lobbied and even bnbed politicians and newspapera to oppose the high tariff, were not actuated ao much by regard for the condition of the Yankee farmer as by the conseiousoess tbat protection would deprive tbem of the American market, and by the fear that it would in tbe long run make the Yank' e manufacturer a formidable rival in other markets. WHAI HE THIXKS WHILE AT WORK. This is wbat the farmer thfnks as he works in hisfields and about his barnyard during the forenoon. He Is etarted out of bis reverje by a toot of the dinner horn, and sits down at the table nothing put out by the rc-flectlon that tin horns of foreign make are taxed nbout two cents each. Neither doe? he lose his a$Detite wnen he remembers that furni'ure, nich as the chflir b.e sittmg oa, th table at wbich he is eating aud the (Iresstr whore the dlsbes are stored is taxed 35 per cent. when ot fo'elgn make. This duty has helped to (stablish buüdreds of furnilure fflctorles and to give employmoDt to tens of tbousands of mecbaisics throughout the Union, and in this wy has bei eflted him, for the horne mauufacurer is bverywhere the farmer's best triend. ON HIS WAY TO MARKET. Af ter dinner be stts out for the market town, and as he journeys thitherhe pitlestbe Canadian fírmer, who, os a rule, has to disposo oí his pro-.luee to thn middlemen that stand like a row of tax gatherers, each levving his tithe, belween the Kanuck farin acd tbe fcreiín consume r. He woní'ers, too, Thisold Yankee farmer, íiow the Canadian faniis enduro wljeaL and harlev yefir ulter iar, and rejoices that prfttection lias given him a Lome market to whlch he can Mippiy 1-lmost every variety ot erop. He is following lis traln of tiiought when be euter6 the market town at 1 o'tlock:, and bis synipütby for tlie Canadian faniíer ís deepened as he S:es ir.oops of Cañarían operativos returning lo che faetones froin tbeir dinuer. WORKINGMEN DON'T GO TO CAXADA. "I wonder," he communes, "if the Kanuck farmer ever tees a crowd of Yankee opratives coing to work Ín a C'inailian factory? Guess not. Then what d o free traders mean by arguing thaf. protect-loti. &uh as we ¦ Yankees are cuised witb, ruins iudustry, while free t.rade, witl which the Kanucks have long been blessed, builda i?, up audmakt'ga nation great? If tliat were no would not these active little FnnchCiUadians be at work iu Montreal, and would not our YíiDkee mechaoics be pouin.E over there alsjí llow ís it, ye free trado t'eoiists, that lile census of I8TU sta .wcí tlia.1 Cunada, wi'h 4.000,000 of people, haii sent us ucarly 500,000, or oue in eigbt, of lier cliildr.-n'i And ho is lt that tbe Cauadi-ju tenyus of 1870 shovved that we, with ten limes fnur millious, had sent Canuda only 70,000 Yankees?" WBAT HE GETS KOR HIS PRODUCE. By this time he has reached tbe store, and soon díeposes of his wheat, tomatoee, carros, potatoee, etc. With the money recived in payment be makes bis little purchatfs, and tinds no small consolation in knowing tht almost every dollar that be paya out coes to home industiita. Out sid is cet notliitíg (-xcept for ruw articles the United .States cauuot, produce, euch ah tea and coffee f' Even if 1 bave to pay a titile more for some of niy purchnsL'f," he fays to liiinself, "it ie satlsfaoory to know the money will be ki-pk iu the country, and pa'd out agdin pronuce I grow, and tbe bei. f, mutton and purk 1 raise." WELL EXOUGH OFF AT HOME. He tbinks this over as he travels homeward, and talks protection vs. free trade with his soos in the evenlng. Oue of them works on the farm, and the others ure at trades in the town - Ciliada has bal no utt uctions for them. "You boyn are all hore,"says the ol't man, "and 1 guess that is pretty good evidence that this is a habitable country, proieetion and all. If you had goue io Canada or England, and settled Uien-, and were wrlünj; over for your friereis and acqualntaoces to joln you, &s the half nilJlion Canadians and tho bundreda ot tbcusands of Englisbmen in tbe statts d", I sbould be iiiclined to suspect soinethine wrong. But bere weare, drawing tbousands of immiirants every year froui free-trade countries, wbile retaining óur own folk nt borne; payiiig ofï ur war debt rapidlv, aud gettnie our bnnds inlo our own bnrids; exitinfr$ü00,0(10,ü00 a year more tban wo iuiport; developmg our bonie inoustiies, pu-bmg our foreln trade and goine aliead like tbunder, in spite of panics nnd bad 7olitic- - boy?, I gutss we've eveiy reason to tbauk Goü."


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News